


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?




304th regular meeting was held at Nakakumin Katsudou Shien Center. 20 members joined the meeting at this time of the year.

寒さが本格的になった今、会長のFjさんが「セーター」という語源について語られると 皆さん感心していました。いつも工夫されている会長のオープニングトークは楽しみです。
President Fj started the meeting talking about the origin of the word “sweater”. Thank you for interesting mini talk. We always look forward to her opening remarks.Toastmaster of the day As set the meeting theme “Sunshine” requesting us to add the bright mood to the meeting. How nice the theme was.  

本日の司会Asさんの「サンシャイン」という例会テーマのもと、会はスムースにスタートしました。2名の新会員も入り、来年13周年を迎えるクラブのますますの発展が期待されます。 「今日の言葉」はGRAHCHOのMyさんからの”magnetic”でattractive という意味です。普段あまり使わない言葉や知っていると得する言葉を選び、語彙力を増やすのが目的です。 
Word of the day “magnetic” (means attractive) was chosen by Grahcho My. We try to choose and use the word at the meeting which is rather difficult to use or convenient if we knew. Hope we could strengthen our vocabulary.

Table topic speech(impromptu speech)session was conducted by Tm. His handling the session is always smooth. Explaining the aim, asking simple questions about different topics. Hope the session is NOT a frightening moment but an enjoyable session.


1st speaker Sb made an icebreaker speech. Based on her bitter memory, she explained why she joined toastmaster. As her mentor, I was happy to see her making a speech without notes and in front of the lectern.

2番目の英語スピーカーはIwさんでずっと取り組んでいらっしゃる仕事関係のテーマで“product life cycle”という内容についてチャートを使い、20分の長い時間を聴衆とうまくコラボしながら行いました。怪我をおしての出場お疲れ様でした。 
2nd speaker Iw made a presentation on the “product life cycle”. He often talks about the business-related topic. He asked the audience various questions during the speech engaging audience actively. 

3人目の英語スピーカーは最古参のYdさん、彼の尊敬するメンター、カワノ氏についてプロジェクターを使い誇らしげに話しました。その業績、他の会員たちを巻き込んで多くのクラブを設立したという姿勢はYdさんに確実に受け継がれていると感じました。 ベストスピーカー賞おめでとうございます。 
3rd speaker Yd’s topic was his mentor TM Kawano. His accomplishments and influence to other toastmasters around him were really great. Mr Kawano planted a seed in Yd-san to build such a long career at toastmaster.


All prepared speeches are evaluated by evaluators, and today’s 3 evaluators are: 
1st evaluator Ot evaluating Sb’s speech. Though he took the role for the first time, he looked relaxed on stage and had enough eye contact with the audience. Good start!

2番目の論評者Os さんはIyさんの英語スピーチの一連の流れに触れ、健闘を称えました。今日の英語スピーチだけでなくフォローしているのはさすがです。デリバリー力は抜きんでていて、見事ベスト論評者に選ばれました。 
2nd evaluator Os evaluating Iw’s speech. He has followed Iy’s speech topic not only today’s but previous speeches. His delivery skill is magnificent and engaged audience effectively, thus he became the best evaluator.

3rd evaluator Nk evaluating Yd’s speech. Passionately, lively he made a speech based on evaluation criteria which was easy for us to follow, though time management is always a key. Let us all mind about it.


This report was written by Im. I’ve been a toastmaster at 2 clubs for more than 10 years and I believe toastmastering is my life-long experience. Evaluation session conducted at the 2nd half of the meeting is important and somewhat “input” session whereas 1st half speech session is “output” session. Feedback is essential for any activities at toastmasters.