Minato-Mirai TMC 426th Meeting on January 25th, 2025
Meeting theme: Share our experiences with future Toastmasters
Word of the Day【WOD】:optimal
How could we inspire and guide future Toastmasters? That was the theme of our meeting: "Share our experiences with future Toastmasters."
Throughout the session, we reflected on our own journeys, exchanged valuable insights, and shared memorable experiences that shaped us as speakers and leaders."
<Induction Ceremony/入会式>
We welcomed a new member today. TM MZ kindly introduced our new member, and everyone was so happy to welcome him. TM OG, our President, gave him the member’s certificate. Welcome, TM VK!
入会式を執り行いました。TM MZさんが、新会員を紹介してくれました。メンバー全員に大歓迎された新会員は、会長から会員証が手渡されます。これから一緒にみなとみらいTMCを盛り上げましょう。ようこそ、TM VKさん!!
<Table topics session>
In this part, when the Table Topic Master asks questions, and we give an impromptu speech.
Table Topics Master is TM CT!
The questions were ingenious and connected to the meeting theme, and they brought out the best of everyone's ideas.
今回のTable topics MasterはTM CT!
1. Which speech or presentation are you most proud of, and why?
2. What important lessons have you learned from speaking or listening to speeches at Toastmasters?
3. What inspired you to join Toastmasters?
4. Who or what has been your biggest inspiration in your Toastmasters journey?
5. What practical tips would you give new Toastmasters to help them succeed?
<Prepared speech session>
TM JT: The First Time you Travel
TM JT shared their first solo backpacking trip in Southeast Asia, filled with challenges and unexpected events. From forgetting to book a hotel to encountering loud noise, an underage bus driver, a potential danger outside their door, and an airport interrogation over a souvenir, they navigated through various difficulties. Despite these experiences, they embraced the journey, learned to solve problems independently, and grew from it. The speech conveyed that travel is not just about sightseeing but a valuable opportunity for personal growth.
TM JTは初めての一人旅として東南アジアをバックパッキングし、多くの挑戦と学びを経験しました。ホテル未予約、騒音、バス移動、予期せぬ危険な場面、空港での尋問など、様々なトラブルに直面しながらも、それらを乗り越えて成長しました。旅は単なる観光ではなく、自己成長と問題解決能力を養う貴重な機会であることを伝えたスピーチでした。
TM TK: The Dynamic Life of a Rambling Rose
TM TK introduced the classic American song "Rambling Rose" and shared how it became a source of encouragement. The song conveys the message that one can live freely and enjoy life. The speech then compared two types of roses: the standard rose, which grows straight and elegantly, and the rambling rose, which grows unpredictably in all directions. Through this analogy, the speaker emphasized the beauty of an adventurous and dynamic life.
He also made the meeting a lot of fun with the colorful materials and songs.
スピーカーはアメリカの古い曲 「Rambling Rose」 を紹介し、この歌が「自分の思うままに生きる」ことを励ましてくれると語りました。バラの種類には「まっすぐ伸びるスタンダードローズ」と「自由に成長するランブリングローズ」があり、後者のように 予測不能でダイナミックな人生 を楽しむことの大切さを伝えました。
<Award Presentation/結果発表>
☆Best Speaker ベストスピーカー賞:TM JTさん
☆Best Table Topics Speaker ベストテーブルトピック賞:TM VKさん
☆Best Evaluator ベスト論評賞:TM SGさん
<Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!!
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html