
#424 Forget bad things- 悪いことは忘れる

Minato-Mirai TMC 424th Meeting on December 28th, 2024

Meeting theme: Forget bad things

Word of the DayWOD】:tip-top

 Only few days left this year… What were your good memories this leaving year? Or, probably you have some bad ones… but don’t memorize! The theme of our last meeting this year was “forget bad things”! Remember only good things and welcome new year with fresh mind.



We started with Joke and Tips Session by TM OT. He was also prepared speaker this time but he gladly accepted the role.

To understand his joke, we have to explain Toastmasters Timer’s rule. Each speech we have to finish within each decided minutes, and when the time has come Timer shows red signal. When the speaker sees the red signal, speaker has to finish speech within 30 seconds.

この日はジョークやためになる話を披露するセッションからスタート。担当は、この日の準備スピーチもしてくれるTM OTが、ぜひ披露したいジョークがあると引き受けてくれました。


The joke introduced by TM OT is like this: A person was driving, then he was stopped by a police officer, who said, “you didn’t stop at the red light”. But the driver replied, “I’m a Toastmaster member”. Do you understand the meaning? The member said, “we have 30 seconds yet!”.


The next session was Table Topic Session. The theme of the meeting was “forget bad things”, so our wise Table Topic master TM OS chose questions Not about bad things but good memories or wishes, such as “good memory of this year”, or “what you want to see next year?” and “what do you want to accomplish new year?”. We could think about our bright memories and futures. Good questions!

次は即興で質問に答えるテーブルトピックセッション。お題を出したのはTM OS。この日の例会テーマは「悪いことは忘れる」なので、悪いことを思い出させるような質問ではなく、「今年の良い思い出は」「来年は何を見たい?」「新しい年に何を達成したい?」といった、輝く思い出や明るい未来を考えさせる質問を出してくれました。さすが!

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM MZ: Yet

TM MZ was feeling not good few weeks ago, but he had important meeting in his job. He somehow finished his presentation, but the result was not satisfying for him. Why I couldn’t do it? He has become negative. But in a few days, gradually he changed his mind. Not yet he has found his own potential, and this opportunity was to recover his failure for better result. 

We don’t have to be too negative by just one bad evaluation, the important thing is to learn from it.

TM MZはしばらく調子が悪い中、仕事の大事な会議をこなしました。なんとか発表をしたけれど、結果は自分で満足できず。どうしてうまくできなかったのか…悲観的になっていく心。でも数日たち、少しずつ気持ちを切り替えました。今回はまだ、自分の可能性を見つけられなかっただけ。失敗は、もっと良い結果をこれから導くための機会。


TM IW: Are you enjoying your life?

TM IW presented a visual aid, which showed the history of human beings. His project of this speech was using effective visual aid. He explained the loooong history of the universe and the earth, and each life of us was tooooo short compared with the history. Life is full of up and down, he said. But what matters? The up and down of each life was just little thing, so we don’t have time to be negative in our short life.

Following the first speech of TM MZ, this his speech also encouraged us to live positively.

視覚的な効果を活用するのが今回のプロジェクトだったTM IWのスピーチ。彼が見せたのは、宇宙や地球の長~~い歴史を示した図でした。数十年、せいぜい百年ちょっとの私たちの人生、これらの歴史に比べたら、なんと短いことか。人生は山あり谷あり。でも、そのでこぼこなんて小さなこと。短い人生、悲観的になっている時間はない。

1人目のTM MZのスピーチに続き、前向きに生きるよう励ましてくれる内容でした。


TM OT: Bumpy Ride

When he introduced Toastmasters joke TM OT looked like a refined comedian, but this speech he started with showing his feeling that he wanted to be wrapped up in a blanket. He said he was not good at talk with strangers, but he had to attend a networking event, where he was to in a group with other 3 persons who met for the first time and know each other. He tried to memorize what kind of person each his member was. He knew face to face communication was important to do networking, and self-disclosure was the key to success.

