
# 403 Connect and Spark - 「心つなぎ、輝けぼくら」

Minato-Mirai TMC 403rd Meeting

Meeting theme: Connect and spark

Word of the Day【WOD】:Phenomenal

< Spring breeze / 春一番彡>

Hello, everyone!! Have you taken off your winter coat or jacket?? We can find many items related to cherry blossoms🌸 at stores. Winter is leaving. 

Fresh spring breeze makes me want to try something new. At the same time, I want to stay in a cozy place with my favorite people. 

What do you have in mind, when starting a new season? Hope you are excited to take a step forward to love yourself more!! Now, let’s look back to our last meeting♪♪






TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.OG

He introduced the meeting theme so passionately!! “Connect and Spark”

We, the club members, as the speakers and audience, have special moments to feel “we are connected” with our words. Something sparkling happens between us and we get new ideas, feel empathy and get to know each other. It leaves something valuable in our hearts. 

With his beautiful and philosophical talk, we started our meeting. 

今回の司会は OG さん。ミーティングテーマは「心つなぎ、輝けぼくら☆彡」




<Joke/Tips Session / 笑い話または役立つ話>


Joke and Tips Master was ™.TM. 

He introduced many “3 letters” in the various fields of our life. 

ASAP= As soon as possible. IDK=I don’t know.

DIY=Do it yourself. /BTW=By the way./ TBA= To be announced.

SOS=Save our souls. /LMK= Let me know. TTYL=Talk to you later. 

EYZ=Examine your zipper (Oh…Lol) 

He concluded his session with CAS. Connect and Spark!! Today’s meeting theme. Bravo!! 

「笑い話または役立つ話」のセッションを担当したのは、終身エンターテイメント副会長(Vice President of Entertainment) の肩書を持つ?ベテランメンバーのTMさん。



「CASが意味するものは?」総合司会のOGに問います。「Connect and Spark!! 」


Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

The Table Topics Master was ™CT. Her bright smile and cheerful talk engaged the audience and we enjoyed the session to get to know each other. 

【Questions and Answers】

Q1. What do you do when you relax? 

A1. I enjoy handwriting although I quitted the class very recently. (Hey, what happened!?) 

Q2. How do you describe your perfect day?

A2. Perfect day…I get up at the exact time I planned (✖oversleep), without working overtime go to gym and cook for my family!! It’s ordinary but valuable, special and perfect for me.  

Q3. What are you most passionate about? 

A3. My passion goes to my mission at work. I’m into active safety technology as an engineer. 

Q4. What are you most proud of? 

Q4.In the stressful and competing society, it’s sometimes difficult not to compare ourselves.  I’m proud that I can be happy and celebrate the people’s achievements around me.








<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① HSさん「Power of Imagination - 想像の力」

“All of you have Superpower.” A teacher talked to teenage girls. “You can change the world with the power of imagination.” One of the girls, ™.HS believed in the words.  

Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and his words had superpower. His belief made a big change in society and history. 

“I can be anything…with superpower.” Now she is not a teenager and understands it’s not guaranteed. But still now she cherishes this philosophy. With superpower, she can be energetic. She can have positive feelings. She can get a positive image of the future. 

Now we understand. Superpower has the power to make people believe in themselves and their possibilities.  






IM さん「Eat well, Live wellーよく食べ、よく生きることのすゝめ」

The 2nd speaker was ™.IM. 

She loves cooking and dining/eating. She talked about the importance of having nutritious food for our health and mind. Food is our fuel and also key to well-being and self-love. 

She introduce a quote by Virginia Woolf, “You can’t think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.”

™.IM also pointed out that food brings people together and works as the universal language to unite us, going above cultural and some other boundaries. She smiled and concluded her speech by encouraging us to try and enjoy a variety of food. They will bring excitement and joy to our lives. 





③ OSさん「I saw a lot of smiles and courageous women and menーそこにみんなの笑顔があった」

The 3rd speaker was ™.OS. He was our club President last term: 2022-2023. 6 months have passed. He looked back at the days. 

His top priorities were the following: “Smiles of club members” and “Enjoyable and fruitful regular meetings”. He also wished for the member’s fulfilling activities “going beyond the regular meetings.”

We welcomed many new members. We enjoyed ourselves and did a great job. But we had many hardships during the term. He and the club officers tackled and overcame every difficulty. Sometimes their ideas were different and they argued/quarreled but tried to find the best possible options. They were united as a team. 

Unforgettable and precious memories. ™.OS was a stubborn, too passionate and beloved president. 




1. 任期開始と同時に多くの会員の離脱

2. コロナ禍におけるハイブリッド例会の難しさ

3. 時期が重複した2つのコンテスト運営

4. オフィサーのメンバーの喪失と空席

5. 次期役員の選出任命

6. 次期会費の回収と新しい支払い方法の模索(セルフペイ)



④ MR さん「Remembering Our Beginnings ー初心を忘れるべからず」

The 4th speaker was ™.MR. 

“Do you remember when you were a beginner at something?”

™.MR was not good at English at all although he had a great passion to go abroad. He flew to Australia and attended the class. He tried to speak up but couldn’t because he didn’t understand at all what was going on. He changed his mind and tried a new thing. 

Whiteboard communication!! He communicated with his friends in writing. 

He went out on the town with his whiteboard. He asked the pedestrians/ strangers about the direction toward the nearest station.  Some people spoke to him very fast. When he couldn’t keep up with them, he smiled and pretended like he understood them. But eventually, he could communicate with people without his whiteboard. 

