


348th meeting outline

見事な秋晴れの下、暖かい日差しに包まれた雰囲気の中、 みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは、10月23日土曜日、348回例会をオンライン・オンサイトのハイブリッドで開催しました。密を避けるため窓は開けられており、隣接するスタジアムから時折花火の音が聞こえたりしました。例会終了間際はやや寒くなっていたようで、脱いでいた服を着こむ様子も見られました。

With the amazing autumn fine day,  atmosphere surrounded by warm sunlight as well, We, Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club held 348th regular meeting on Saturday, 23th October via hybrid at zoom and on-site.




ミーティングテーマ:Things can only get better! (物事は、いい方向に向かうもの)
Word of The Day:inscrutable
ゲスト参加:2名 (former member, other club member)

ベストスピーチ賞 Gtさん
ベスト論評賞 Kwさん
ベストテーブルトピック賞 Fwさん

 英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session

In the prepared speech session, 3 amazing speakers addressed the captivate speeches.  

The first speaker:Kr-san
Speech Title:It's JAM
She showed us handmaid jam amazingly with good performance. Reasons why she began making jam are, because she extravagantly use too much jam and she had  tremendous of oranges send from home. Since she discovered a book by Mr. murayoshi, thanks of the book, she have enjoying jam full-course through the seasons and she also says no need to buy jam anymore already. Among of receipt using jam, the most recommend is apple chai, she added. "never jam on bread, bread on jam" the maxim, which shows the nobleness of maestro who know all about jam. In the performance that actually show, scoop, and eat, these scenes led big fun and laugh.
The second speaker: Os-san,
Speech Title: Can you feel empathy?
What is the empathy? He cast the question and explain as calm introduction. sometimes serious faces are displayed. and 2 episodes were showed. first one is regarding the harassment caused by customer and workplace in his family member. the other one is regarding social issues that had repercussion for mass communication. which told as if challenge members to empathy. In the end part,"it should draw the line yourself". The vocal tone had calm and chic usually, but because I felt some challenging contents, I could not help feel some inner heat.
The third speaker:Gt-san,
Speech Title:Barriers in our mind.
Now that Tokyo Paralympic is over, what can we do to free from barrier?  Particularly visual disability, what even from now we can do to overcome so-called soft barrier was lectured. He have simulated experience of visual impaired at some facility in Kanagawa. and a lot of tips were showed in this speech. for example, visual blindness is classified to some pattern by light and dark or view field, and also new awareness was gained with experience that actually lead life in darkness even short time. and how to support person who have visual disability with these lend arm, direction with clock hands, and guide with half foot advance. The most important thing is do not hesitate to support (over come soft barrier). the speech finished with the words by  Dr.hawking "...There is no such thing as a standard or run-of-the-mill human being, but we share the same human spirit".

Award ceremony for in-house contest.

congratulations!! in-house speech contest awarding ceremony also held here on site today. With real meeting them, I was surprised to the figure by different impression from online.
1st prize TM Kw-san(right), 2nd prize TM Mz-san(left)
and President Kr-san(center)

TM Fw-san, during table topic speech, she was answering with her steadfast opinion.
Sometime, not only meeting but also party, she shows sharp and daring pointing out that take us into big laugh swirl. Thank you always!!

TM Og-san, he is very thoughtful person that helps members always many aspects. I I appreciate your gentle demeanor that helping take picture often.

横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語ベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?


Interested in our club meetings? You are always welcome and it’s free!!!

At Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing public speaking and making presentations in English, while at the same time learning leadership skills based on Toastmasters International guidance.
Our club core values are RESPECT, GROWTH, and FUN.
Please contact us here (click on Contact Us button on left menu) or email us at
  to join our meetings held every 2nd and 4th  Saturdays, from 14:00 to 16:00. 
Looking forward to your participation!




