
Let’s be thankful - 伝えたい「ありがとう」

Minato-Mirai TMC 397th Meeting

Meeting theme: Let’s be thankful

Word of the Day【WOD】:Sumptuous

<Cheers/ はじめに>

Hello, everyone!! It's been getting so chilly recently. How are you doing!?

Hope you are good!!

On November 16th, Beaujolais Nouveau released. Wine lovers, did you enjoy it?

I enjoyed a nice cup of hot coffee with cinnamon cookies. 

Being happy is the best way to prevent getting cold or flu!! 

On November 11th, We got together and held a “sumptuous- 【WOD】” meeting☆彡

(meaning: rich and superior in quality)






<Induction Ceremony/ 新会員の仲間入り>

 A new member joined our club!! We’re so happy to have you and support you!! 

新しい仲間の SM さんが加わりました!これからの活動が楽しく、実り多いものになりますように!SMさんがしていた黄色の指輪がかわいくてオシャレでした☆彡よく見ると、絵の具のような黄色の液体が容器に入ったデザイン!すごい!スピーチとファッション、両方とも要チェック♪♪

TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.CT.

This is her debut as Toastmaster of the day, called TMOD. 

She prepared for the meeting very carefully. She welcomed every role taker and speaker with her warm and beautiful smile. She explained that November is the month of appreciation. She introduced the western culture, celebrating “Thanksgiving” and one of the Japanese red letter days “Labor appreciation day” on Nov.23. “What/Who are you thankful for?” Her meeting theme guided us to think about it. 

今回の司会は CT さん。総合司会デビュー!





<Joke/Tips Session / 笑い話または役立つ話>

Today’s Joke/Tips master was ™.FW. 

She met her relatives on someone's memorial day. Monks performed the ceremony. As a style of prayer, people take a pinch of incense from the container, bring it close to your forehead, and then place it back on the smoldering incense. (See: the photo above)

Some of the elderly people were in a hurry, even though they didn’t need to.  One old man got angry and rushed others forward!! “Go and take the incense!!!” 

What happened in the weird atmosphere!? Only people who were there know it. 

親族が集まった大切な故人の〇回忌の法要。FWさんが「みつあきにーちゃん」と慕う親戚のお兄さんがピンチ!お焼香をめぐって、謎の一波乱!? ご高齢のおじさんが、お坊さんからの声掛けも待たずして、みつあきにーちゃんに、最速で焼香を上げるように催促!?(なんで!?)

今だと思ったら待てない。お坊さんの声も、ほかの親族の声ももうその耳には届きません。「みつあきーっ!早く焼香をあげろー!」 さあ、その催促おじいさんの怒号のオチはいかに。

Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

At the Table Topics Session, we develop our impromptu speech skills. 

We talked about …

①“Who are you thankful for in your life?”, ②“What are the convenient thing you are thankful for in your daily life?”, ③“If you can create/establish an anniversary, what is it?”, ④“Is there any food/drink you would like to have especially in winter?”and ⑤“What are you going to bring to a deserted island if you need to survive there?” Wow!! Interesting questions!!  














<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① KWさん「My tool- 英語で拓く人生とこころ」

™.KW is a sales representative at a trading company. His market is both domestic and international. 

English is his tool. For his business, international marriage life, singing a song, connecting with others and developing himself. 

With the power of words, he believes his “level of emotion will develop to enrich his life.” 



そして出身国が異なる奥さんとの共通言語も英語。母語が違うからこそ、英語は互いを知るために大切な架け橋となってきました。さらに、驚くべき美声の持ち主であることが判明したKWさん。Beatlesの”Let it be”をアカペラで歌い上げます。英語は言葉をメロディにのせるのにぴったりな言語だそうです。学生時代は勉強としての英語というより「音」としての英語に惹かれたと。

そして今。パブリックスピーチを学ぶKWさん。英語/ 言葉の力で人とつながり、自分とは異なるものへの理解をふかめ、多くの学びと時間のなかで、きっと自分はもっと成長して心豊かな人生を送れる。


IM さん「Mentors and Mentees both gain- あなたもきっとだれかのメンター」

The 2nd speaker was ™.IM. 

