併せて、コンテストチェアのOTさん、Chief JudgeのOS、Judgeの方、計時係、集計係、会場係、会長のGTさん、VPEのOTさん、本当にありがとうございました。
The second speaker: NK-san
Speech Title: Our greatest glory
When he lived in USA and happened to encounter the traffic accident, he fell in love with female beautiful doctor! I like his speech because it was very funny and dramatic development!
The third speaker: SB-san
Speech Title: Fall down 7 times, get up 8
Based on her experience she had been struggling to learn to speak English, I had been magnetic to her story.
The fourth speaker: YA-san
Speech Title: Go with the flow
When he went abroad in Jakarta, his dear friend advised him that you should not trust the local person.
but he forgot this advice, he followed the local person's guidance just like "Go with the flow".
The story telling was very thrilling and the I've been magnetic to his developing story!
The Fifth speaker: MZ-san
Speech Title: impersonation
From her experience, she likes pretender just like a Dancer. Her dynamic body language made every member captivate!
The sixth speaker: YD-san
Speech Title: Trust and listen consciously
From his experience he change his attitude that he trusted his son and listened to his son's story more sincerely. That changing mindset led to the good direction. I've leaned a lot from his insightful speech.
The 1st prize: AY-san
The 2nd prize: AD-san
The 3rd prize: NK-san
Congratulations on AY-san, AD-san and NK-san!
The interviewer after the contest was UC-san.
I think his sense of humor and calm questions would make every contestant relieved.
日本語コンテスト(Japanese Contest)
NK san participated in Japanese contest and his storytelling made me magnetic to listening
また、このコンテストを縁の下で支えて頂いた、コンテストチェアのOTさん、Chief JudgeのOSさん、各スタッフの皆様、会場係のONさん、Judgeの方々、VPEのOTさん、会長のGTさん、本当にありがとうございました。
Today's In-house contest was enormously successful and wonderful!
Every contestants' level was high and I considered every contestant hero and heroine.
I really appreciate every contestant's courage and effort while at the same time deeply appreciating OT-san as the contest Chair, OS-san as the chef judge, all the staff, all the Judge, OT-san as VPE and GT-san as the president.
I'd like to express my gratitude to our president GT-san.GT-san's enormous help makes me go smoothly to work on this HP.
I really appreciate his sincere character!
また、本日はArea56 DirectorのSTさんも参加頂けました。
Today ST-san as the director of Area56 attended this meeting.
She has an enormous talent which she won the first place in 2020 Japanese Speech contest while at the same time her fluently English comment gave us the light, hope and joy!
I really appreciate her!