
# 412 Proceed to the next stepー「進め、一歩その先へ☆彡」


Minato-Mirai TMC 412th Meeting on June 22, 2024

Meeting theme: Proceed to the next step

Word of the Day【WOD】:Radiant 

<Hello / はじめに>

Hello, everyone!! We held the last meeting of this term. We looked back on the path we walked together and we’re expecting a new season!! 


Induction Ceremony/ 新会員の仲間入り

™.JO!! Welcome aboard!! Thank you for joining us!! 

We’re so happy to have you as our member!! 

Let’s learn and have fun together♪♪ 


New Club Officer Election/ 来期役員選挙

The club officer election was held and the new cabinet for the next term has been organized!! The immediate past president, ™ OS led the election and introduced the new officer members. Thank you for your acceptance.


TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.IW. 

He introduced the meeting theme, “Proceed to the next step.” At the end of this term, he played the triple roles today!! ①The club president who led the induction ceremony, ②Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) as the host of the meeting and ③Table Topics Master!! Thank you for your dedication!! 


<Joke/Tips Session / 笑い話または役立つ話>


Joke and Tips Master was ™.NK. He gave us some quizzes from SF movies /comics. The stories were like fortune tellings!!!  

Minority Report” (2002):Advanced IT technology such as floating image display

Condition” (2011):Pandemic, very similar to  Covid-19. The world became chaotic!!

“AKIRA” (1982-1990):SF comics, predicting Tokyo 2020!!  

The new member, ™ JO answered the questions/ titles of the movies!! Wow!! ™.NK’s recommendation is “Upload” that we can watch at Amazon Prime Video!! Let’s check it out!! 




「マイノリティレポート (2002)」:非接触・空中タッチパネルが出てくる。

「コンディション (2011)」:ウィルス性の感染症のパンデミックが起こるというストーリー!コロナウィルスを完全予期していたかのような酷似した内容に驚愕。


「アップロード」: 今、NKさんイチオシの作品はAmazon Prime videoで視聴できるオリジナル作品!死後、仮想現実に脳から意識をアップロードできる!? ドローン警察も出てくる?要チェック!


Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ


At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

The Table Topics Master was ™IW. 

1. What does June remind you of? 

2. How do you spend time/ What do you do/ in such a depressing rainy season? 

3. What would you give your father as a gift on Father’s Day? 

4. When the rainy season is over, what are you expecting for the summer?

5. Hydrangeas are pretty in June. What flower do you like? 


1. 6月と聞いて、何を思い出しますか?

2. 長雨で鬱陶しい季節、何をして過ごしますか?

3. 「父の日」に何かプレゼントをするならば、何をお父さんに贈りますか?

4. 梅雨が明けたあと、夏の楽しみは何ですか?

5. 6月の花といえばアジサイですが、あなたが好きな花はなんですか?

<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① JLさん「 A Journey of Passion and Growth- 情熱と成長の旅路」

The 1st speaker was ™.JL. It was an ice breaker/ his first speech. He introduced his favorite quote, which has inspired him. 

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

™. JL was born in China. He was good at English when he was a junior high student but when he had a chance to talk with an American for the first time, he was too excited to talk. He lost his confidence. In later years, he overcame this experience by making efforts and attending English speaking events to improve his skills. He reconstructed his confidence. 

Working at a Sino-german company, he met great leaders who spoke more than three languages, had global mindsets and exceptional management skills. He decided to get those assets for himself. 

™.JL studied Japanese and came to Japan in 2015. Now he is working in the automobile industry to produce active safety and driver assistance technology, having a mission of preventing accidents and saving more lives. 

He got MBA. He has many more things he would like to learn. Public speech is one of them.  

Embracing the quote above by Goethe, ™.JL will try new things with boldness and passion. 







MZ さん「AI is comingー人工知能のユーモアセンス」

The 2nd speaker was ™.MZ. He is a humble but very intellectual semiconductor engineer. He loves electronic circuits and also jokes!! He introduced some jokes generated by AI, Artificial Intelligence. 

“Why is the computer cold? Because the *Windows of computers are open!!” (*Think about the image of Microsoft Windows.) He smiled and talked to the audience.

AI is great at processing huge amounts of data but it was regarded as not having creative thinking. But if it can create funny stories like humans, isn’t it fear? ™.MZ thinks about the relationship between AI  and human society. 

He imagines the world, where AI complements human creativity, not as a competitor but as a partner. It might take more time to understand the AI thinking methods and to know each other but if we can create our future together, it will be bright and meaningful. 

Along with some AI jokes, he showed us the future that humans and AI harmonize. 





ペットショップを見ていたお客さん。値段の高い犬は何が理由で高いのか。特殊な能力を身につけている犬もいる。最高値の犬は「マネージャー」と呼ばれている。何ができてなぜそう呼ばれているのか!!!? 「いや、、何ができるかよくわからないんですが、まあ、そこにいるっていうか。それで、そう呼ばれているんですよね…」なんという会社組織を皮肉ったジョーク!



