
# 410 Color your lifeー「人生をカラフルに!」

 Minato-Mirai TMC 410th Meeting on May 25, 2024

Meeting theme: Color your life

Word of the Day【WOD】:Supreme 

Online Meeting  / 久々のオンラインミーティング

Hello, everyone!! We held an online meeting last time!! During the Covid-19 era, we developed the online meeting system. Recently, we have held hybrid meetings to enjoy the live performance in person. But it’s not bad to try an online meeting!! We can practice and see how we present ourselves on the computer screen!! We enjoyed it so much!! 




TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.MZ. 

He set the meeting theme, “Color your life.” 

Colors have some power to fill our energy. They could have a biological effect on our lives. 

As “Blue” brings us “Concentration,”  each color has its own influential power.

What color do you like? ™.MZ softly asked us the question. 




Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

The Table Topics Master was ™NK.  Now he works in the team of “Future  Development” in his company. He pointed out 3 major values/ factors to enrich our life and future, “Money, Time and Health”. The questions were related to those things. 

1. What is the most important to you among 3, money, time and health and why? 

2. Do you have something to do for your health in your daily life? 

3. If you had 36 hours a day, what would you want to do? 

4. If you won the lottery and got 1 million yen, what would you spend it on?  

5. If you can speak any language and talk to anybody you want to, with whom would you like to talk? 



1.「 お金・時間・健康のなかで、今あなたにとって一番重要なものは何?なぜ?」





<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① JNさん「Mother- Daughter Adventure - 母と娘の旅行記」

The 1st speaker was ™.JN. She went on a trip to Korea with her mother. She arranged the whole plan and got the reservations. It should be a luxury and enjoyable trip. But… many things/ battles happened. 

At a cafe. There was a good variety of delicious bread. Of course it was hard to choose. Her mom took 7!! “Mom!! You can’t eat that much!!” “Yes, I will.” But after finishing 3, she said, wiping her mouth with a napkin, “I’m done. You can have the rest.” WHAT?!! The daughter’s temper started to heat up. My mom is selfish like a kid!!! 

At a hotel. ™.JN selected a 5 star hotel. A beautiful room with comfy beds. She thought her mom would be proud of her, a grownup and an independent daughter. But her mother said, “I’ll sleep on the floor.” WHAT!!!? “Mom!! We came here to enjoy luxury, not camping!!” Then, her mother started to cry like a little girl. ™.JN was totally shocked. 

She looked back at the past in her brain. When she was younger, her mom was super strong. “Change your clothes.” Mom ordered her daughter when she didn’t like it. 

The daughter wanted her mom to respect her own personality and choice. “Why do you control me!!?” It was her true voice. But mom said, “Don’t talk back to me.”

Now, ™.JN looked at her mom in the hotel room. “We should stop fighting.” she thought. 

She just said to her mom gently, “Mom, you have to take care of yourself, not to catch a cold.” But on that night, her mom got a fever. Sigh…

It’s not easy to find what is right. Being right is not always right. Being supportive and compassionate would be better. ™.JN found that “Love speaks louder,” especially between a mother and a daughter. Their adventure will go on. 


美味しそうなパンがずらりと並ぶカフェ。母が7つもパンを積み上げている。「えっ!!! ママ、そんなに食べられないわよね!」「いいえ、食べるわ」そしてまもなく「わたしもうお腹いっぱい。残り、あなた食べていいわよ」注意もむなしく、母は7つ取ったパンの3つしか食べず、ナプキンで口を拭きながら残りの4つを食べろとお皿をよこした。子どもなの!? 無理って言ったよね!娘の怒りのボルテージ上昇スタート。

5つ星のラグジュアリーホテルに到着。成長した娘がこんなに素敵な旅をアレンジできるようになったことを喜んでくれると思った。大きな気持ちのいいふかふかのベッド!最高!と思いきや…。母は言う。「私、床で寝るわ」なんですって!? 「ママ、なんでなの!? 私たちキャンプに来たんじゃないの!旅の贅沢を楽しみに来ているのに!」ブチ切れる娘に怒られて、なんと母は涙を流し、泣きじゃくりはじめた。なんてこと!




