
#420 Happy Halloween! ―ハッピーハロウィーン!

 Minato-Mirai TMC 420th Meeting on October 26th, 2024

Meeting theme: Happy Halloween

Word of the DayWOD】:authentic


In October, Halloween decoration is everywhere! Our meeting was no exception and we decorated for Halloween.

Look, who is this strange silver hat person…?



Then, Joke&Tips Master of the day made her first joke with her costume… a prisoner.


Prepared speech session

TM OT: My way or Highway

TM OT explained how leadership styles influenced human relationships. He worked with his own style for a long time, which was fit to his job, but he wondered it was good for his family. Now he studies what is leadership again to make his private life better than before.

Deep theme, and we felt his sincere attitude to his job and also to his family.

TM OTが語ったのは、リーダーシップのかたちがどう人間関係に影響するのかについて。彼は自分なりのやり方で長く仕事をしてきて、それはその仕事には合っていた。でも、家族にはそのやり方はどうだったんだろうかと考え、いまあらためて、今度は仕事ではなく自分の私生活をもっと充実させるために、リーダーシップとは何かを学んでいるそう。

深い話で、TM OTの仕事や家族に対する真摯な態度を感じられるスピーチでした。

TM AD: Aftermath

TM AD caught COVID-19 last year, and this was her story of aftermath. One day, she felt so thirsty and drunk 5 liters per day. Same as the next day, and the next day… it must be something wrong. She saw a doctor, but not got well. Another hospital, she found what was her illness was because of lasting effects of COVID-19.

Her story was serious but her speech style was funny, and she emphasized it was important to quest for the real reason of your unusual symptom.

昨年、新型コロナに感染した時の話をスピーチしたTM AD、今回はその後の話。ある日、1日に5リットルも水分を取るほどのどが渇く症状に悩まされ、それがずっと続いていき…おかしい。医者にかかるも良くならず。別の病院で、コロナ後遺症による珍しい症状だったと分かりました。

深刻な話でしたが、さすがの話術で引き込み笑いも誘ったTM AD。異常な症状があったら、納得するまで原因を探すのが大切と強調しました。

TM KM: Make the Mission Possible

The next day of this meeting was the general election day. TM KM was doing related job to this election, and she introduced her mission for this election. The project of this speech was successful team collaboration. She told her story how her team completed their mission successfully. Members must have thought they had to go to the election… and did they?

この例会の翌日は、衆議院議員総選挙の日。この選挙に関わる仕事をしているTM KMは、そのミッションがどんな内容だったかを語りました。スピーチのプロジェクトは、チームで協力して成功したことを話すこと。どうやってチームで仕事を成功させたのかを聞いたメンバーはきっと、選挙に行かなければと思ったことでしょう。ちゃんと行ったかな?


By the way, after having a tea on the way to home, Japan Series was about to start at Yokohama Stadium!


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is November 9th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We
re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html

