



横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?




To: The persons who are interested in Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club

Welcome to the guests!
In Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing the public speaking and making a presentation in English while at the same time we learn "The leadership" based on Toast Masters International guidance.
Our club welcomes to the diversity background persons.
If you desire to attend this regular meeting, please submit the following
Looking forward to meeting you!

この日の司会者とスタッフ/Today's TMOD(Toast Masters of the Day) and staff


This day TMOD was MY-san.
His brightly conducting meeting made every attendees relaxed and calm. 
While at the same time I was impressed that the support members such as Timer, Vote counter, and GRAHCO  were eager to work on TMOD. 

入会式(Induction Ceremony)


This day YM-san joined our club. Congratulations on YM-san!
Let's learn to study the public English Speech together!


I was impressed with the good liaison between GT-san as the president and NK-san as VPM who conducted this wonderful induction ceremony and then I was moved by their sincere dedications! 

 Joke/Tips Master 

この日のJoke/Tips MasterはNKさんでした。

This day NK-san served as Joke/TIP master. His witty remarks about concrete evaluation has been magnetic to every audience. Thank you, NK-san I really learned a lot.

Table Topics Master(即興スピーチ)

この日のTable Topic MasterはNKさん、洗練された英語と今年の目標や今年は止めたい事など、たいへん面白い質問で、場が一気に和みました!
Best Table Topics SpeakerはOSさんでした。OSさん、おめでとうございます!

NK-san's sophisticated English and suitable questions made every member stay calm and relaxed!
I was very attractive with her beautiful smile!
The best table Topics Speaker was OS-san.
Congratulations on OS-san!

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session


第一のスピ-カーはOGさんでスピーチタイトルは「Gift from someone」で、家族のサポートがあってOGさんの幸せがあるというメッセージ性に感動しました。論評者のSTさんの洞察力のある論評が勉強になりました。

第二のスピーカーはOTさんで、スピーチタイトルは「Job Interview」で、NKさん扮する面接官とOTさんの就職面接が圧巻で終始二人の掛け合いに釘付けになりました。

第三のスピーカーはGTさんで、スピーチタイトルは「My Atlanta Story(Ⅲ)」でご自身の実際の経験から海外拠点の立て直しに奮闘するストリーの展開は聴き応えがあり、また信頼を築くことの大切さを痛感する素晴らしスピーチでした。

Best Prepared speakerはOTさん、Best EvaluatorはIWさんでした。

In the prepared speech session, 3 wonderful speakers addressed the captivate speeches.

The first speaker: OG-san
Speech Title: Gift from someone
I was very impressed with his appreciation to his wonderful family and I like his story.
Evaluator: TM-ST : Very insightful and Food for thought.

The second speaker: OT-san
Speech Title: Job Interview
The verbal interview between OT-san and NK-san had been realistic and captivated! 
Evaluator: IW-san : 
Very insightful and set an example to improve points.

The third speaker: GT-san
Speech Title: My Atlanta story(3)
His elaborate story structure made every audience magnetic at the same time I always like his story because of his experience 
Evaluator: JM-san 
I was very impressed with her attitude in which she had been deeply thinking about her evaluation comments and weave her fabric words.
Also CNN headquarters in Atlanta remined me of vivid memory in today's speech!
Best Prepared speaker:OTさん
Best Evaluator:IWさん
Congratulations on OT-san and IW-san!


Today's General evaluator was MZ-san.
I think her insightful and calm general evaluation would reach out every members' heart.



I'd like to express my gratitude to OG-san. Because his earnest dedication makes this club go smoothly.  
