






Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 3 sessions as follows.

- Table Topics (an impromptu speech competition)
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech)

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.
If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule





本日のミーティングテーマは、「fresh start」。3月は別れの季節です。僕はどちらかと言うと学校と言う空間自体は余り好きでは無いハグレ学生だったので卒業式のイメージは尾崎豊宜しく「この支配からの卒業」です笑。

本日のTMODはベテラントーストマスターのImさん。日本では卒業式は「終わり(end)」のイメージですが、アメリカでは「始まり(commencement)」のイメージであると言う趣旨をスタンフォード大学で行われたapple創業者スティーブ・ジョブズの「stay hungry, stay foolish」演説を交えながら説明くださいました。

本日のword of the day

本日のword of the dayは「decent」。

用例:a decent income(世間並みの収入)
用例:He got a decent grade on the exam(彼は試験でまぁまぁの成績を収めた)

用例:a decent suit of clothes(上品な衣服)
用例:decent language(上品な言葉)


Induction ceremony

本日は、新メンバー・JaさんのInduction ceremonyがありました。どうぞよろしくお願いします!初回参加のゲストコメント時から「只者では無い感」を醸し出していたJaさんですがやっぱりやってくれました、、、初回テーブルトピックスでベストスピーカー獲得です!





2人目のKrさん。CCマニュアルのプロジェクト10・Inspire your audienceより、スピーチタイトル「blood」。幼少の頃から謎だった厳格な父親の理由が二十歳になって解けるに至るまでを話した英語スピーチでした。







English speech meeting report

This is an English Speech Meeting Report!

Today's meeting theme was “fresh start”. March is the season for farewell. For me, the image of the graduation ceremony is “graduation from this domination” sang by Yutaka Ozaki, as I was a dropout student who didn't like the school atmosphere itself.

TMOD was a veteran toastmaster Im. In Japan, the graduation ceremony is an image of "the end", but in the United States, it is an image of "the commencement". Along with the "stay hungry, stay foolish" speech of Apple founder Steve Jobs who was held at Stanford University, She explained it.

Induction ceremony

Today, there was an induction ceremony for a new member Ja. Welcome! She doesn’t look like an ordinary person since the time of the guest comment at her first-time participation. She got it! Got the best table topic speaker!

In Google, it is said to "hire a better applicant than yourself" as a recruiting standard for newcomers. As the members who entered our club recently seemed to be already talented, there is no time for hanging about! Of course, as we said on the Facebook page, we are waiting for your participation regardless of your English level or nationality! The important things are "motivation" and "commitment".

Prepared speech session

First person Ot. It was an English speech from Pathways Icebreaker. He gave a talk on self-introduction as an Ice Breaker's principle. When the men try to make the audience laugh, we tend to use a no-fail joke, “A man who felt miserable in front of a girl (in the case of a married person, henpecked husband)”. He successfully incorporated it into his speech.

Ot, who looks just like a person in charge of handling in the zoo, has a mild appearance, but we are also looking forward to his future English speeches, as he might have many experiences such as residence at Thailand, MBA learning, etc. 

Second person Kr. Speech title was "blood" from Project 10 Inspire your audience of CC manual. It was a speech that talked about the reason for a strict father who had been a mystery since his childhood, he seemed to notice the father’s reason when he became 20.

It seems that the average period to complete the CC manual is about 2 years. He completed CC manual taking a year and eight months since his entering in August of the year before last. He will proceed to the pathways.

The third Iw. It was a suitable theme for Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club, as we are the English speech club. It was the transaction gap between English and Japanese at international conferences. It is said that at the international conference, "Let the Indians be silence, and let the Japanese speak,".

Although I'm assertive at a Japanese language conference, and I understand why I could not speak when discussions were exciting in the Club. I tried to make an English sentence and wanted to participate in the meeting positively but while making the sentence, the theme came to move onto another one lol. Let’s train at the Toastmasters Club.


Three of the "GAFA" came out, so I will talk about Amazon in the end. Recently, I bought a book on Amazon. I ordered something good in word of mouth in the early morning, surprisingly it arrived that day. To such extent, material things are available for instant, but handmade things are not easy to get.

When it comes to English speech, the members rewrite the script more than a dozen times and do the rehearsal as well. You can see such our precious effort here! We are eagerly waiting for your participation.








Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 3 sessions as follows.

- Table Topics (an impromptu speech competition)
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech)

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.

If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule


挫折や評判 を恐れずにトライ!第286回英語スピーチ例会レポート!!


本日の例会は 横浜 市の市民活動支援センターで行われました。さて、この時期は半期に一度の会費徴収の時期です。みなとみらい トーストマスターズクラブの会費は月1,000円です。

厳密には、トーストマスターズクラブは「話し方とリーダーシップを学ぶ場」なので、 英会話 教室とは位置付けが異なるのですが、会費が安い トレーニングの機会を得られるのも、会計のKwさんのような方がリーダーの仕事を引き受けてくれるおかけです。この場をお借りして御礼申し上げます。

本日のword of the day~ジョークアンドテッィプスセッション

本当のword of the dayはgenuine(形)。

2 〈人・感情など〉誠実な、偽りのない、真心からの
3  純種の、(血統の)純粋の

と言った所です。イングリッシュ スピーチに素早く組み込み易いチョイスの形容詞でした。僕は今、絶賛語彙力増強 キャンペーン 中なので勉強になりました。 挫折 しそうな時も みなとみらい トーストマスターズクラブのメンバーがこう言った 機会 を提供してくれます。


"Do you have a time?"と言うセンテンスが持つ意味を取り違えてしまった、と言う笑い話をジョークを交えながらも、ジャパニーズと イングリッシュ の微細な違いが分かるお話でした。Gtさんの 生涯学習 にかける熱意は測り知れません。

イングリッシュ は聞き取れるだけで無く、英語が持つ多義的な意味を知っている必要が有るので例会中は頭をフル回転させています。例会前に桜木町で ハニートースト や シナモントースト のような糖分を摂取すると集中力が増すかもしれません。


1人目の フレンチトースト が大好きなAdさん。ご登壇をお待ちしておりました!Pathwaysのタイムマネジメントに関するプロジェクトより、「人生を最大限に活用する方法」についてお話頂きました。

Adさんが参加されたセミナーで学ばれた時間管理の手法を説明頂きました。「しなければいけない事」と「やりたい事」をリスト化し優先順位を付け、第三者に客観視てしもらうと言う方法です。とても 仕事で役に立つ方法 で参考になりました。

2人目のNkさん。pathwaysのリーダーシップに関するプロジェクトから、スピーチタイトル"loser me, leader me"です。多重人格と言う意味ではなく笑、人は誰でも自分自身のリーダーであると言う納得的なスピーチでした。

今後も多くの英語スピーチを予定されている 成長 著しいお方です。 みなとみらい トーストマスターズクラブは 人前で話す 経験を積む事が出来る 実践の場 です。Nkさんも日々鍛練しているおかげで 度胸 がついているようです。 評判 もうなぎ登りです。

3人目のSbさん。みなとみらい トーストマスターズクラブのウェブサイト(つまりこのサイト)の分析に関するイングリッシュ プレゼンテーション です。 Sbさんには過去にもメンバーの声(感想) の募集と言った キャンペーン を実施頂いております。

今回、対象とするプロジェクトはテクニカルな プレゼンテーション でしたが、参加しやすいテーマで、活性化したセッションで 評判 になりました。当ウェブサイトも更なる ブラッシュアップ を目指して参ります。


大人になると挑戦する機会もなかなか有りません。 挫折 を恐れずにトーストマスターズクラブで学んだ「全ての挑戦に価値がある」と言う言葉を信じて行動してみようと思います。

English speech meeting report

Today's regular meeting was held at the Yokohama-shi Shimin-katsudo-shin-center. Today, we announced that we collect the member’s fee once in half a year. The fee for Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club is 1,000 yen a month.

Strictly speaking, the Toastmasters Club is a place where we learn how to speak and leadership, so the meaning is somewhat different from the English-speaking class, but you can get training opportunities at a lower cost. Thanks to Kw who takes on work as a leader!

Gt, "Challenge 10-year-old child", which means he just became 70 years old. He talked about his experiences during his stay in the United States at the Joke and Taps session.

It was a story about the differences between Japanese and English, he seemed to misunderstand the meaning of the sentence "Do you have time?". The enthusiasm for Gt's "lifelong learning" is huge.

