
Gathering - クリスマスがやってくる

Minato-Mirai TMC 399th Meeting

Meeting theme: Gathering

Word of the Day【WOD】: Progress

<Festive season / はじめに>

Hello, everyone!! Christmas/ Happy holidays are around the corner. 

On December 9th, in a nicely decorated room, we held a heartwarming and festive meeting. 



TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.KR. The reindeer headband looked cute on her.  

“Gathering”, the theme of this meeting, was perfect for this season. She chose it based on her favorite words, “一期一会 ( Ichigo-ichie). It seems to be translated as “Once-in-a-lifetime meeting. 

Getting together and having our meeting is something special and precious. 

“Not to take it for granted, let’s enjoy communication.” She smiled and talked to us like that. 







Joke/Tips Session / ジョークもしくはタメになる話

Joke/ TIps Master was ™.KW. His challenge was quite new, fun and informative. It was a vocabulary quiz!! 

He showed us his handwritten letters and asked us the meaning of words. 

English →Japanese. Chinese →English. We enjoyed it so much!! 



Tennis (テニス)←庭球 / Billiards (ビリヤード)←撞球 / Rugby (ラグビー) ←闘球

Speech (スピーチ) ←演説/ Campaign(キャンペーン) ←遊説(おおおっ!高難度!)

わかりそうでわからない。わかったと思ったけれど惜しい、ちょっと違う!みんなの語彙力をフル活用して団体戦で挑んだような5分間!当たると嬉しい!じわり白熱! 面白かった!!


Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

Table Topics Master was ™ SJ. His questions related to the meeting theme, “gathering”, and let us think about the various aspects and outcome of getting together. 

Thank you for leading a meaningful session!!


Q1:  What kind of gathering do you want to create/plan? 

Q2 : When you are depressed, which do you prefer: to be alone or to get together with someone?

Q3 : Who do you want to invite to your gathering/party?

Q4 : What do you think is the most important element to make the gathering peaceful?

Q5 : What would be a nice behavior to other participants in the gathering? 







②「 落ち込んだ時、一人でいたいですか?それとも誰かと一緒にいたいですか?」




④「 和やかな会合を開催するのにもっとも大切な要素とは何だと考えますか?」




<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① KWさん「The Letterーかえるくんから学ぶ友情と手紙の力」

™. KW opened her handkerchief and showed it to the audience. 

The characters of her recent favorite story were printed on it: Frog, Toad and Snail from The Letter by Arnold Lobel.  ™.KW’s little son read it to her and she loved the story. 

She read the story while showing the pictures of the story. 

Toad has never got any mail/letter before. He felt sad when he saw his empty mailbox. His friend Frog wrote a letter to him and asked Snail to put it into the mailbox. 

Frog wrote: “Dear Toad, I’m glad that you are my best friend. Your best friend, Frog.”

What a thoughtful message, very simple phrase but full of love and friendship. “How can I describe the scene and the psychological situation between the two with my voice?” ™.KW wondered and practiced. 

Hope the audience caught the message she wanted to deliver. 










KMさん 「My dreamed placeー破れなかった夢と新たな夢」

™.KM flew to Paris at the end of last year. Her dream came true- visiting Mont Saint-Michel. 

Some accident happened. Her husband had a severe stomachache and couldn’t move. 

She took care of him and canceled the seats of the express train from Paris to Mont Saint-Michel. “I wanted to go!!!!!!” she cried in her heart. 

Her husband was recovering even though he couldn’t go outside from the hotel room. 

“Would you mind…if I go???” He asked her to go and to make her dream come true. 

She got the train ticket with her smartphone, rushed to the station and jumped onto the train!! She saw the beautiful scenery of Mont Saint-Michel in the sunset at last. 

She was happy and enjoyed the trip but at the same time, she missed him. 

Now, her dream is to revisit the place with her beloved husband someday in the future.

™. KM’s performance, rich in vocal variety and dynamic body language and emotional facial expression, was really outstanding. The audience was literally captivated by her story. 


