Minato-Mirai TMC 418th Meeting on September 28th, 2024
Meeting theme: Autumn
Word of the Day【WOD】:Cosy
We feel more energetic when it gets cooler, it’s Autumn.
Having appetite, Watching movie, going to trip, and getting sleep more and more.
We are Minatomirai Toastmasters club members who enjoy new encounters and share each stories every meeting.
日々、新たな出会いをENJOYし、 お互いのストーリーをシェアし合う、 みなとみらいトーストマスターズです。
Today we started sharing Joke & Tips session by TM IM.
「How about watching movie in long Autumn night?」
She introduced the movie "Holiday" from Taipei. That was perfect for our feeling.
I really want to be nostalgic, is it because of Autumn or my age?
本日はTM IMのJoke&Tipsセッションから。
秋の夜長に映画はいかが?と今の心地にぴったりな台湾映画「 休日」を紹介してくれました。
どうもノスタルジックに触れたくなる、この気持ちは秋のせいか? 歳のせいか?
Table Topic session is produced by TM JY (thru online).
We all assumed today’s question must be autumn related, but that was wrong. It was about China’s history.
However, TM JO tried that question. We were impressed by his courage.
Also, TM MK shared his holiday’s morning routine. He cooks Pizza for his lovely wife with delicious coffee.
I felt pathetic for my self by his actions... how wonderful gentleman he is.
Table Topicセッションはオンラインで出席のTM JYがお題を出しました。
テーマの「秋」でくると思いきや、「 Chinaの歴史で知ってることは?」 という誰も構えられなかったお題に、TM JOが果敢にTRYする姿に、メンバー達は感心。
また、TM MKは休日の朝、妻のためにピザを焼いて、 おいしいコーヒーを淹れるルーティンを披露。
TM MKのイメージそのままの素敵な行動に、 自分が情けなくなる筆者Nでした。
<Prepared speech session>
①TM JO: The Beginning of a Journey
JO was born in Brazil, on the opposite side of the world from Japan.
The miraculous encounter, it’s that we are talking together here was due to the decisions he made many times.
His unique path, which he has made with an eye to the future, has always shone brightly and will continue to do so forever.
That was a nice ice-breaking speech. And congratulations on winning the BEST SPEAKER award!
ブラジルという日本からいえば地球の間反対に生まれたTM JO。
今ここで我々と一緒に会話している、その出会いの奇跡には、 彼の幾度の決断があった。
未来を見据えて決断してきた彼だけの道は、 これまでもこれからも永遠に輝くだろう。
素晴らしい、自分を紹介する初めてのスピーチでした。 そしてBESTスピーカー受賞、おめでとう!
②TM IS: My true leader
TM IS used to work at the famous IT company.
And it's so enviable that she had seen the revival of the company from inside!
Having witnessed the world's strongest leadership, she chose Toastmasters club as the training ground for her skills.
She's already given a fantastic presentation, but we can't wait to see how much she grows in the future!
そして、その会社が復活を遂げた風景を、 会社の中から見ていたとは、なんとも羨ましい!
世界最強のリーダーシップを目の当たりにしながら、 その鍛錬の場にトーストマスターズクラブ選んだ。
既に素晴らしいプレゼンを披露してくれましたが、 まだまだこの先の成長が見逃せませんね!
③TM OT: 11%
TM OT delivered a lengthy 12-minute speech on the theme of "Effective Coaching", with no problems.
His humanity was incredible as he candidly shared his bitter experiences from the past.
Because of his struggles, he shines today. This is the “DARUMA” spirit.
There is a background to every guideline. We were moved by his wonderful story for 12 minutes.
「Effective Coaching」というテーマをもって、 且つ12分という長尺なスピーチを何事もなくこなしたTM OT。
全ての指針にバックグラウンドがある。 その見事なストーリーに酔いしれた12分でした。
④TM OS: Words of YAMAMOTO Isoroku
TM OS reinterpreted Yamamoto Isoroku's famous words. He fired a cannonball that struck our heart as a leadership theory that was relevant to the modern era and to everyone.
The difficult thing about cultivating is to "trust, respect, delegate, and praise".
And "waiting" until they can do may be a big challenge for impatient Japanese people.
It was a great talk that is applicable to both business and child-rearing.
TM OSは山本五十六の名言を改めて捉えなおし、現代の、 そして誰にでも通ずるリーダーシップ論として我々の胸に突き刺さ る大砲を打ち込んでくれました。
育てる中で難しいことは「信じて、リスペクトして、任せて、 褒める」こと。
そして、それが出来るまで「待つ」ということも、 せっかちな日本人の大きな課題かもしれません。
Best Evaluator: TM CY
Best Table Topic Master: TM MK
Best Speaker: TM JO
<Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
★The next meeting is on October 12th! 次回は10月12日です!★
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!!