軽妙なジョークを披露した時は洗練されたコメディアンのようだったTM OT。スピーチでは一転して「毛布にくるまっていたかった」という気持ちから語り始めました。知らない人と会話するのは苦手、でも、ある人脈作りの集まりに参加しなければいけなかった。そこでは初対面の3人とグループになり、お互いを知っていく必要がありました。それぞれどんな人かを懸命に覚えたTM OT。そして、人と直接会う場が大切であり、自分の心を開いて語るのが成功の秘訣であると語りました。


Then we had evaluation session, and selected best speakers. Thank you for this year, and let’s enjoy next year’s meetings!



Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is the first gathering in 2025, on January 11th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/


The next time is special. We’re having Inhouse international speech contest. You can join us as a guest as usual, but it is not our regular meeting.

Our next regular meeting is on January 25th from 2pm at Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center, near Nihon-Odori or Kannai station.



Access to Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center (なか区民活動センターへのアクセス): https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/naka/kurashi/kyodo_manabi/kyodo_shien/kuminkatsudo/acsess.html


Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#423 Celebrating Christmas- クリスマスを寿ぐ

 Minato-Mirai TMC 423rd Meeting on December 14th, 2024

Meeting theme: Celebrating Christmas

Word of the DayWOD】:Year-end

 Merry Christmas! We had our December’s first meeting, with the theme “Celebrating Christmas”. Here you see many Santa!


This time started with Joke&Tips Session. TM IS introduced a book. The book is full of illustrations of sweets! It showed Japanese good, delicious things. Looks so yummy!

この日は軽い冗談やためになる情報を紹介するセッションから。TM ISが取り出したのは1冊の本。そこには、お菓子のイラストがたくさん!「日本のいいもの、おいしいもの」を見せるこの本、見ているだけでとっても美味しそう!


As Word of the Day showed it was Year-end (it is recommended to use the chosen word during the meeting), the questions of Table topic were also related to it. Looking back your new year’s resolution, is it completed? What is your resolution of 2025? …Umm, what was my resolution this year…do you remember?

この日のWord of the Day(本日の単語:例会で使うように努める言葉です)はYear-end(年末の~)。それにちなみ、即興で答えるTable Topicsの質問も年末に関連した内容。新年の抱負は達成された?来年の抱負は?…うーん、今年の抱負、何だっけ…?皆さん、自分の、覚えていますか?

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM JO: Do you see?

The title was something mysterious… TM JO started his speech as if he was a detective. He showed us a picture of Trevi Fountain. Many tourists just see the water and throw coins. But from another view, the architecture, statues are so attractive for designers. We see another thing even if we are in the same situation.

「あなたは見ている?」って、なんだか謎に包まれたタイトル… TM JOはあたかも探偵のように話し始めました。彼が見せたのは、イタリアの観光名所「トレビの泉」の写真。多くの旅行者は水面を見て、コインを投げ入れるだけ。でも違った視点で見ると、その奥の建築や像はデザイナーの目を引き付けるものばかりです。そう、同じ場所にいても、何を見るかはあなた次第。

TM NK: India

TM NK reported his business trip to India. The pictures he showed delivered us the alive atmosphere of this cheerful country. He said no one looked down there, people were powerful and diversity. Taking picture together, learning improvised Yoga lesson on the street… He strongly recommended to visit. Yes, I wish to go!

インドに出張した時の様子を報告したTM NK。スライドで見せてくれた写真はどれも、この国の生き生きとした陽気な雰囲気を伝えていました。「誰も下を向いていない、みんな力強く、多様な人たち」とTM NK。一緒に写真を撮ったり、道端で即興のヨガレッスンを受けたりしたそうで、ぜひ訪れるのをお勧めされました。行きたい!


TM OS: What we can learn by Mentoring

The master of Toastmasters, TM OS spoke about mentoring in Toastmasters Club. He said audience in our meeting is important, as well as each role. We cannot hold our meeting without audience, the nodding, laughing and crying of audience is essential to our speech club. Also being contestant is best way to skill up your speech, he emphasized. Yes, we will have our inhouse contest soon…!

