

インハウス スピーチコンテス トレポート 2021-2022期

In-house Speech Contest report 2021-2022

あけましておめでとうございます。横浜は数年ぶりに雪が積もりました。そんな中、みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは、1月8日土曜日、インハウス スピーチコンテスト2021-2022をオンラインで開催しました。
Guests: 3
1st prize TM Ad
2nd prize TM As
3rd prize TM Og
Disqualify: 1 due to time over

コンテストセッション/Contest Session

In the prepared speech session, 7 amazing speakers addressed the captivate speeches

The first speaker:TM As

The second speaker: TM Os

The third speaker:TM Kr
Speech Title: Eat up your guts
No one can escape from big decision in one's life. the first time for Kr is when she was before attend high school. over the private/public, tuition and Kawaii-uniform, she had been confronted family. nonnegotiable uniform, conflict, tolerance and compromise. And after the time flow as much as that determination gone, she was grown and been stepping the career as much as  join big business. One day she happened across the fortune that she have to leave or stay her expertise field. Aside what result in, a close friend Aki-san, says her determine did not have enough resolution and responsibility for own life. So in terms of that, today's speech had substantial power than ever as if it big pledge.

The fourth speaker:TM My
Speech Title: This is my normal life
He says He completely overwhelmed by mother when back home town. because she freaked in Korean culture as stick poster on all wall or challenge Korean conversation.
However, turned corner are not only her by pandemic. for example, he felt missing airport noisy sound when he had used to visit India for business. and he even start speak announce by ear comically(it's air fan). and that big turning point gives us chance that we have new horizon and new value also can rethink Japanese weird culture. particularly, he have recommend a book "the finest solitude" as interesting.he wrapped up speech with his unique tone that bearing unfathomable mind as enjoy the head wind and also says we should enjoy this new normal by all means.

The fifth speaker: TM Og
Speech Title: Through the Looking Glass, and What I Found There
自分を映すのは鏡だけではない。そんな考えに至った元を辿ると、両親・兄との幼少期の記憶にさかのぼるといいます。自分と顔がそっくりな兄、でも兄は勉強ができて、手が大きく頼りで、とても偉大だった、あの日までは。重なる勉強への重圧に耐えかね飛び出した公園。静かに語られた兄の言葉は、時代・場所を超えて深く突き刺さります。終始シリアスな面持ちで、今までのOgさんとは全然違う一面を見せられて鳥肌たちそうでした。怒涛のリフレインは見る者の心を奪います(あの場面は好きです) 。意図的かどうかわかりませんが、わずかにほの暗い照明も雰囲気づくりに奏功していたように思えます。
The whatever projecting yourself is not only the glass. the roots of such philosophy can be recollect back to his childhood with mother and big brother, he says. The face look like each other, but he is genius, has big palm, reliable, great and always, until that day. high pressure to study and expectation far from over let him run away to a park. there were words from bottom of his heart. that must be cut into your heart beyond whenever or wherever. I have got goose bump unintentionally for that he had been serious attitude through the speech. that refrain scene captivate us (I like it). I have no idea for that lighting have intend but it worked well for making atmosphere.
The sixth speaker:TM Ad

The seventh speaker:TM Iw
Speech Title: What is your purpose of life?
He described his life with 5 stages that about dream.  1st is about childhood  as  toy store owner. 2nd is juvenile as ship owner and romance. 3rd is fresh business man as engineer. 4th is about business man in global firm as new establishment.the last 5th is TM as omni-directional activity. it may be from his style, hes deliver is sobering. that sound calm. however I cant help imagine that he had been many hardship, bitter memory or overcame wall.(I am interesting). The attitude pursuing dream make them bright whenever.


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語ベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?


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