



横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?




To: The persons who are interested in Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club

Welcome to the guests!
In Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing the public speaking and making a presentation in English while at the same time we learn "The leadership" based on Toast Masters International guidance.
Our club welcomes to the diversity background persons.
If you desire to attend this regular meeting, please submit the following
Looking forward to meeting you!

この日の司会者とスタッフ/Today's TMOD(Toast Masters of the Day) and staff


This day TMOD was our promising member NK-san.
I was impressed with his sincere eagerness and his gentle hospitality and his good sense of humor  made every member relaxed and calm. Congratulations on his big success! 
While at the same time I was impressed that the support members such as Timer, Vote counter, and GRAHCO  were eager to work on TMOD. 

入会式(Induction Ceremony)


The day MZ-san joined our club. Congratulations on MZ-san!
Let's learn to study the public English Speech together!

この日のTable Topic MasterはMKさんで、この時期の行事に関する質問でした。
Best Table Topics SpeakerはMZさんでした。MZさん、おめでとうございます!

The questions about related with "this seasonal event such as Christmas etc" made 4 speakers witty remarks!
That sounded great and impressive!
The best table Topics Speaker was MZ-san.
Congratulations on MZ-san!

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session


第一のスピ-カーはIWさんでスピーチタイトルは「Why I joined Toastmasters Club and am continuing that activity.」で、このクラブに入会した動機など、たいへん印象に残るスピーチでした。論評者のSHさんの洞察力のある論評が勉強になりました。

第二のスピーカーはODさんで、スピーチタイトルは「No Justice! No Common sense?」でUSAでの実体験に基づく話でたいへん考えさせられるスピーチでした。実際のダウンタウンの写真を活用した説明は聴衆を引き込むものでした。

第三のスピーカーはOSさんで、スピーチタイトルは「When you need a mentor?」で実体験に基づくMentorの役割に対する考察で、なによりも卓越なSpeakerであるOSさんが誠実に体験談を披露される姿勢に感動しました。

Best Prepared speakerはOSさん、Best EvaluatorはAYさんでした。

In the prepared speech session, 3 wonderful speakers addressed the captivate speeches.

The first speaker: IW-san
Speech Title: Why I joined Toastmasters Club and am continuing that activity.
He was motivated to join this club by a several factors while at the same time learning a lot through his challenging.
Evaluator: SH-san : Very insightful and Food for thought.

The second speaker: OD-san
Speech Title: No Justice! No Common sense?
From her experience in USA, she had experienced such unbelievable incidents and then she thought over them.
Evaluator: OG-san : 
His heartwarming evaluation made me think about this speech.

The third speaker: OS-san
Speech Title: When you need a mentor?
I think OS-san was very sincere person. Because he has been a powerful speaker and then I can hardly believe his failure in speech contest. At that moment his mentor helped him to work on the public speech!
Evaluator: AY-san 
I was very impressed with his sincere evaluation which would be weaved  his words and idea.
Best Prepared speaker:OSさん
Best Evaluator:AYさん
Congratulations on OS-san and AY-san!


Today's General evaluator was TM-san.
His sophisticated English made every member captured and persuasive through his insightful points.

Work Shop
Zoomの背景の効果的な使い方のWork ShopをAYさんとNGさん(Facilitator役)が実施頂きました。とても勉強になるWork Shopで背景以外にもサングラスをかけたり、豚さんの顔に、なったり、とても有意義で楽しいワークショップでした。

Today Work shop was held. Work shop title was "how the virtual back ground in ZOOM would be effective?" I found a lot of satisfaction and joy in this session.
I really appreciate AY-san and NG-san. I'd like to use this clue in my business meeting via ZOOM!




First of all, I really appreciate NK-san as VPM. 
Because he has been dedicated to support the new visitors in this wonderful club.

Anyway this year has been 50 years since Mishima passed away 
When I reread "Confessions of the mask" and Kinkakuji Temple, I've been captivated by his description of the psychological twisting feeling.
Terrible sorry for my personal comment.
