Minato-Mirai TMC 427th Meeting on February 8th, 2025
Meeting theme: Learning Through Others
Word of the Day【WOD】:studious
"Learning is not just about our own experiences; it is also about observing, listening, and gaining insights from others."
This was the theme of our meeting: "Learning Through Others." Throughout the session, we explored how we can grow by understanding different perspectives, absorbing valuable lessons from others' journeys, and applying them to our own lives.
From inspiring speeches to insightful evaluations, every part of the meeting reminded us of the power of shared knowledge.
今回のミーティングテーマは 「他者を通じて学ぶ(Learning Through Others)」 でした。このセッションを通じて、私たちは異なる視点を理解し、他者の経験から貴重な学びを得て、それを自分の成長に活かす方法を探りました。
インスピレーションあふれるスピーチから、洞察に満ちた論評まで、すべての瞬間が 「知識を共有することの力」 を感じさせてくれるミーティングでした。
<Table topics session>
In this part, when the Table Topic Master asks questions, and we give an impromptu speech.
Table Topics Master is TM MD!
With the season when everyone catches colds, they asked questions focusing on how to deal with colds and difficulties.
今回のTable topics MasterはTM MD!
1. What is your advice for a sore throat?
2. What do you eat when you have a cold?
3. What are some of your silly mistakes?
4. When something bad happens, how do you change the situation?
5. What are you passionate about learning now?
<Prepared speech session>
TM IS: "Hypothesis" and "Experiment"
TM IS delivered an inspiring speech on "Hypothesis" and "Experiment," sharing the challenges they faced while running an English conversation school and how they turned those experiences into valuable lessons. Quoting Emerson’s famous words, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better,” they emphasized the significance of taking action. The speech encouraged the audience to embrace challenges and continuously learn through experience, leaving a motivational and uplifting impact on everyone.
TM ISは 「仮説」と「実験」 をテーマに、英会話教室を運営する中で直面した困難と、そこから得た学びを語りました。特に、「人生は実験であり、より多くの実験をするほど成長できる」 というエマーソンの名言を引用し、行動することの重要性を力強く伝えました。挑戦を恐れず、経験を積み重ねることの大切さを実感させる、前向きでインスピレーションに満ちたスピーチ でした。
TM KW: What makes me happy
TM KW delivered a heartwarming speech on "What makes me happy," sharing how they recover from exhaustion and find happiness. After a busy Setsubun event, they recharged through four steps: sleep & food, self-care, creating a comfortable space, hobbies, and spending time with friends. With vivid descriptions and photos, the speech beautifully conveyed how happiness comes from small everyday moments. It was an inspiring and relatable speech that reminded us to cherish the simple joys of life.
TM KWは 「What makes me happy」 をテーマに、疲れたときにどのようにリフレッシュし、幸せを感じるかを語りました。販売で忙しかった節分の後、睡眠・食事、セルフケア、心地よい空間作り、趣味、友人との時間 という4つのステップで元気を取り戻す様子を、写真と共に紹介しました。 「幸せは日常の小さなことから生まれる」 というメッセージが伝わる、温かく共感を呼ぶスピーチでした。
TM TD: Missing You
TM TD delivered a touching speech titled "Missing You," sharing a personal experience of losing a loved one. While sudden loss brings deep sorrow, they found comfort in recalling memories of mountain climbing together. Remembering how the person always listened attentively and helped others on the trail, the speaker realized that their presence still lives on in their heart. This heartfelt speech beautifully conveyed the idea that love and kindness leave lasting impressions, even beyond loss.
TM TDは 「Missing You」 をテーマに、大切な人を亡くした経験について語りました。突然の別れは深い悲しみを伴いますが、登山の思い出を振り返ることで、その人の優しさや思いやりが心の中に今も生き続けていることを感じると話しました。故人が周囲の人を助け、話に耳を傾けていた姿を思い出すことで、喪失の中にも温かさと感謝があることを伝える、心揺さぶるスピーチ でした
TM AD: Building Relationships
In the speech "Building Relationships," TM AD explored the importance and difficulty of building human connections, blending humor with deep insights. While this is a topic that many in modern society struggle to find clear answers to, the speaker shared unexpected realizations and discoveries based on personal experience. It was a reminder that building relationships takes time and effort, yet the value gained from these connections is immeasurable. The speech provided a refreshing perspective on an often-complex issue.
TM ADは、スピーチ「Building Relationships」で、人との関係を築くことの重要性と、その難しさについてユーモアを交えつつ深く掘り下げて語られました。現代社会では誰もが答えを出し切れないテーマですが、スピーカーは自身の経験をもとに、予想外の気づきや発見を聴衆に与えてくれました。人間関係の構築には時間と努力が必要ですが、それを通じて得られる価値を再認識させてくれる内容でした。
<Award Presentation/結果発表>
☆Best Speaker ベストスピーカー賞:TM AD
☆Best Table Topics Speaker ベストテーブルトピック賞:TM VK
☆Best Evaluator ベスト論評賞:TM CT
In TM KW's speech "What makes me happy," she mentioned nerikiri and, to everyone's surprise, actually made and brought some to the meeting. We were not only able to enjoy the speech but also delighted our taste buds, and we are truly grateful to TM KW. The nerikiri was shaped like an apple, and the surprise of finding real apple seeds inside amazed everyone
今回、TM KWさんの「What makes me happy」のスピーチでは、練り切りについて言及され、なんと実際に練り切りを作って持ってきてくださいました。スピーチを楽しむだけでなく、味覚でも楽しませていただき、TM KWさんには感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。特に、その練り切りがりんごの形をしていて、中にリンゴの種を模したお菓子も入っているのを見て、みんな驚きました。
<Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!!
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html