First speaker Ad who loves the French toast. We are waiting for her! From the Pathways time management project, she talked about "Make the most of your life"

She talked about the method of time management learned in the seminar in which she participated. It is a method to list and prioritize "what you have to do" and "what you want to do", and have another participant look objectively. It was a very helpful and useful method.

Second person Nk. A speech title was "loser me, leader me" from the Pathways Leadership Project. It was a convincing speech that explains everyone is their own leader.

She is a rapidly growing member and she is also planning many English speeches in the future.  Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club is a place where you can experience the public speaking experience. Because of her training in front of her members, she seems to have confidence.

Third speaker Sb. It was an English presentation on the analysis of Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club website.

The target of this project was a technical presentation, but it was an active session with enthusiasm! We are also trying to further brush up for our website.


As I learnt in Gt's joke and tips session, I need to not only hear English but also need to know the ambiguous meaning that English words have, so I am always fully concentrating on the meeting.

If you eat the sugar such as honey toast or cinnamon toast in Sakuragicho before the meeting, the concentration may increase.





他クラブからの精鋭6人がひしめく中、Asさんが1st placeを獲得しました!おめでとうございます!!Asさんは4月14日に行われるディビジョン英語スピーチコンテストに進出されます。乞うご期待ください!!

Are 52 english speech contest report

The contest of area 52 to which Minato Mirai Toastmasters club belongs was held. In the English speech contest, President As and Os who won the in-house contest entered, and Tr  entered the Japanese speech contest.

Six contestants from other clubs  competed, As, our president won the 1st place! congratulations! !

As will proceed to the Division Contest to be held on April 14th. So, don't miss it!!








Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 3 sessions as follows.

- Table Topics (an impromptu speech competition)
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech)

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.

If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule






本日のword of the day~テーブルトピックスセッション

本日のword of the dayは「drive」でした。一番有名な訳は、「乗り物等を運転する(自・他)」ですが、第5文型の用法として「(OをCに)導く・駆り立てる」も有るようです。


President AS / drove / the meeting / success.(プレジデントAsは例会を成功に導いた)
Her existence / drove / me / love.(彼女の存在が僕を恋に駆り立てた)








3人目のYdさん。目標設定の方法とトーストマスターの最高到達地点であるDTM(distinguished toastmaster・日本に約4,800人いるトーストマスターの中で約100人しか持っていない)についての英語スピーチでした。








English Speech Meeting Report

It is a regular meeting report! Today’s meeting started by a warm-up exercise led by president As. All of us became “Kenshiro” in the famous cartoon "Hokuto noKen”. I remembered "Konjac exercise" at the joint meeting. If we can swallow our pride, we shall become an excellent speaker.

At the prepared speech session, Og first speaker talked about “Three real reasons to study the UK”'.

There are many people who lived in the English-speaking countries at Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club, but even in the same English-speaking countries, Britain and the United States seem to be totally different about the temperament of people. Although it is a personal impression, it may be similar to a person from Kyoto prefecture.
The second speaker Kr. Talked about "Togo Turn" which made Japan victory decisive in the Russo-Japanese War. He delivered the speech using the real battleship Mikasa and magnets.

Ryotaro Shiba said, "The Meiji era was an optimistic era in which success of individual and social development was connected." In a sense, it might be a time when people could live vividly.
Yd, the third speaker. It was a story about the “method of goal setting” and about "DTM (distinguished toastmaster, the toast master's highest summit)". There are only about 100 Toastmasters who achieved DTMs among about 4,800 Toastmasters in Japan .

Taking over 21 years, founder Yd achieved DTM. To get a DTM is a laborious work, such as multiple manual completion and a new club foundation. Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club also inherits the genes of YD.
Fj, the fourth person. It is a speech about food samples.

The origin of the food samples derives from the Meiji era. It seems to have been from around the time Western cuisine became popular in Japan. I saw the actual sushi and sample of that, but they were completely indistinguishable,,,,.


At the joke and tips session, we discussed pathways led by Tr. The concurrent period will soon be over, officers are also thinking variously to make the transition smooth.

"Human Resources" is the best asset of the club. We will continue to tackle on that not to miss any dropout!