トーストマスターズクラブのマスターとも言えるTM OSは、クラブでの「メンタリング」について語りました。例会にはいろんな役割が必要、でも、聴衆という役割も同じように重要。うなずいたり、笑ったり泣いたりする聞き手は、スピーチをするクラブには欠かせません。そして、スピーチを上達させるのにはコンテストに出場するのが一番だ、とも。そう、もうすぐクラブ内でのコンテスト…!


After prepared speech session, we had evaluation speeches as always.

But this day’s main person was him…? He was this day’s GRAHCO(Grammarian and Ah-Counter), and the sash said “I am today’s leading role!”.

その後はいつも通り、それぞれのスピーチへを評価するevaluation speech sessionでした。



Anyway, Congratulations on best speaker TM NK!

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is December 28th from 2pm at Yokohama city Shakai Fukushi Center in Yokohama city Health and Welfare Center Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 231-8482 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 横浜市健康福祉総合センター (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://www.yokohamashakyo.jp/sisyakyo/map/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#422 Thanks gathering day- この集まりに感謝して

Minato-Mirai TMC 422nd Meeting on November 23rd, 2024

Meeting theme: Thanks gathering day

Word of the DayWOD】:foster


Deep autumn day, we held a joint meeting with Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club!


Joint meeting gives us good opportunities to know how the other clubs’ meetings are going. On this meeting, we tried “Good and new session” for the first time, which Omotesando club does every time at the beginning of each meeting. Several members made short speeches about their good news in 24 hours or in one week.

合同例会は、他のクラブの例会がどんな流れかを知る良い機会です。今回は、表参道クラブが例会の冒頭で毎回行っている「Good and new セッション」に初めて挑戦。数名のメンバーが、24時間以内、あるいはこの1週間での良いニュースについて短いスピーチをしました。

Then we had “Table topic session” as usual. According to the meeting theme “Thanks gathering day”, the questions were about who you thank to, your memorial gathering, about celebrating yourself and so on. 5 members from both clubs made their speech successfully!

その後はいつものように、出された質問に即興で答えていく「Table topicセッション」。この日の合同例会のテーマ「Thanks gathering day(集まりに感謝する日!)」にちなみ、感謝したい人は誰か、思い出深い集まりは、自分自身を祝うなら?といった質問に、両クラブから5人のメンバーが見事に答えていきました!

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM IM(from Minatomirai): Toastmaster, What Else?

The first speaker was from Minatomirai club. TM IM have been a member of Toastmaster club for ten years. She explained why she could continue for a long time. One reason is, yes, the beer after meeting! …but there are others of course. Joy of speaking. Meeting amazing people from various backgrounds. These are our treasure.

準備スピーチのセッション、1人目はみなとみらいクラブからTM IM。トーストマスターズを10年続けているそうで、どうしてこれだけ長く続けられるかを語りました。理由の1つは、そう、例会後のビール!…でももちろん、それだけではありません。スピーチをする喜び。さまざまな背景を持つ人たちとの出会い。それらがみんな、宝物です。


TM FR (from Minatomirai): Celebrating life

TM FR is from Mexico and he introduced the country’s tradition of celebration of dead. Talking about death, some of us may feel frightened a little bit. You may think why they celebrate dead? But he said, dead people come to meet their families once a year, at Day of the Dead. Their families talk about their loved ones and cherish them on that day. Thinking about dead is also thinking about our life. We can build our future from cherishing lives.

