


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?




To: The persons who are interested in Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club

Welcome to the guests!
In Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing the public speaking and making a presentation in English while at the same time we learn "The leadership" based on Toast Masters International guidance.
Our club welcomes to the diversity background persons.
If you desire to attend this regular meeting, please submit the following
Looking forward to meeting you!

この日の司会者とスタッフ/Today's TMOD(Toast Masters of the Day) and staff

この日の司会(TMOD)はUCさん。テーマは「Best Partner with rice」と銘打って,UCさんのお米と最も相性の良いおかずを質問するスタイルは、ユーモアたっぷりで安定感があり、メンバー全員がホッコリした気分になりました。

This day TMOD was UC-san which picked up the theme "Best partner with rice".
His sense of humor made us feel relaxed while at the same time his stably conducting meeting was excellent!  
I was impressed that the support members such as Timer, Vote counter, and GRAHCO  were eager to work on TMOD. 

Joke/Tips Master 

この日のJoke/Tips MasterはMZさんでした。


This day MZ-san served as Joke/TIP master. 
He picked up 2 themes which was related with "the Number and Programming".
Based on his experience, this joke was very persuasive and food for thoughts.
Every member has been magnetic to his joke!

Table Topics Master(即興スピーチ)

この日のTable Topic MasterはYGさん、今日のミーティングテーマと連動した「Best Partner with rice」に関連した質問は、知的好奇心を掻き立てる面白いセッションになりました!
Best Table Topics SpeakerはOSさんでした。OSさん、おめでとうございます!

YG-san's questions related with Today's meeting theme "Best partner with rice"  while at the same time stimulated the intelligence curiosity!
I think YG-san has extraordinary talent which leads to the flexibility to conduct the meeting!  
The best table Topics Speaker was OS-san
Congratulations on OS-san!

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session


第一のスピ-カーはJMさんでスピーチタイトルはBefore the 10,950 Dayで、車を購入するプロジェクトにまつわるユーモアたっぷりなスピーチに終始釘付けになりました。論評者のKRさんの洞察力があり、さらに温かい論評が心を打ちました。

第二のスピーカーはMTさんで、スピーチタイトルは「What is Toastmaster club to you?」で、クラブ入会の動機や新たな発見を、ジェスチャーや口語表現を引用したスピーチ力は圧巻で、素晴らしいスピーチでした!

第三のスピーカーはADさんで、スピーチタイトルは「To-do List」で、職場での実務経験から紡ぎ出したスピーチは感動的で、またADさんの正直で誠実なエピソードがスピーチに彩りを添えていました。

第四のスピーカーはYDさんで、スピーチタイトルは「Why are you still a Toastmaster?」、実務体験に則った話の展開は圧巻でたいへん勉強になりました。

Best Prepared speakerはADさん、Best EvaluatorはMYさんでした。

In the prepared speech session, 4 wonderful speakers addressed the captivate speeches.

The first speaker: JM-san
Speech Title: Before the 10,950 Day
She succeeded in capturing the audience's attention at the opening because her excellent English and her experience made us persuasive while at the same time I enjoy her vivid speech!
Evaluator: KR-san : Very insightful and heartwarming evaluation.

The second speaker: MT-san
Speech Title: What is the Toastmaster club to you?
Her vivid verbal communication and her concrete gesture made every audience magnetic and captivate!
I love her speech because her good sense of humor has always been moved.
Evaluator: MY-san : Very insightful and elaborate evaluation.

The third speaker: AD-san
Speech Title: To-do List
Her business experience made me think about her busy days! Juggling between her job and her family life, she has been struggling to perform her job more efficiently! Her speech made me feel sympathy.   
Evaluator: NK-san : His evaluation was logical and persuasive at the same time heartwarming comments!  

The fourth speaker: YD-san
Speech Title: Why are you still a Toastmaster?
I've leaned a lot from his excellent speech while at the same time thinking about his dedication and effort!
Evaluator: SB-san : Her evaluation was logical and persuasive at the same time heartwarming comments! 

Best Prepared speaker: AD-san
Best Evaluator: MY-san
Congratulations on AD-san and MY-san!


Today's General evaluator was ST-san.
I think his insightful and calm general evaluation would reach out every members' heart.

番外編(Additional Information)



At the next regular meeting on 26th June, 14th anniversary special event will be held.
AD-san produced the wonderful poster in which she picked up the landmark of Minatomirai contrasted with the blue color such as the sea and the sky!
I was very impressed with her masterpiece poster and I think she has an enormous talent!
Thank you so much for her dedications to our club! 

Today's regular meeting was held in Naka City Hall Center where we took the perfect preventive measure against COVID19. 
I'd like to express my gratitude to ON-san, UC-san and OG-san
I think it was a big difference between ZOOM and face-to face meeting!  
Face-to-face meeting was more attractive and more dynamic!





Under Pandemic situations, nobody could feel free to go out and then I'm finding out my favorite spots.

In the mouth of Hikichi river to Enoshima island ,  this scenery reminds me of the sea city of Venice where I happened to see the canoe floated by school training!
Walking to the west direction to Kugenuma station, I like the train of Enoshima line which had been produced  about 5 decades ago!
Whenever I felt enough of green in Kugenuma-park while at the same time staying calm and relaxed!(I recommend this place where no one knows mush about this good scenery and atmosphere!)
For one reason or another, I love Kugenuma!

Regarding the monuments, from the right, Azumaya which was located, many renowned novelists such as Akutagawa-Ryunosuke, Shiga-Naoya, Mushanokouji-Saneatu and Kishida-Ryusei stayed this accommodation.
In the center The old Kugenuma bridge.
In the left Niè Ěr who composed "A volunteer army march" Now turning into Chinese national song ,who was drown in Kugenuma Kaigan about 80 years ago unfortunately.

Today's Picture was taken by NK-san who will be taken over from me as VPPM.
I think NK-san is good character and trust worth person and then I feel reassured to step down this role.
Please help him to move forward to the next generation!