
The art of fall leaves - 切なくて美しい秋のあはれ

Minato-Mirai TMC 398th Meeting

Meeting theme: The art of fall leaves

Word of the Day【WOD】:Vista 

<Hearing from winter / はじめに>

Hello, everyone!! Just one month is left in 2023. The comfortable sunlight of late autumn and piercing cold weather of winter. It’s not easy to keep up with the changes. Hope you are doing great.  

On November 25th, we welcomed 4 guests and held a meeting. We had an energetic and wonderful time together. 


TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.OT. Autumn is his favorite season.He loves its agreeable climate and colorful leaves of trees, which turn from green to yellow and red. 

He also likes to visit some museums, especially “The National Museum of Western Art”. 

Everytime he is attracted by different works, which reflect his recent emotions and interests.

In a little bit of a sentimental mood, he created the atmosphere of celebrating the beauty of autumn and art. And then, he started the meeting. 




Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

Table Topics Master was ™. FN. How difficult, sophisticated, intellectual and interesting questions!!! We couldn’t help clapping our hands with excitement and joy!! Thank you for leading such an artistic session!! Check the best speaker’s answer below↓↓. How do you answer those questions? 

<Questions & Answers>

Q1:  Can you describe what Autumn is? 

Q2 : How important is Autumn in Japan, or what does Autumn symbolize in Japan?  

Q3 : What emotion does Autumn bring?

Q4 : What do Autumn leaves mean in the arts? 

 A4: “Loneliness” - falling leaves give us the image of end. But the fallen leaves change into        nutrition in the ground and give the power to the new life. So it means “revitalization” as well. 

Q5 : Why is Autumn so beautiful?  




①「『秋』とは何かを描写してください 」

②「日本における『秋』の重要性、秋は何を象徴していると思いますか? 」


④「紅葉し葉が落ちる。秋の木の葉が芸術においてどんな意味を持つかを語って下さい 」

「『孤独』葉が落ちるということは終わりや別れを表象しているように思う。ただもう一歩踏み込むならば、土に還った葉は養分となり新しい命に還元される。もし自分が芸術家ならば、『再生』という意味づけもしたい」(すごい!! 言葉の芸術!喝采!!!) 



<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① SSさん「My first experience of overseas travelingーエンストタクシーでアドベンチャー」

™. SS is an engineer and has worked internationally. 35 years ago, in 1988, his next destination was Penang/ Malaysia. In those days, Japanese electronic device companies built so many plants overseas, especially in Asian countries. 

He flew from Korea to Kuala Lumpur. But no flight/ no seat was available to Penang. “How can I get there!?” Penang was 400 km ahead. He jumped into a taxi company. With only $150 in his pocket, he negotiated and got a taxi for $120!! Let’s go!!!!!! 

The road was not a paved road. The taxi, which was an old Japanese classic car, was driving in a jungle. There was no gas station, of course, so they loaded gasoline in poly tanks. “Are you hungry?” The driver asked him. “No!!!!” They just hurried on. 

5 hours later, they went through the jungle and got on a highway. But…the taxi started to be bumpy…because of overheating. They turned off the air conditioner. Super hot outside, 40℃!! Just go, Taxi!!!!! 

™.SS survived and arrived at the factory at last. His colleague had been worrying about him, thinking he might be “kidnapped.” 

Adventure. Before you go, you don’t know what is waiting for you.  

™.SS is a master of adventure. This is the prologue of his lifelong journey. 


 唯一の選択肢は陸路。7時間の道のりを乗せてくれる車は捕まえられるのか?タクシー会社に飛び込んだ。そこでハタと見る財布の中。クレジットカードは使えなかった。現金の所持金、150米ドル!!! ドライバーとの運賃交渉の結果、120米ドルで交渉成立!ぎりぎりセーフ!!!さあ、目的地に向かうぞ!

進む先は舗装されている道ばかりなわけもなく、ジャングルを越える自然界ツアー!そして車体はオンボロの日本車。ガソリンスタンドもあるわけない。赤ポリタンクにガソリンを搭載して向かう。出発して数時間。ドライバーに聞かれる。「腹、減ってますか?」「いいや、大丈夫!」脇目もふらず進むこと5時間。とうとうジャングルを抜けて高速道路にのれたとき、異変発生。プスンプスン…エンストか!? ここで止まったら一巻の終わり。40℃の熱い外気に晒されながらエアコンを止める。走れ、タクシー!




OSさん 「Kick the Board, Tenー全力で漕げ!10カウントの先の勝敗」

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream♪♪

™.OS opened his speech by singing a song. After describing the beautiful and calm riverside in autumn, he started to tell the memory of the past. 

He was a university student and a member of a rowing/boat club. His team was one of the national champions. 

The boat was directed by a commander called “Cox”. There are 8 rowers. They kick the board very hard then the oars turn around and the boat goes ahead. ™.OS showed how to do it, taking off his shoes. (See: Photo). They can’t stop until they are permitted by Cox. It’s incredibly hard, heavy and painstaking labor but they have no choice. Just do it. 