メキシコ出身のみなとみらいクラブメンバー、TM FRが語ったのは、故郷の伝統である「死者の日」。なぜ死者の日を祝うのか?死というと恐れを感じる人もいるかもしれません。でも、その日は、亡くなった人が年に1度、家族に会いに来る日。家族はその愛する人を想い、慈しむのです。そう、死を考えるのは、私たちの生を考えるということ。命を慈しむことで、未来を築いていけるのです。


TM RO(from Omotesando): Umaku iku

The third speaker was Omotesando member, TM RO. We wondered what it meant the title was before listening. The mystery was solved when he showed us a Tenugui(towel), it said “馬九行く(Umaku iku=in Japanese “nine horses goes on”) with pictures of nine horses. Also “Umaku iku” means “everything going to be all right” in Japanese. He has his own Instagram and he posts the photo of this Tenugui with explanation. Then he got a message from his follower, saying the follower was encouraged by his post. He concluded that writing every day can change someone’s life.

3人目は表参道クラブのメンバー、TM ROが登場。「Umaku iku」というタイトルに、日本語?どういう意味?と皆、聞く前は思っていました。その謎が解けたのは、彼が見せた手ぬぐいの意味を説明された時。九頭の馬が描かれ「馬九行く」と書かれていました。掛詞で「上手くいく」とも読めます。TM ROは自身のインスタグラムにこの手ぬぐいと意味を投稿。すると、フォロワーから「励まされた」とメッセージが届きました。毎日の投稿は、誰かの人生を変えることもできる。そんな言葉で締めくくりました。


TM RO got the best speaker today! Congratulations!

And, thank you TM MZ, Toastmaster of the Day and the organizer of this joint meeting!

この日のベストスピーカーはTM RO!おめでとうございます!

そして、この日の司会者でもあり、合同例会の企画に尽力してくれたTM MZに感謝!


The last, yes we had beer time! Thank you YOKOHAMA BEER!


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is December 14th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




The next meeting is on 11/23 - Special time for Joint Meeting! 次回は特別、合同例会です!

 ★Invitation to the next meeting of 11/23★

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 23th, November from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building. 

 Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us:


The next meeting is special, joint meeting with Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters club. We welcome Omotesando club members to Minatomirai!
Guests can join our meeting as usual. Don't hesitate to contact us.




#421 Early Winter has come ー季節はもう冬?

Minato-Mirai TMC 421st Meeting on November 9th, 2024

Meeting theme: Early Winter

Word of the DayWOD】:phenomenal


It’s getting cold recently on a sudden. The theme of our first meeting in November was “Early Winter”. Then, do you think November is winter? It was one of the table topics questions this time!

The answer of the speaker was it was already winter, because soon after Halloween there were Christmas decoration in many places!




<Joke & Tips Session>

This time the Joke & Tips Master introduced us very useful tips that how to make our speech better ones, especially beginning of our speech. The introduction is important to get attention. Also, making statement in our story is effective to emphasize our message. These tips are in Toastmasters manual, so let’s learn from it more!



<Prepared Speech Session>

TM SK: Kofun Culture, Buddhist Culture, and AI

The first speaker TM SK told us his interest about Kofun, the old historical graves. The Kofun era was around 3rd to 6th century in Japan, then has changed to Buddhist culture era. He explained the connection of these two cultures, and said that let us see what AI would leave us in the future.

History repeats itself and all the matters are connected. We could feel huge tide of our eras.

TM SKが語ったのは、古墳への彼の興味関心。古墳時代は日本で3~6世紀ごろにあった時代で、その後は仏教文化の影響を受けた時代となっていきました。古墳時代と仏教の時代、2つのつながりを説明した後にTM SKは、現代のAIが未来に何を残すのかを見ていこう、と告げました。



TM SG: When Silence is…

Years ago, when TM SG lived in Bulgaria, he experienced unforgettable accident. His 3-year-old son have been suffering from high fever. A local doctor said it was no problem, but he and his wife couldn’t believe because their son looked so bad. They stayed a night, and the next day he went to his office as usual and said nothing about his son to his colleague. But his wife told to her friend, and the friend connected her to Japanese embassy, so their son was rescued by better doctor. From this episode, he emphasized that we should open our mind and make connection.

