






Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 3 sessions as follows.

- Table Topics (an impromptu speech competition)
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech)

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.
If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule

March 9, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
March 23, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
April 13, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
April 27, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
May 11, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center








Induction ceremony

本日は、久々!新規にご入会頂いた期待のニューカマー、IsさんとOtさんのinduction ceremonyが有りました。Isさんは、卓抜したリサーチ力と行動力で昨年のゲスト参加から入会に至った方、Otさんはまるで牧場でも経営していそうな温和な外見からは想像出来ませんが、例会中に積極的に発言されるアツイ方です。











English speech meeting report

It is a regular meeting report! Today we held the in-house contest for the Spring English Speech Contest. Seven contestants entered, amazing!

Today's contest was led by chair, Mt and chief judge, Kw. For the sake of this day, they prepared it from the end of the last year. Their presence gave added grace to the contest management.

Although it is somewhat a complicated toastmasters system, in general, in order to hold the English speech contest, we need to assign more than 10 roles. There seems to be a club that seeks cooperation from other clubs, as they cannot hold the contest on their own.

Fortunately, Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club was able to assign almost all the roles within the club except for the contestants. In addition to the contestant of English speech, I am proud that we are a member of the cooperative Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club!

We pray for the two contestants who will proceed to the area contest!

Following the contest, there was the induction ceremony for two newcomers, Is and Ot. Is has a gifted research skill and active attitude. Ot is unable to imagine from a mild appearance but remarked positively at the regular meeting.

In terms of textbooks, Toastmasters clubs offer you guys the opportunity to learn how to speak and leadership. We recognize ourselves that we are not so narrow to be fundamentalistic, but we offer the opportunity to learn "how to speaking in English and leadership" because Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club is an English club.

Please enjoy your club activities to the fullest! 

After the regular session, a feedback session lead Im was held. It was a discussion on English speech and contest in free styles.

At Minato Mirai Toastmasters club, there are some heat-up discussions to be handed down afterwards, but no matter how we heated up, we use the English. The theme is not a fictitious subject, it is about rules, club management, and so on.

There are some people who liked such a heat-up debate and joined our club. If you are interested, please visit us!


Os says, "It is the best way to enter the contest to run the first track of career" I can deeply understand this word.

Even at regular meetings, because of evaluation and the selection of the best speaker, we cannot miss it, but when it comes to the contest, there are points with certain criteria, the feeling of tension is different. Rules also change.

Let me introduce about the experience. It is a story of Kazuhiro Kiyohara who has a record of 2,000 hits, 1,500 hit points and 500 home runs which was achieved by only six players in professional baseball history.

He has two dishonourable records at the same time. It is the most record of strikeout (1,995 strikeouts) and the most record of the dead ball (196 times). It proves that he played many times and was afraid by the many pitchers. Minato Mirai Toastmasters club is a place where failures are allowed. I hope everyone will become a great English speaker and leader.




  • プリペアード・スピーチ(英語プレゼンテーション)
  • 論評(プリペアード・スピーチに対するフィードバック、もちろん英語で/通常例会後のオプションセッション)
  • その他




Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 2 sessions as follows.
We will hold the in-house speech contest!Seven contestants will be competing with each other. See you next time!
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech/Optional Session at regular meeting)
- Other

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.
If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule

Feb 23, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
March 9, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
March 23, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
April 13, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
April 27, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center


開会~word of the day



本日のword of the day

本日のword of the dayはextraordinary(形)。意味は尋常でない、並々でない、異常の、非凡な、と言った所です。語源の本を紐解くと、extraは(外へ)と言う意味の接頭語。ordinaryは普通の、通常の、と言う意味の形容詞です。通常(ordinary)の外へ(extra)で尋常でない、と言う事です。勉強になりました。









研究熱心なNkさんはDTM(distinguished toastmaster/複数冊のマニュアルを完了しているトーストマスターの事)から教えを乞うたそうです。ドバイでレンタカーを借りた時の英語スピーチでしたが、対話形式のスピーチの中にしっかりとそのエッセンスを盛り込んでいました。





Sbさん。スピーチタイトル・「sexual harassment matters」。ご自身が職場で意図とは裏腹にセクハラ認定されてしまったという内容の英語スピーチです。みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブの男性陣が一番集中していた時間かもしれません笑。人は思わぬ所で他人の「地雷」を踏んでしまうようです(僕もよく踏みます)。









English Speech Meeting Report

It is a regular meeting report!

Today's TMOD is Kb, our BBQ Master!!! He doesn’t like winter as there are few events. As an expression of his feeling, he wore "Terarena" T-shirt.

"Terarena" is an abbreviation of “yatte-rarenai”. At some TV show, a comedian who has exploded dissatisfaction with the setting to be given a good role in a drama. He said I cannot endure such situation, it cannot be “Yatterarenai”, finally became ”terarena!” I cannot agree with such a situation, too. 

At the Joke&Tips session, Og who has a variety of experience in communal living experiences talked about “three ways to go well with friends”. According to Og, it seems to respect the difference, taking / given credit, and communication.

Og is said to be "mental constipation" from a partner in communal life, there is a Japanese word that says "kojiraseru" in youth words expressing similar mental conditions. It derives from "catching a cold", it means a situation like "becoming an adult without a distorted way of seeing without correction".

She regards herself as a sarcastic, but she is a person who has an ambivalent charm that can handle relationships with Minato Toastmasters club members characterized as a positive. Generally speaking, the human being who holds the darkness may be understanding the world deeply by observing from the other side. 

First, Nk who is one of second challenging old guy! We are all waiting for his speech!! When he stands at the lectern, the temperature of the meeting room rises about two degrees lol. 

He seems to have been taught by DTM (distinguished toastmaster / Toastmaster who completed multiple manuals). It was a story when He borrowed a rental car in Dubai, he incorporated the essence firmly into a dialogue style. 

The second person, Mz talked about the experiences that led her to realize her strengths. According to her, she could become humble and open-mind, finally found her strengths by learning a new language. 

Mz has a very strong attachment to the language. The theme of Speech and jokes and tips sessions are also subject to language. I have an impression that throwing the same type of ball by changing pitching form. According to her, it seems to be due to consideration to members of Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club. 

Third person Gt talked about the experience when he was working as a leader in the United States, He compared the team as a ship, the leader as a captain and finally led success! Like a famous cartoon OnePiece, Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club is also a ship to travel for in search of treasure. 

Gt's speech has a thickness, as his speech derives from his own experience. At the beginning of this term, President As mentioned "experience", younger people can catch up by practising harder and harder. 

The 4th person was Sb. Speech title was "sexual harassment matters". He has experienced being regarded as sexually harassed despite his intention at work. It might be the time that the men of Minato Mirai Toastmasters were most concentrated. People seem to be stepping on other people's "landmines" in unexpected places (I also often step on). 

He tried the new method, "how to make the speech succeed despite limited time". And he finally won the best speaker, congratulations!! If you have a further inquiry about this, please ask for him! 


It was a regular meeting where the character of Minato Mirai Toastmasters club members was outstanding. There is a word saying "Character stands up" with this youth word again. "That personality is out." And, it is nuance. 

In the evaluation session, evaluators commented on the viewpoints of those who practice body language, those who are logically organized, and those who have studied English for decades. 

Next time, we will hold the in-house speech contest. Please enjoy English speech with a variety of members!