


All I see in town has Xmas mood. At night, YORUNOYO and fireworks shall illuminated every corner of Minato. As such a circumstance,We, Basyamichi Toastmasters club and Minatomirai Toastmasters club,  held joint meeting sensationally.

The presidents, TM Yd-san(left), TM Kr-san(right)
TMOD Fj-san
Joke/Tips TM Uc-san
ミーティングテーマ:All's well that ends well.
Word of The Day:Rock

ベストスピーチ賞 Asさん from Minato-mirai
ベスト論評賞 Kwさん from Bashamichi
ベストテーブルトピック賞 Tmさん from Minato-mirai


Special Presentation


シンガポールから、TM Kbさんによる特別プレゼンテーションが行われ、シンガポールの都市のなりたち・歴史を、風水の観点でひもといていただきました。運気は風が運び、水に留まるという点で頭から関心してしまいまいた。1ドルコインに見る八掛のデザインも興味深いお話でした。
As first session,The Special presentation was given by TM Kb-san, The history of Republic of Singapore was unfolded from a view of the Feng shui. The Lucky power shall be carried by on the wind and stay in water. That sounded really fantastic for me. And also secretly stamped octagon fortune mark on 1$ coin.

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session

In the prepared speech session, 4 amazing speakers addressed the captivate speeches. 

The first speaker:Nk-san
Speech Title:Fu-Sya-No-Sya
He introduced anecdote that by puppet animation regarding ancient Chinese archery technique arts. it names "Fu sya no sya". according to the story, ultimately high level archer can shot without shot. He tried to consider to apply a kind of philosophy like a zen question to other field. a people in know knows 4'33" can make sound without sound. Is it possible to apply to public speaking? clearly deliver is important in communication. you know.


The second speaker: Tm-san
Speech Title: Ama and Susa
最後に「Susa!!, Nooooo!!」 というセリフは、もしかしてスサノオの駄洒落だったのでしょうか。
The ancient Japanesev mythology so-called "Gate of the Celestial Rock Cave" was told us with realistic vocal variety and body language. There were also usage of gadget with both hand by jewelry. At the last screaming scene, Perhaps "Susa!! Noooo!!" would be joking? (only me?)

The third speaker:As-san
Speech Title: Back to the Future
ドクと共にご自身のトーストマスターの歩みを面白おかしくコメディに仕上げて頂きました。とりわけTM Kr,Fj,Ucさんへの思いがにじみ出ていました。リーダー像に対する自問自答からは、トーストマスターに限らず広く色々な社会経験を積んだからこそ断言できる自信の表れ、そして説得力がありました。最後にシリアスな口調で語りかけるスタイルは前半のコメディと対照的であり、強く印象つけられました。
Academy award must be prized to him, isn't it?  His journey over the leadership was expressed well with comedy sketch. Particularly, TM Kr, Fj, Uc, those who adorable masters of him, ware well expressed the characteristic as well. From attitude of asking yourself for leadership style was showed as his convince and what he acquired from many his social faces. At last part, His serious voice impressed as what he had contrasted with comedy scene.

The fourth speaker:My-san
Speech Title:My Hobby – Deep Relationship with You –
All about photography as his hobby, was told us by displaying many fascinating and well memorable scene. The Oze from gunma, a comet, and scenery from summit of Mt. Fuji. And a lot of painting from baroque to modernism were exhibited on screen. especially I noticed at Klimt. it was fascinating time like as I competed forgot to take pics for this blog. Also Toastmasters memorable scene were displayed as well. 


The Scenes

TM Tm-san, Congratulations on best Table topic speaker. Thank you.

TM As-san, Congratulations on best speaker. Thank you.

TMs those who on line, Thank you.
TM Hn-san, kindly and warm evaluation. Thank you.

TM Iw-san, Table topic speaker.
Santa-ized special edition today. Thank you.
TM Kw-san, 2021 Kanagawa Champion of Rookie contest, 
Splendid Evaluation. Thank you.

Former member Kw-san,Thank you for joining today.

TM On-san, We all grateful for her support and dedication. Thank you.

TM Os-san, Every time even today as usual, he bring us full of humorous.
Passionate evaluation.  thank you.

TM Nk-san, Magestic and splendid talk, Thank you.

TM Ii-san, He came onsite from far Niigata. Thank you.

TM Sb-san, She is always cool!! Thank you.

Behind The Scene

横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語ベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?


Interested in our club meetings? You are always welcome and it’s free!!!

At Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing public speaking and making presentations in English, while at the same time learning leadership skills based on Toastmasters International guidance.
Our club core values are RESPECT, GROWTH, and FUN.
Please contact us here (click on Contact Us button on left menu) or email us at
  to join our meetings held every 2nd and 4th  Saturdays, from 14:00 to 16:00. 
Looking forward to your participation!


「昨年に引けを取らない。いや昨年よりレベルが高い…」とまるでボジョレーを思わせるような声が聞こえてきそうな雰囲気の中、昨年チャンピオンTM Ygさん、やTM Asさんにより、ガツンと奮い立たせてくれる一方で、どこか優しさ・暖かさのある激励のコメントが寄せられました。”Have fun!!”の言葉ににすべての思いが詰まっていたと思います。

わがクラブ代表TM Kwさんは6番目に登場。いつもと違うZoom接続もあって、バーチャル背景にトラブルがありましたが、そんなことは物ともせず、いつものスピーチが出ていたと思います。みなさん本当にお疲れ様でした!!!
結果はみごと優勝です。TM Kwさん、おめでとうございます!!!!!
めちゃくちゃすごいです!!!!! めちゃくちゃ輝いて見えました!!!!!