TM SGがブルガリアに住んでいた時の話。3歳の息子が高熱で苦しみ、地元の医師は「大丈夫」と言うも、良くならない様子に不安なまま一夜を過ごしました。翌朝、TM SGは普段通り仕事に行き、息子のことも同僚に黙ったままでした。しかし妻は友人に相談しており、そのつてで日本大使館につながり、より良い医師に診てもらって息子は救われました。心を開き、人とつながることが大事だと強調する、胸に響く話でした。


TM OG: Dating match

TM OG is now trying to find his partner. This story was one of his efforts. He joined a 3-days volunteer tour, that his purpose was mainly to meet his future-partner. He succeeded to talk to a lady alone. Yes, he finally found his love?! …But she was planning to go abroad soon after the tour.

He continues his try. Good luck!

将来のパートナー探しを続けているTM OG。その努力の1つのお話です。ある3日間のボランティアツアーに参加したTM OG、主な目的はそう、未来のパートナーに出会うこと。ツアー中、1人の女性と2人きりで話すのに成功しました。遂に愛が生まれた?!…しかし、彼女はツアー後すぐ海外に赴くとのことで。




Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

 The next meeting is November 23rd from 2pm, the place will be near Sakuragicho station. Please feel free to contact us, and come to our meeting!


Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#420 Happy Halloween! ―ハッピーハロウィーン!

 Minato-Mirai TMC 420th Meeting on October 26th, 2024

Meeting theme: Happy Halloween

Word of the DayWOD】:authentic


In October, Halloween decoration is everywhere! Our meeting was no exception and we decorated for Halloween.

Look, who is this strange silver hat person…?



Then, Joke&Tips Master of the day made her first joke with her costume… a prisoner.


Prepared speech session

TM OT: My way or Highway

TM OT explained how leadership styles influenced human relationships. He worked with his own style for a long time, which was fit to his job, but he wondered it was good for his family. Now he studies what is leadership again to make his private life better than before.

Deep theme, and we felt his sincere attitude to his job and also to his family.

TM OTが語ったのは、リーダーシップのかたちがどう人間関係に影響するのかについて。彼は自分なりのやり方で長く仕事をしてきて、それはその仕事には合っていた。でも、家族にはそのやり方はどうだったんだろうかと考え、いまあらためて、今度は仕事ではなく自分の私生活をもっと充実させるために、リーダーシップとは何かを学んでいるそう。

深い話で、TM OTの仕事や家族に対する真摯な態度を感じられるスピーチでした。

TM AD: Aftermath

TM AD caught COVID-19 last year, and this was her story of aftermath. One day, she felt so thirsty and drunk 5 liters per day. Same as the next day, and the next day… it must be something wrong. She saw a doctor, but not got well. Another hospital, she found what was her illness was because of lasting effects of COVID-19.

Her story was serious but her speech style was funny, and she emphasized it was important to quest for the real reason of your unusual symptom.

昨年、新型コロナに感染した時の話をスピーチしたTM AD、今回はその後の話。ある日、1日に5リットルも水分を取るほどのどが渇く症状に悩まされ、それがずっと続いていき…おかしい。医者にかかるも良くならず。別の病院で、コロナ後遺症による珍しい症状だったと分かりました。

深刻な話でしたが、さすがの話術で引き込み笑いも誘ったTM AD。異常な症状があったら、納得するまで原因を探すのが大切と強調しました。

TM KM: Make the Mission Possible

The next day of this meeting was the general election day. TM KM was doing related job to this election, and she introduced her mission for this election. The project of this speech was successful team collaboration. She told her story how her team completed their mission successfully. Members must have thought they had to go to the election… and did they?

この例会の翌日は、衆議院議員総選挙の日。この選挙に関わる仕事をしているTM KMは、そのミッションがどんな内容だったかを語りました。スピーチのプロジェクトは、チームで協力して成功したことを話すこと。どうやってチームで仕事を成功させたのかを聞いたメンバーはきっと、選挙に行かなければと思ったことでしょう。ちゃんと行ったかな?


By the way, after having a tea on the way to home, Japan Series was about to start at Yokohama Stadium!


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is November 9th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We
re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#419 It's our Oktoberfest! ―オクトーバーフェスト!

