
第258回例会12/23(土) 活動報告

今回も、ゲストが3名参加され、次回も参加予定とのことで、暖かい雰囲気の中、質の高い例会となりました。次回は、田園都市トーストマスターズクラブとの合同例会が、1月13日(土)に溝の口駅前の高津市民館で予定されています。 良いお年をお迎えください。
The 258th regular meeting was held on Dec. 23th at Sakuragicho in Yokohama.
The first of all, President TM F, introduced TM I who got the DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster) award, the first recipient in our club. We shared her achievement.   Then, today's TMOD was introduced. She is a charming member and conducted the meeting smoothly with lots of smiles. For the table topics, eight members responded it appropriately. After that, three prepared speakers made wonderful speeches. The evaluators also made useful points to them. The next meeting is the joint meeting with Den-en Toshi Toastmasters club and it will be held at Takatsu ShiminKan near Mizonokuchi st. on Jan. 13th (Sat).  I wish you Happy New Year.