What he learned is not only listening/speaking English.  He thanked the people for their “kindness and patience.” ™.MR is made from the experiences he has got. We could see his earnest, sincere and beautiful spirit/ personality in him.   


今は流暢に自分の言葉として英語を操る彼も、大学2年生のときはなんとTO▽ICのスコア300を下回る英語力だったとか!(ほんと!?) それでも海外に行きたいという情熱を胸にオーストラリアに旅立ちました。







<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 




General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator/Terminator(!?) ™.NK gave us powerful, unique and  encouraging feedback. He evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general. 



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  SMさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) SSさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) JNさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support for the onsite and online members!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:MRさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:Guest Jさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:KMさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. 

Do you have some favorite food recently? In my case, carrot cake🥕!!!! 

I really love it. Grated carrot, cinnamon, nutmeg and nuts!! It tastes really good with its rich flavor of spices and frosting cream made from cream cheese and lemon!! I can’t pass by the cake without buying a piece!! 

But I know something tasty like carrot cake. It’s our meeting and your speeches!! Scrumptious and nutritious to our head and mind❤❤

I’m really looking forward to seeing you at the next meeting♪♪







# 402 From now on - これからの私たち

Minato-Mirai TMC 402nd Meeting

Meeting theme: From now on

Word of the Day【WOD】:Kindred

< Hope / はじめに>

Hello, everyone!! From January to February, it’s the coldest period in Japan. How have you been? It’s fairly cold but I felt some sign of the new season in the morning breeze. Not only the temperature, something is different. Spring is getting closer. 

On January 27th, we enjoyed our meeting with the warmth of friendship and full of smiles. 



<Induction Ceremony/ 新会員の仲間入り>

 A new member joined our club!! We’re so happy to have you and support you!! 

I love your handsome and formal attire. Looking great on you!! 

新しい仲間の JN さんが加わりました!これからの活動が楽しく、実り多いものになりますように!ジャケットでオシャレにフォーマルな装いが素敵でお似合い☆彡

TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.SJ.

He set the meeting theme “From now on.” He told us that we had just started 2024 and asked about our hopes and new year’s resolutions. 

The question also reminded us that it was ourselves to make our life. Our hopes and decisions give us a light to follow to spend fulfilling days and life. 

Our meetings are joyful and full of happiness and laughter always and from now on.

今回の司会は SJ さん。ピンチヒッターで総合司会!




Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

The Table Topics Master was ™.SS. It was his first time to play the role. 

His questions were related to something “favorite” and “enjoyable”. Those are the key words for him to lead a life “positively”. We enjoyed the session very much!! 















<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① CTさん「Trust your instincts- あなたの直感を信じて」

™.CT has a beloved son. But her 4-year-old son (then) got infected with tuberculosis!!? He never stopped coughing. Her audience were shocked by the diagnosis. 

The first doctor said it was only some allergy. But her son never got better. So she took him to the second doctor in Manila/ Philippines and he said it was tuberculosis. 

Her son took so many medical tests and they found it was not the disease. The results were all negative so the boy could avoid taking a camera into his small lung. 

The boy eventually recovered. It was just some allergy. But ™.CT believes that it was the right decision and process to save her son’s life. 

“Trust your instincts and get a second medical opinion if you feel you need it.”  Based on her own experience and hardship, the message sounded strong. 


最愛の息子が結核!? たった4才。幼い息子の激しい咳が止まらない。苦しむ姿に胸が引き裂かれそうな思いで看病する。






NK さん「My favorite Japanese Anime- ぼくのイチオシ日本アニメ」

The 2nd speaker was ™.NK. 

How do you make friends with people from overseas? Look at him!! He talks about his favorite Anime/ Japanese comic books with them!! The most engaging way!? Lol!! 

He introduced the top 4, Slam Dunk (Basketball) , Major (Baseball), ONE PIECE (Adventure) and Dragon Ball (SF, Battle). He explained how they were influential and meaningful to him. 

His passionate talk and humor grabbed the audience’s hearts.  

外国人の知り合いや友達を作る/ 仲良くなるときの鉄板のネタを大公開!

大好きな漫画を熱く語る!! 世界で愛される日本アニメ、これが世界との架け橋になりうるのだ。



③ OS さん「Contest speech online practice ーコンテストのオンライン練習」

The 3rd speaker was ™.OS. He is polishing the speech script with his descriptive language.

His flat but powerful voice enables his audience to witness his memories and emotions.  


次のコンテストまであと一か月弱。もっと自分の内面を掘り起こして、納得のいくスピーチに!!!!! マゾヒズムの精神で、生みの苦しみを悦ぶそうです。ファイト―!

④ MZ さん「Contest speech online practice ーコンテストのオンライン練習」

The 4th speaker was ™.MZ. His body language is amazingly improving to express his experience and message. His storytelling is literally showing his attitude toward his life. 


<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 





General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator ™.TM gave us insightful, earnest and heartfelt feedback.

He evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general.



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  HSさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) KMさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) KRさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support for the onsite and online members!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:CTさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:JNさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:SJさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. February 3rd is “Setsubun”. Between winter and spring, people have wished for their good health and happiness. On that day, we throw beans away, saying “Oni-wa soto, Fuku-wa uchi!!”, meaning “Get away, Evil spirit. Come on in, Happiness!!” 

It’s also nice to have a long wrapped rice ball,”Ehou-maki”. Don’t chop it because it represents your happiness. Eat it up!! You will be satisfied and energized!! 