Minato-Mirai TMC 419th Meeting on October 12th, 2024

Meeting theme: Oktoberfest

Word of the DayWOD】:Figuratively Speaking

Finally, it was cool and sunny beautiful autumn day!

The theme of the first meeting in this October was “Oktoberfest”. Actually, the word is Germany and the original Oktoberfest is held in Munich. Nowadays the festival is held in many countries and it’s in now at Red Bricks in Yokohama. I’d like to visit the festival in the city someday… but one of our members told us that he had worked in Germany and enjoyed the festival many times! Envy you!




In the meeting, some table topics were also related to Oktoberfest, “what is your favorite festival in Autumn?” and so on. This day over half of our members were absent and there were 11 members and 1 guest, and 5 members answered each questions impromptly.


Prepared speech session

TM OG: Glico time

TM OG introduced his recent experience that provoked kind of nostalgy. Glico is one of a play we Japanese often played when we were children. One day he encountered a boy and his mother, and the boy was eager to play Glico with her on the way to his home. It was evening, almost time for dinner, but the mother agreed to play with him. The boy looked happy. 

TM OG thinks that these small memories with family is precious and remains for longtime. He met them near his parents’ home, when he visited there because his grandfather passed away. He also remembered his memories with his grandpa.

郷愁を誘う「グリコ」にまつわる最近の経験を語ったTM OG。日本人なら子どものころ遊んだであろう、相手とじゃんけんをして、勝った手の文字数だけ進んでいくちょっとした遊び。ある日、TM OGは帰宅途中の男の子と母親と会い、その男の子が「グリコ」を母親とやりたがっている声を聞きました。もう日が暮れて、夕食の準備をする時間。でも母親は一緒に遊ぶと言ってくれたようで、男の子はうれしそうでした。

ちょっとした、でも大切な家族との思い出。きっとこういう記憶は、大人になっても残る。TM OGが親子に会ったのは、祖父が亡くなり帰省した実家のそば。親子の姿に、おじいちゃんとの思い出が心によみがえったのでした。

TM MZ: AI is…!

What is AI? Is it useful for human? TM MZ has started his speech about AI. But soon something got strange in the atmosphere. The audience interrupted the speech with questions again and again. Yes, this is the project of the speech that “managing a difficult audience”. The speech time was 15 minutes (doubled than usual) and TM MZ had to finish his speech while managing the audience. 

Most of members joined interrupting the speech by questioning (with fun, definitely). TM MZ must have been hard time, but he didn’t lose his temper and finished the speech calmly. Good job!

続いてのスピーカーはTM MZAIとは何?人間にとって便利なの?といった話を始めたのですが、すぐに何か聴衆の様子がおかしくなりました。割り込んで質問を重ね、スピーチを邪魔するのです。そう、これがTM MZが挑戦した「難しい聴衆に対処する」というプロジェクト。通常の倍の15分というスピーチ時間で、横槍を入れてくる聴衆にその場でうまく対処しながら、スピーチをまとめなければなりません。聴衆はやや調子に乗って(私もですが、楽しみながら)かなり発言が飛び交ったのでTM MZは大変だったと思いますが、怒らず冷静にやり遂げました。お疲れさま!


TM IW: Toastmasters and Me

The third speaker was TM IW. He joined this Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club in 2007. Since he joined this club, he had been giving many speeches related to “Glocalization”, the word combined with globalization and localization. TM IW said that every role in our meeting was necessary for our club, same as business world.

 He emphasized that Toastmasters club is a good training place for our life, where we can challenge and make mistakes. In our real job, we have to avoid failure, but TM IW encouraged us saying, “let’s make mistakes, we can try anything in this club”. Thank you for wonderful message!

3人目はTM IW2007年にみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブに入ったベテランです。入ってからは「グローカリゼーション」に関わるテーマでたくさんのスピーチをしてきたTM IW。グローバルな広い視野を持ちつつ、ローカルな地域での活動をするのがグローカリゼーション。このクラブの例会での1つ1つの役割もまた、ビジネスの世界につながっていると語ります。


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

Our next meeting is on 26th, October! 次回は10月26日開催です!