SJさん「Better Serve, better rewardsー奉仕の先に得たもの」

The 2nd speaker was ™SJ. 

Click-clack, click-clack, click-clack….

™.SJ sends emails to the club members to assign/ask them to take the roles of the meeting. 

He sets up the meetings and supports the members to develop their skills and knowledge. 

It is the mission of VPE, Vice President of Education. 

He likes to see the members’ smiles, filled with confidence and a sense of achievement, especially after the first role as Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD), the host of the meeting. 

He thinks of the members who have helped him when he needed a hand. 

™.OS. Thank you for taking the role of prepared speaker again and again, when the role was canceled at the last minute. You were a true hero. 

™.KR. Thank you for being a partner of the VPE team. Your kind words based on the experience saved the soul and opened the door. 

™.KW. You were like a witch when you succeeded in fundraising to realize the upcoming event. It seemed impossible financially but the members agreed and supported to make it happen. The event must be fruitful and enjoyable for all of us. 

He worked so hard. The workload was huge. But he learned the value of supporting each other. It was a reward that he got. He found his leadership style. He smiled and closed his eyes with satisfaction and appreciation towards the members, looking back at this fruitful term. 

カタカタカタ…。パソコンのキーボードを叩く。今日はこの人に、明日はあの人に、例会のロール(役割) を頼もう。週末はあのイベントの計画をしよう。ロールを割り振り、学びの機会を提供する。それが教育担当副会長であるVPEの仕事。






③IWさん「The more setbacks a person experiences, the stronger he/she becomesー人生山あり谷ありでも、今日が人生で一番若くて、学びはまだまだあるってこと」

The 3rd speaker was ™.IW. 

“Today is the youngest day in your life from now on.” He encouraged us. “Don’t give up, don’t say “I’m too old and it’s too late.” It’s never too late based on the perspective of “Lifelong Development.” The wisdom is produced through life and work experiences. 

He introduced a famous Japanese artist. His name was “Katsushika Hokusai.” His masterpieces of art print and painting were treasures in Japanese art history. 

It’s eye-opening to know that his most famous art print, “Thirty-six views of Mt. Fuji” were painted when he was 70s. After he started his career as an artist, he challenged new fields of arts and developed himself. He didn’t stop his progress until 89, when he passed away. 

“No matter how old we get, we have to remain active throughout our life.” He believes in the importance and value of “lifelong development”. His eyes and words were filled with power and conviction. 




<Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 



General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator was ™.OG. He gave us warm and  encouraging feedback. He evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general. 



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  JEさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) KRさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) SMさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support for the onsite and online members!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.

™. JE!! Congratulations!! Thank you for serving as Timer for the first time!! 


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:JNさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:SMさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:KMさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

<Convention Report by ™.OS/ 全国大会のリポート> 

™. OS talked and wrote about the Convention held on May 18 and 19. 

Thank you for sharing what you found and learned with us!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Guest J, thank you for joining our meeting!! We’re looking forward to seeing you again!! 

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

My recent favorite color: Green of “Bean sprouts (豆苗)”. Very fresh and tasty!! 

My plant by the window gives me hope. I water the plant every morning and see how they grow towards the sun like sunflowers. It’s so fun. It literally “colors my life (= meeting theme).” 

Do you have something colorful to enrich your daily life? I’m happy when I find the pretty colors in… delicious fruits, fancy cakes, flowers, arts, dishes, bath salt and favorite clothes. 

I hope your days are filled with something colorful. I’m sure that your smiles will shine bright in your favorite colors. 

The next meeting is our 17th Anniversary!! We will hold a special workshop of storytelling/ Reading Alive by Ms.Yuko Aotani!! GET EXCITED&GET PREPARED!!! 

See you soon♪♪ Have a nice week!! 







次のミーティングは、みなとみらい17周年の記念例会!特別ゲスト/講師、青谷優子さんをお招きして、英語朗読のワークショップが開催されます☆彡わくわくー!みんな、予習&練習してくるべし!そしたらきっと学びと楽しみが倍増することまちがいなし!元気にお会いしましょう❤❤ いい一週間を!