She had an unforgettable mentor when she entered this club. He always wore an Aloha shirt and had long hair. He gave her gentle guidance, not overly pushing,  but naturally built a good connection with her. She learned a lot from him to be a Toastmaster. 

Now she is a mentor. She has supported her mentees, telling of their strength & potential and the value to learn by participating in the contests. 

™.IM encouraged us to build good relations among us. It’s not necessary to be an official mentor of someone. We can be “unofficial mentors” to develop ourselves, by teaching and encouraging each other. 




③ MR さん「 How to tackle unprecedented challengesーそうだ、火星に行こう」

The 3rd speaker was ™.MR. 

“Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real.” by a French SF novelist, (Jules Verne, 1828-1905)He wrote the following world famous stories. 

Two Years' Vacation (EN), or Deux Ans de Vacances (FR)

Around the World in eighty Days(EN), or Le tour du monde en quatre-vingt jours (FR)

These are some of ™ MR’s favorite novels that he read when he was a boy. He has loved SF (Science- Fiction) and was inspired by the quote above.

Now, ™.MR is an engineer. Sometimes it’s hard to solve the problems at work. But he tackles the difficulties with his buddy like the heroes in his favorite novels. 

1.Share the ideas/ concepts and find the solutions

2. Put value on imagination and inspiration

3. Motivate each other in the team

He concluded his speech by encouraging his audience. 

“Let’s go to Mars!!”, meaning “Enjoy and challenge the difficulties. We can make it real.” 












④ NK さん「 My memorable journey ーエジプト・トルコに行ってみた!」

The 4th speaker was ™.NK. 

He flew to Egypt with his family to see pyramids. 

Astonishing presence in the desert. How could the ancient Egyptians build the huge monumental structure constructed with stone or brick!? Did they hire strong giants!? (No way!! LOL) ™. NK was impressed with the power of the ancient Egyptian architecture. The stone/ bricks were pulled up and piled up with human power. 

He also visited Turkey. At first it was a “bonus trip” to him, not the crucial destination. But he changed his mind. Spectacular view from Cappadocia. He was moved by the breathtaking view. Because of the strong wind, he couldn’t ride the world famous balloon so he wants to come back to try it again some day in the future. 

He learned about some Turkey-and-Japan history. In 1890, a Turkey battleship, the Ertugrul shipwreck incident happened. The ship went onto rocks and exploded in Japan. There were over 500 victims. Japanese people tried to rescue the survivors. Turley people teach this incident to kids with the appreciation toward Japan in the elementary school up to now. 

™. NK opened his eyes and felt the heartful connection that transcends time and boundaries. Traveling to Egypt and Turkey gave him a chance to experience “touching the history” and his heart was literally being shaken. 







<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 

“Eye contact”, “Practice, practice and practice.” The words of wisdom in the public speech world.




General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator ™.KM gave us insightful, earnest and heartfelt feedback.

She evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general.

We couldn’t believe that that was her first time taking on the most difficult role!! GE can’t prepare for the comments beforehand and needs to think and deliver impromptu. She did a superb job!! Her words showed how carefully she listened to the speeches and how much she tried to give us fruitful advice to step forward. Impressed. 



3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  OGさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) RSさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) HSさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.

Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:IMさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:KWさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:FRさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. We enjoyed the afterparty!! It’s so nice to eat, drink and chat with wonderful friends!! We love the time and atmosphere. 

What I’m thankful for. My ordinary days. 

I get up in the morning, rush to the nearest station, buy my favorite coffee, and work with my loving coworkers. I go to work out at the gym for 20 mins, pick up my son, let him do his homework, have dinner, sometimes study and have a good rest.  Nothing special but my favorite time and days. 

Sometimes I’m moved listening to my son’s reading a story in his textbook, I’m delighted to get a nice bottle of sparkling juice, and I feel satisfied to find a perfect gift for our leaving colleague. 

It doesn't need to be my birthday nor some anniversaries. Cheers to our happiness in the ordinary days. 