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We
re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html



The next meeting is on 10/12 - Feel autumn breeze 次回は10月12日、秋の風に誘われてお越しください

★Invitation to the next meeting of 10/12★

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 12th, October from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building. 

 Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us:



#418 Autumn coziness ― 秋の心地良さ

Minato-Mirai TMC 418th Meeting on September 28th, 2024

Meeting theme: Autumn
Word of the Day【WOD】:Cosy
We feel more energetic when it gets cooler, it’s Autumn.
Having appetite, Watching movie, going to trip, and getting sleep more and more.
We are Minatomirai Toastmasters club members who enjoy new encounters and share each stories every meeting.


Today we started sharing Joke & Tips session by TM IM.
「How about watching movie in long Autumn night?」
She introduced the movie "Holiday" from Taipei. That was perfect for our feeling.
I really want to be nostalgic, is it because of Autumn or my age?  

本日はTM IMのJoke&Tipsセッションから。

Table Topic session is produced by TM JY (thru online).
We all assumed today’s question must be autumn related, but that was wrong. It was about China’s history.
However, TM JO tried that question. We were impressed by his courage.
Also, TM MK shared his holiday’s morning routine. He cooks Pizza for his lovely wife with delicious coffee.
I felt pathetic for my self by his actions... how wonderful gentleman he is.

Table Topicセッションはオンラインで出席のTM JYがお題を出しました。
テーマの「秋」でくると思いきや、「Chinaの歴史で知ってることは?」という誰も構えられなかったお題に、TM JOが果敢にTRYする姿に、メンバー達は感心。
また、TM MKは休日の朝、妻のためにピザを焼いて、おいしいコーヒーを淹れるルーティンを披露。
TM MKのイメージそのままの素敵な行動に、自分が情けなくなる筆者Nでした。

<Prepared speech session>

①TM JO: The Beginning of a Journey

JO was born in Brazil, on the opposite side of the world from Japan.
The miraculous encounter, it’s that we are talking together here was due to the decisions he made many times.
His unique path, which he has made with an eye to the future, has always shone brightly and will continue to do so forever.
That was a nice ice-breaking speech. And congratulations on winning the BEST SPEAKER award!

ブラジルという日本からいえば地球の間反対に生まれたTM JO。

②TM IS: My true leader

TM IS used to work at the famous IT company.
And it's so enviable that she had seen the revival of the company from inside!
Having witnessed the world's strongest leadership, she chose Toastmasters club as the training ground for her skills.
She's already given a fantastic presentation, but we can't wait to see how much she grows in the future!


③TM OT: 11%
TM OT delivered a lengthy 12-minute speech on the theme of  "Effective Coaching", with no problems.
His humanity was incredible as he candidly shared his bitter experiences from the past.
Because of his struggles, he shines today. This is the “DARUMA” spirit.
There is a background to every guideline. We were moved by his wonderful story for 12 minutes.

「Effective Coaching」というテーマをもって、且つ12分という長尺なスピーチを何事もなくこなしたTM OT。

④TM OS: Words of YAMAMOTO Isoroku
TM OS reinterpreted Yamamoto Isoroku's famous words.  He fired a cannonball that struck our heart as a leadership theory that was relevant to the modern era and to everyone.
The difficult thing about cultivating is to "trust, respect, delegate, and praise".
And "waiting" until they can do may be a big challenge for impatient Japanese people.
It was a great talk that is applicable to both business and child-rearing.

TM OSは山本五十六の名言を改めて捉えなおし、現代の、そして誰にでも通ずるリーダーシップ論として我々の胸に突き刺さる大砲を打ち込んでくれました。

Best Evaluator: TM CY
Best Table Topic Master: TM MK
Best Speaker: TM JO

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

★The next meeting is on October 12th! 次回は10月12日です!★

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