③ SJさん「Club Award- Every little bit countsーみんなのちから。優秀クラブ賞受賞!」

The 3rd speaker and also the last speaker of this term was ™.SJ, our Vice President of Education. He reported that we got “President’s Distinguished Award” for 2023-2024. 

It’s a great honor to receive this award as a Toastmasters club. We achieved it by delivering speeches, welcoming new members, attending training sessions and so on. 

He presented awards to two selected members who presented remarkable achievements: 

Toastmaster of the Year (TOY) to ™.OS and Rookie of the Year (ROY) to ™.KM!! Congratulations!! ™.MZ marked the perfect attendance for the year!! Super great!! 

™.SJ has been a great supporter for all club members. He was also our entertainer with a topper/ silk hat. He delivered our last/ 77th speech. Let’s give him a big applause!!! 


一年間VPE ( =Vice President of Education) 教育担当副会長を務めてきたSJさん。

今期もみなとみらいは「President’s Distinguished Award」という優秀クラブ賞を受賞したことを報告しました。




<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 

™.JN tried the evaluator role for the first time. Great job!! 




General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator was ™.KR. She gave us insightful, heartwarming and encouraging feedback. She evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general. 


3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  OSさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) CTさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) SSさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:SJさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:TMさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:CTさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hello!! Thank you very much for reading this blog for a year!! I truly enjoyed writing it as our “diary”. I know this blog was super long. I appreciate your understanding and encouragement. I put everything I heard, saw and felt in it. Every speech and every minute we shared has been a treasure for me. I also thank my colleagues in the officer team. I learned a lot from you all. Your dedication and thoughtfulness supported the club. 

Today the new officers were elected and organized the cabinet for the next term. We thank you/them very much for your/their service in advance!! We hope you will enjoy it and your/their experience will be fruitful and meaningful. 

See you at the next meeting!! Let’s “proceed to the next step”!! (=meeting theme♪♪) 

Thanks and love, 

Yukiko, PR of MMTMC 2023-2024


聞こえてくる言葉、目に入るもの、空気感。その全てをノートに書き留め、脳内再生して文字に起こしていくことが楽しかった。仲間のスピーチの一言一句を二度味わうことができた。 そしてみんなの笑顔の煌めきの一瞬を写真に撮って、アルバムにしていくのが私の喜びでした。




それぞれのやりかた/ カラーで、楽しく、無理なく、終わった時にやってよかったと思える1年になることを願っています。




#411 The Art of Storytelling-「17周年記念例会:ストーリーテリングの魔法」

Minato-Mirai TMC 411th Meeting on June 8, 2024

Meeting theme: The Art of Storytelling: Weaving Words into Magic

Word of the Day【WOD】:enthrall 

17th Anniversary/ みなとみらいTMC17周年

Hello, everyone!! We celebrated our 17th Anniversary!! We held a short regular meeting and a special workshop to learn Roudoku/ Read alive. 



President/ 会長挨拶

Our president, ™.IW proudly announced the start of this event with a gentle smile. His flower printed shirt looked nice on him. 


TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.KR. She set the meeting theme: The Art of Storytelling: Weaving Words into Magic. She uplifted our motivation and expectation with her magic wand. She is our beloved witch!! 


<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① KMさん「To be a team or alone, that is the question - 個かチームか、それが問題だ」

The 1st speaker was ™.KM. She is a professional journalist, writing articles of the social news from various perspectives. She says that she prefers working individually to collaborating in a team. 

But after joining a good team two years ago, she opened a new door. She got new ideas and visions from her colleagues and they were fruitful for her. She also challenged new tasks, such as taking initiatives to lead a discussion of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as a facilitator. She found the importance of “active listening” and enjoyed it. 

Even now, she feels at ease in writing articles by herself but she would try team collaborating again when she had a chance. Her speech was based on the real voice/ experience of a professional and it was colorful because of her rich facial and vocal expressions.

本職のジャーナリスト/ 記者であるKMさん。社会でおきていることや物事の視点を言葉を通して世に伝えるプロ。個人で進めるリサーチ関係の記事を担当することが多かった彼女は、自分のペースで仕事を進められるのが快適で大好き。一方、チームで行うプロジェクトにはいささか苦手意識が。

でも2年前のあるとき。8人ものチーム編成でのプロジェクトに参加することに。「キャップ」というリーダーのもと、メンバーと協力して相互にアドバイスをしあうなかで記事を書くスタイルには新鮮な学びがあり、また、「SDGs (持続可能な開発目標/発展)」をテーマとした会議のファシリテーターを務めるなかでパネリストの言葉を引き出すことの面白さ、その「アクティブリスニング(傾聴)」の奥深さにも開眼したのでした。



(※ “To be or not to be. That is the question.”ーシェイクスピア「ハムレット」より)

NKさん「Future Developmentーやってみなはれ、未来開発」

The 2nd speaker was ™NK, whose smile is as bright as the summer sunshine!! 

