
Period - 祝!みなとみらい400回目の記念例会

Minato-Mirai TMC 400th Meeting

Meeting theme: Period

Word of the Day【WOD】: Serendipitous

<Let it go / はじめに>

Hello!! Only a few days are left in 2023. Minato- Mirai TMC had a wonderful year, welcoming a lot of wonderful new members and having a great time together. 

This is our last meeting of this year. Many beautiful speeches were delivered. 

Two members helped me to write this blog as volunteers. Thank you for your support!! 





TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was TM HS.

This is the 400th meeting, a special milestone of our club history. 

She encouraged us to look back at the great memories of this year and to keep advancing to find something new in the upcoming year. 




Joke/Tips Session / ジョークもしくはタメになる話

Joke and tips master was TM.MR. 

It is hard to imagine from the wonderful speeches he usually gives, but he was not very good at English when he was a student.

He had homework to write an English essay in a class. Since he was not confident in his English, he used "google translate", but the teacher found it out by accident.

What a surprise, he even translated his own first name by google translator. Daichi => Earth.

I'm sure you have all had awkward moments in your school days, but hats off to him who clearly recalls them and talks in a funny way.

We all felt that TM MR would not need "google translate" anymore, but he could be a translator himself.





聴衆は、TM MRはもう"グーグル翻訳"を必要とせず、彼自身が翻訳者になれると感じた素晴らしいスピーチでした。

Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

Table Topics Master was TM IM.

Since this is the last meeting for this year, she got everyone excited with some great questions looking back on the year 2023.

TM IM also practiced her project "Emotional Strategies Level 2 "Active Listening"".

She presented a summary of everyone's answers. We were all amazed at how wonderful she was!


今回の テーブルトピックス・マスターはIMさん。


Q.1 Do you like this festive season? What’s your favorite food, music or places to go?
A. I love this season, because December is my Birthday month. My mom used to make a Christmas cake using a lot of strawberries and I really loved it.

Q.2 Tell me any impressive matters or incidents of this year, at sports scene, culture or your life?
A. The most memorable incident was my daughter's challenge for an examination. Supported by her mother she worked hard. Against his worry, his daughter looked relaxed and confident. He thought she changed through this challenge.

Q.3 Tell me any impressive matters or incidents of this year, at sports scene, culture or your life?
A. He mainly talked about a fun time with his 5-year-old granddaughter at a kids resort. The speaker regrettably couldn't keep up with her because of his troublesome hip (=腰痛) . But the girl told him lastly、”じいじ、next time I want to do with you!”

Q.4 Since you joined the toastmaster club, how has your life changed or influenced by?
A. He changed a lot. For example, he tries to listen to English news, watch more movies. And he tries to listen to members' speech eagerly about their pronunciation or expressions.

<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① SMさん 「Be Yourself!ー あなたでいよう」 (Speech time:4-6 minutes)

This was his first speech in this club.

As an icebreaker speech, he introduced himself and emphasized the message "be yourself, your real character".

He was trying not to stand out, and had no confidence before he visited New York.

But in the city, he didn't have to hide his personality and could enjoy himself.

Also, he said there was one memorable advice that his boss advised him, "let's say your own idea by your original words".





He looked so nervous during his speech, but the message was strong.


SBさん「Real Beauty of Life―人生の、本当の美しさ」(Speech time:5-7 minutes)

He introduced us so beautiful touching story which he was taught by his mother.

In a boarding school, students had their pots to bring holy water from a river. A teacher told them that the most beautiful pot would be chosen. The students polished their own pot as best as they could.

When the choosing time, the teacher looked the pots one by one, and chose one student.

But the student's pot looked not shining. Why?

The reason was, only the student polished not outside the pot, but inside.





How wonderful ending! We should polish us from inside.


IWさん「Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be ーなるようになるさ」

(Speech time: 3-4 minutes)

His today's speech theme was presenting a social short speech.

At the beginning, he started singing "Que Sera Sera~♪" with cool voice!

He said that everyone has their own way of feeling about time.

Sometimes time is a good friend, sometimes it's annoying...

Life is always what it seems to be, que sera sera...





Take it easy! さあ、気楽に生きよう!

YDさん「Keep aspiring with funー楽しみながら、前に進もう」

 (Speech time:5-7 minutes)

He is one of our most experienced members.

The day was our 400th meeting! What a celebration!

He looked back on the years he spent in this club, and introduced 2 unforgettable memories.

One was a club trip to Izu. They did a workshop, and enjoyed chatting through midnight.

The other was an area speech contest, which our club hosted.

Next, let's celebrate the 20th anniversary and 500th meeting!






We could feel his lots of love of our club. クラブへの愛が伝わるスピーチでした!

<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

4 evaluators evaluated each speaker one by one.

Evaluation is also a speech of 2-3 minutes.

Then the general evaluator gave comments to the other role takers.



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  SJさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) KWさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) OTさん

Thank you very much for your support!!

Award Presentation/ 結果発表

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

☆Best Speaker ベストスピーカー賞:SMさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker  ベストテーブルトピック賞:OSさん

☆Best Evaluator ベスト論評賞:MZさん

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









<See you in 2024!! / あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. 

I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to two members for their great assistance in writing this blog. Thank you very much, ™.KM and ™.MZ!! They wrote the articles instead of me, since I couldn't attend the meeting. 

We exchanged ideas and thoughts towards our club meeting report. I learned a lot from them. Our blog can be our diary and also a door to the new guests who might knock on our door. 

I’d like to keep advancing and improving it with my deepest love to this club♪♪  

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at the next meeting in January 2024!! 