いよいよかの地にむかうという日。ご主人の体調急変。みるみる顔色が悪くなり、急激な腹痛に襲われ、観光どころではなくなりました。パリから急行列車で3時間かかるモンサンミッシェル。列車予約をキャンセルする妻は、詫びる瀕死のパートナーに優しくいたわる言葉をかけながら、心のなかで号泣。「行きたかったー!!!!!!!(絶叫/ 涙)」



秒速でご主人の食べものや必要なものを準備し、パリの駅へ爆走。スマホ片手に席の予約のサイト入力に奮闘し、多くの人でごった返すチケットカウンターへたどり着いたのは、列車発車のほんの数分前!間に合うか!!? 最後の力をふり絞って人の海をかき分けて…乗れた!!!



FNさん 「Happy days!!ーホリデーシーズンにもの想う」

™.FR cherishes his memory in the past. Best days in his life- childhood in Mexico. 

He looked back at the Christmas holidays. Mexican people enjoy “Posada”, the pre-Christmas party which lasts for 9 days.  There were delicious festive foods, including his favorite fruit punch. Children love “Piñata, in a star-shaped container, there are lots of candy, chocolates and snacks. 

People go to mass after the midnight of Christmas and celebrate the birth of baby Jesus. 

He said that Christmas was originally a Catholic celebration but nowadays it was the reason for socializing events and consumption. “Let’s think about the meaning of our holidays. What are we grateful for? Who are you thankful for?” 

™.FR’s questions reached my heart and sounded calm like holy words. 



思い返すのはクリスマス前の何日にも渡り行われるパーティ「ポサダ」(もともとは巡礼の意) 。たくさんのごちそうに、フルーツポンチ、そして「ピニャータ」。それはメキシコの星形のくす玉のような飾り(上写真:左のカラフルな星形の入れ物)で、叩いて割るとキャンディーやお菓子が入っている子どもたちが大好きなものだ。






MZさん 「Let’s cooking!ーたまご料理と人生と母」

™. MZ loves cooking. He is a great chef!! 

(I guarantee you 100% satisfaction with his dishes!!) 

The origin of his cooking history= his mom’s handmade delicious and nutritious food. 

His favorite rolled omelet, fried chicken…, those foods tasted great and full of love. 

Little ™.MZ was watching his mom cook in her kitchen. It was like magic. 

He thought “I’d like to cook as well as my mom.” 

Oneday, he helped his mom. He learned how to crack eggs. He tried to put the egg into the pan but it burst into fire frames because of overheating the pan. 

He was extremely surprised and he dropped his egg into the pan with its eggshell. 

He was really shocked and lost his mind. “Sorry mom. I couldn’t do it.” He fell down. 

“Didn’t you get hurt? Are you alright?!” His mom was so kind to him. She removed the eggshell in the pan with long chopsticks and recovered. 

She taught her son, saying “It’s important how to recover from failures.”

™.MZ continues cooking and continues making errors and failures. But he has learned some lessons from his cooking experience. He has made his foundation of life from them: flexibility and strength. 

His wonderful dishes and warm and honest attitude towards others clearly prove that.  









<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 

™.HS tried the evaluation role for the first time. She suggested the speaker change the standing positions according to the situation/ characters. Very warm and practical advice!! Great job!! 




General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator ™.OT gave us warm and kind feedback.

He evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general.


3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  SSさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) IMさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) TMさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support!!

Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:KMさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:Guest-Jさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:OSさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Getting ready for year-end of 2023 / あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. 

Recently, I washed my jacket to remove the coffee stain and polished my purse/bag and shoes. Cleaning up my favorite items was good for my mind. Keeping comfortable circumstances is very crucial for our happy and healthy life. 

It’s also valuable to think and know what is important to us. Even though we need to have a long term perspective, we can live/ breathe only in this current moment. What would I like to pour my energy and passion into? 

Everytime I see the smiles of the club members at our meeting, I feel deeper love towards this club.  

Wishing you very merry happy holidays with your family, friends and beloved ones!! 