He belongs to a brewing/liquor company. Now he is working with a team of “Future Development Department.” What’s that? They develop the plans to create a brighter future 10-30 years ahead!!They set goals and visions by themselves. 

He took his team to a bookstore to buy many books.  It aimed to obtain knowledge of pioneers from various fields and to broaden the perspectives to see a new world. He believes that the best way to predict the future is to innovate and that what people can imagine, they/we can achieve it. He also knows that it’s important to get free from the social bias/ old customs which control us not to move forward. 

He loves the power of liquor, which enriches people’s life and emotions. Even if some people say that they don’t need liquor, he believes in the value of it. He asked his audience to give him some hints and ideas. “If you have any ideas for the future, please let me/ us know. We can make it with brand new alcohol.” He was full of joy and confidence and we couldn’t help believing in his words. 


そんな彼は、今年の春、酒造を本業とする自社の中で、とある部署に社内異動しました。その名も「未来事業開発部!」何をするところなんや!?  そこは10年~30年というスパンで明るい未来を創る場所!しかし、具体的な達成目標/予算や目に見えたゴールがない、自分で仕事を作り出し進めていくというミッションだそう。なかなかハードルが高い。




<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 




Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker ( Left/ 左)  ベストスピーカー賞:NKさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:ADさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!


™.SJ passionately introduced our special guest, the workshop facilitator, Yuko Aotani!!  


Yuko Aotani : 朗読家 青谷優子 オフィシャルサイト – Storyteller Yuko Aotani Official Websit

“Storyteller, narrator, English communication specialist.

After spending 23 years as an NHK news anchor/ radio presenter (in English language programmes), Aotani now introduces Japanese literature in English as Rodoku, applying the method in presentations, reading seminars and workshops.”  (ーQuoted from her HP)


①Tougue Twister

まずは英語の早口言葉! “noise, annoy, oyster” という三語が入ったものは [oi/ オィ] という音の繰り返しをリズム良く刻めるか。”whether (もしも=仮定の接続詞) /weather (天気=名詞/ 耐える=動詞)が混ざる一文は、音は同じでも品詞や意味が異なる。その内容を捉えながら言っているのか…。舌も頭もいきなりトップギアで鍛えられるウォーミングアップ!

②Listen and Compare- Read Aloud and Read Alive


③Adding more meanings with your voice


④5 points for better vocalization


⑤Connecting Sound and Meanings


⑥Read Aloud and Make a Difference- News/ Speech/ Story

Let’s practice, based on the theory and what you learned. 


When we read【news】,conveying the “theme” to the listeners is very essential. Details follow the head part. The voice tone should be “neutral”, not adding some power balance/ speaker’s ideas and thoughts. Focus on the information and put aside yourself as a performer. 


When we deliver a persuasive【speech】, don’t rush. It should be “inclusive”, using words like “we/us, to unite. Mind the sound linkage of connected words, such as climate change and fossil fuels. Pronounce them like a one word. Talk like the former president Obama. Your words will be convincing. 


「私たち/ 我々の」という言葉を巧みに使って一体感を醸し出す。また、言葉の流れにも気を留めると聴きやすくなる。「気候変化」「化石燃料」といった二語だけど一つの意味を持つ言葉などは一語のように発音すると良い。「now」という言葉も、「さあ」「今こそ」など意味合いは異なる。そのシーンごとで同じ単語も読み方を変えよう。

Two members read the same【story】, Gon Fox, a Japanese folk tale. 

Understanding the contents of the story helps for creating atmosphere and visualization. 

It’s important to make our voice heard by the audience sitting in the very back seat.  

We need to pronounce words very clearly even if we utter the words in a low voice. Move your mouth!! 



Three members took turns reading a demo speech, tips for a good presentation. They looked confident and the words sounded convincing as if they wrote the script by themselves. Bravo!! 



We enjoyed the live performance of “Mujina”, a Japanese scary/ ghost story. (A ghost having a face without eyes, a nose nor a mouth.) Her vivid description was amazing and we witnessed the scenes!!!! Very scary, powerful and professional. 




Thank you for the splendid workshop!! We were fascinated. 





Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Anniversary Party/ 記念パーティ

Cheers!! 乾杯!

Quiz!! The winners got pieces of  super delicious hand-made banana cake!!! Yummy!! 


Left: Hand-made Banana cake

Right top: Premier banana chips/ Right bottom: Banana chips covered with chocolate


右上:高級バナナチップス/ 右下:バナナチップスチョコ(これも美味しい♪♪)

Anniversary dessert plate. Look at the sparks!! 


Hi, I’m Yukiko. We had a great day. Our hearts were fulfilled with joy and excitement. 

MS.Yuko Aotani. We truly appreciate you for giving us such a fruitful learning and experience. Thanks to you, we can fly higher in the upcoming term, starting next July. 

Dear fellow members, see you at the next meeting ♪♪