His team practiced so hard but one day they lost. They practiced harder. 

The important thing was  “how to make the perfect harmony” especially when they were losing. In other words, “You need to trust your crew. Give everything. Don’t demand anything. Just be resilient.” It was the key.

An unforgettable match. His team was losing. The nightmare again!? The Cox shouted. “Kick the board, Ten!!!” Ten (10)...!? Normally five!! They were required to proceed with the maximum power for 10 counts. 

“1,2,3,4,5….” ™.OS was on the boat as Cox and shouted in the room. The speed of the boat increased. “6,7,8….” The rival team was 10 meters ahead of them…!! “9,10….!!!!”

After a little bit of silence, we understood they won. We, the audience, eyewitnessed their battle and victory, hearing their heartbeat and inner voice.   






「1,2,3,4,5…」スピードはぐんぐん上がる。「6,7,8…」さっきとは違う景色が見える。あと10メートル!!!息が詰まりそうな緊迫感。「9,10…!!!!!」 OSさんの声が会場に響き渡り、一瞬の静寂。…勝った…!!!!


KRさん 「Let’s do it!ーさあ、やってみよう! 」

™.KR supports Minato Mirai TMC as a member of the Educational team. 

Through the guidance of the online learning system of Toastmasters, “Pathway” and “Easy Speak”, she tried a unique project this time. “Managing a difficult audience.”

One selected member asked her. “What do you want to tell us? What should we learn from your presentation!?” WOW!!!! Super severe questions!! What a difficult audience! Perfect. Amazing. 

TM.KR fielded those questions with politeness and appreciation. Her attitude was really kind. 

The contrast of characters, the presenter and the difficult audience, were very clear and funny. The other members were so happy to see those scenes with joy and laughter.

We enjoyed the session very much. 

みなとみらいを支える教育担当チームメンバーのKRさん。今回、例会の出欠席や進行表を管理するシステム「Easy Speak」と、教育プログラムである「Pathways」の仕組みの説明を通して、ある課題にチャレンジしました。「手ごわい聴衆にいかに対処するか」!! 




ADさん 「Separationードアのむこうのオレンジジュース」

The world was separated by Covid-19. People experienced hardship- unable to see family, friends and colleagues even if we really wanted to….

™.AD was one of them. She works with international colleagues online from the US, India, China and other countries. Under the Covid 19-era, she got a new position and team. Her new boss was Jimmy from China.  “Jimmy, Jimmy and Jimmy!!” She asked him for advice and he helped her so much. He taught and supported her how to tackle the new mission. They couldn’t see each other because of severe restrictions but had built rapport, trust between them. “See you... maybe next year!!” It was their promise and hope. 

Last October, 2023, her company’s leaders got together in Texas/ US. Her heart was beating with joy. “I can see Jimmy at last!!!” She was waiting for his arrival. But something was strange and weird. Too hot…dizzy. 38.6℃/101℉. Covid-19 positive!!!!!! She had to be in the bed all alone in a hotel room. Another separation. Dear Jimmy arrived but she couldn’t see him.

“Pun!” (=Ringtone). She got a text from Jimmy. “How are you?” “Very sick.”  She replied. 

“I left a good medicine at your door. Take care.” Jimmy said. 

She walked unsteadily to the door. What did she find there? It was cold fresh orange juice, her favorite especially when she is sick. She had told Jimmy about it before. She was so happy and encouraged by his gentleness. Jimmy delivered that fresh orange juice every day until he got back to his country. 

When ™.AD recovered, Jimmy was not there. They couldn’t see each other. But they felt so much closer. “Maybe next year!!” She smiled and sent a text to him. 






<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 



General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator ™.IW gave us warm and kind feedback.

He evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general.



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  MKさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) HSさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) SJさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.

We loved and enjoyed the WOD= Word of the day=【Vista】, meaning “a great view”. 

The scenery over the window was truly wonderful, representing Minato-Mirai. 

役割の説明をみんなの前で話し、任務を正確に確実に遂行してミーティングを支えてくれました。特に今回、WOD=【今日の言葉】で選ばれた「Vista (絶景)」という言葉は大人気!会場から見えるみなとみらいの絶景との相性抜群で盛り上がりました。

Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:ADさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:Guest-Lさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:IMさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Vista!! / あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. 

It’s December. Do you have a lot of plans this month!? I hope you will enjoy the festive season. 

You will be busier towards the end of year. For fun events and also business matters I guess. 

Recently I have been busy and tired. Oneday, I got hives/ a rush throughout my body. Super itchy!!! I lost my words. Maybe for the first time, I understand the importance of taking a good rest and removing stress for my health.

We need to be kind to ourselves first. Then, we can be kind to others.  

Good cycle goes around and spreads. 

Nutrition, good rest and sound sleep. Wishing you happy and healthy days ahead!! 





