
#422 Thanks gathering day- この集まりに感謝して

Minato-Mirai TMC 422nd Meeting on November 23rd, 2024

Meeting theme: Thanks gathering day

Word of the DayWOD】:foster


Deep autumn day, we held a joint meeting with Omotesando Bilingual Toastmasters Club!


Joint meeting gives us good opportunities to know how the other clubs’ meetings are going. On this meeting, we tried “Good and new session” for the first time, which Omotesando club does every time at the beginning of each meeting. Several members made short speeches about their good news in 24 hours or in one week.

合同例会は、他のクラブの例会がどんな流れかを知る良い機会です。今回は、表参道クラブが例会の冒頭で毎回行っている「Good and new セッション」に初めて挑戦。数名のメンバーが、24時間以内、あるいはこの1週間での良いニュースについて短いスピーチをしました。

Then we had “Table topic session” as usual. According to the meeting theme “Thanks gathering day”, the questions were about who you thank to, your memorial gathering, about celebrating yourself and so on. 5 members from both clubs made their speech successfully!

その後はいつものように、出された質問に即興で答えていく「Table topicセッション」。この日の合同例会のテーマ「Thanks gathering day(集まりに感謝する日!)」にちなみ、感謝したい人は誰か、思い出深い集まりは、自分自身を祝うなら?といった質問に、両クラブから5人のメンバーが見事に答えていきました!

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM IM(from Minatomirai): Toastmaster, What Else?

The first speaker was from Minatomirai club. TM IM have been a member of Toastmaster club for ten years. She explained why she could continue for a long time. One reason is, yes, the beer after meeting! …but there are others of course. Joy of speaking. Meeting amazing people from various backgrounds. These are our treasure.

準備スピーチのセッション、1人目はみなとみらいクラブからTM IM。トーストマスターズを10年続けているそうで、どうしてこれだけ長く続けられるかを語りました。理由の1つは、そう、例会後のビール!…でももちろん、それだけではありません。スピーチをする喜び。さまざまな背景を持つ人たちとの出会い。それらがみんな、宝物です。


TM FR (from Minatomirai): Celebrating life

TM FR is from Mexico and he introduced the country’s tradition of celebration of dead. Talking about death, some of us may feel frightened a little bit. You may think why they celebrate dead? But he said, dead people come to meet their families once a year, at Day of the Dead. Their families talk about their loved ones and cherish them on that day. Thinking about dead is also thinking about our life. We can build our future from cherishing lives.

メキシコ出身のみなとみらいクラブメンバー、TM FRが語ったのは、故郷の伝統である「死者の日」。なぜ死者の日を祝うのか?死というと恐れを感じる人もいるかもしれません。でも、その日は、亡くなった人が年に1度、家族に会いに来る日。家族はその愛する人を想い、慈しむのです。そう、死を考えるのは、私たちの生を考えるということ。命を慈しむことで、未来を築いていけるのです。


TM RO(from Omotesando): Umaku iku

The third speaker was Omotesando member, TM RO. We wondered what it meant the title was before listening. The mystery was solved when he showed us a Tenugui(towel), it said “馬九行く(Umaku iku=in Japanese “nine horses goes on”) with pictures of nine horses. Also “Umaku iku” means “everything going to be all right” in Japanese. He has his own Instagram and he posts the photo of this Tenugui with explanation. Then he got a message from his follower, saying the follower was encouraged by his post. He concluded that writing every day can change someone’s life.

3人目は表参道クラブのメンバー、TM ROが登場。「Umaku iku」というタイトルに、日本語?どういう意味?と皆、聞く前は思っていました。その謎が解けたのは、彼が見せた手ぬぐいの意味を説明された時。九頭の馬が描かれ「馬九行く」と書かれていました。掛詞で「上手くいく」とも読めます。TM ROは自身のインスタグラムにこの手ぬぐいと意味を投稿。すると、フォロワーから「励まされた」とメッセージが届きました。毎日の投稿は、誰かの人生を変えることもできる。そんな言葉で締めくくりました。


TM RO got the best speaker today! Congratulations!

And, thank you TM MZ, Toastmaster of the Day and the organizer of this joint meeting!

この日のベストスピーカーはTM RO!おめでとうございます!

そして、この日の司会者でもあり、合同例会の企画に尽力してくれたTM MZに感謝!


The last, yes we had beer time! Thank you YOKOHAMA BEER!


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is December 14th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html

