
zoomで行われたみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブの「創立14周年 記念例会(通算340回)」例会レポート!!


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?




To: The persons who are interested in Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club

Welcome to the guests!
In Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing the public speaking and making a presentation in English while at the same time we learn "The leadership" based on Toast Masters International guidance.
Our club welcomes to the diversity background persons.
If you desire to attend this regular meeting, please submit the following
Looking forward to meeting you!

この日の司会者とスタッフ/Today's TMOD(Toast Masters of the Day) and staff

準備スピーカを丁寧に紹介し、計時係集計係 など会議のサポート役のメンバーも一生懸命サポートし、全員で会を盛り上げようとする姿勢に感動しました。

This day TMOD was OT-san who was the right person to conduct the 14th annual meeting!
Because his sense of humor made us feel relaxed while at the same time his stably conducting meeting was excellent!  
He made a great contribution to accept the double role as TMOD and Vote counter.
I was impressed that the support members such as Timer, Vote counter were eager to work on TMOD. 

Table Topics Master(即興スピーチ)

この日のTable Topic MasterはKWさん、今日の14周年記念例会に関連した質問は、記念スピーチ前の会場を温かい雰囲気に包みました!
Best Table Topics SpeakerはYAさんでした。YAさん、おめでとうございます!

KW-san's questions related with Today's 14th annual meeting theme while at the same time she gave us her heart-warming atmosphere through her vividly attractive facial expressions. 
I think KW-san has extraordinary talent which leads to the flexibility to conduct this session!  
The best table Topics Speaker was YA-san
Congratulations on YA-san!

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session


第一のスピ-カーはYDさんで、スピーチタイトルはUnforgettaable things in 2011でした。このクラブ創設者であるYDさんの創設の頃の思い出のスピーチは心を打ちました。

第二のスピーカーはTAさんで、スピーチタイトルは「Memories of Toastmasters」で、格調高い英語によるTAさんのクラブ入会のエピソードは面白く、また定例会を休まずに出席することが、スピーキングの上達の秘訣との展開は、学ぶべき事が一杯ある素晴らしいスピーチでした。また、タキシードのへの早変わりも、ユーモアがあって素晴らしかったです。

第三のスピーカーはIMさんで、スピーチタイトルは「QUIZ TIME! -- Let's enjoy」で、クラブに関する質問は、わからないことが多く、たいへん多くの気づきがありました!

第四のスピーカーはIMさんで、スピーチタイトルは「Best home ever」、創設の頃の思い出のスピーチは楽しく、終始釘付けになる素晴らしいスピーチでした!

第五のスピーカーはUCさんで、スピーチタイトルは「Unforgettable memory」、UCのユーモアたっぷりなスピーチは面白く、とても和みました!

Best Prepared speakerはIMさん(4番目のスピーカ)でした。

In the prepared speech session, 5wonderful speakers addressed the captivate speeches.

The first speaker: YD-san
Speech Title: Unforgettable things in 2011
His founding days episode made me captive and think whether he had been struggling to build this wonderful club. I really appreciate YD-san's sincerity.

The second speaker: TM-san
Speech Title: Memories of Toastmasters
His sophisticated English made me magnetic to listening to his excellent speech in which he put  more emphasis on every regular meeting attending. I've leaned a lot from his excellent speech!

The third speaker: IM-san
Speech Title: QUIZ TIME?--Let's enjoy
She made a great success of capturing audience attention. Because asking some questions related with this club activities to every member was wonderful! At the same time I've  leaned a lot.

The fourth speaker: IM-san
Speech Title: Best home ever
Her sincere speech made me moved while at the same time thinking about the beginning years of this club in 2007. I've been magnetic to listening to her speech from the beginning to end!

The fifth speaker: UC-san
Speech Title: Unforgettable memory
I love UC-san's speech. Because his point of view always has a sense of humor and he leaves room for thinking about his uncertain events!  I really appreciate him! 

Best Prepared speaker: IM-san(4th speaker)
Congratulations on IM-san!

番外編(Additional Information)



Today's regular meeting was held in Naka City Hall Center where we took the perfect preventive measure against COVID19. 
I'd like to express my gratitude to ON-san, UC-san and OG-san
I think it was a big difference between ZOOM and face-to face meeting!  
Face-to-face meeting was more attractive and more dynamic!

 ON-san as the director of Area 52 participated in this 14th annual meeting.
 We would like to express our gratitude to ON-san.




Today NK-san leaves this club. 

Regarding NK-san, he has been dedicated to this club as the vice president of membership and then many members has been helped by his kind and generous character.
At the same time I've leaned a lot from his eagerness to improve the Japanese speech more dramatically in area contest. Honestly speaking, I do miss him in this club.
His excellent English speech and his good sense of humor always gave us light , hope and joy.
I think he has been an exceptional member who had been attractive and captivated with many audience!

We would like to express our gratitude to NK-san from the bottom of our heart while at the same time hoping his prosperity in the future! 







For the first time in one and half year I went to Tokyu Hotel in Minatomirai to celebrate my wife birthday with my daughter.
I was amazing to see the dramatically changing Minatomirai scenery in which gondola had been moving!
Minatomirai is sophisticating site at the same time I think it is similar to my home town in Kobe. 

 For one year I'd like to express my gratitude to every generous member and the officer (especially with ON-san who has been dedicated to sending me the pictures in On-site while at the same time OT-san who has been dedicated to checking the inappropriate description, OS-san who has been dedicated to checking the grammatical errors in English and then I've learned a lot, GT-san, NK-san KW-san and YA-san who encouraged me)

Thanks to many people, I've already completed uploading this HP for 1 year.

When it comes to uploading this HP, I'd like to sincerely apologize to the members who felt hurt, wounded or uncomfortable by my inappropriate description and disappointing pictures.

NK-san as my successor is a heartwarming and sincere person.
Please help him to move forward to the next HP while at the same time looking forward to updating this HP to the NK-san's taste. 
I hope he will change the way he compiles on this website by his taste and ideas. 
Good Bye!, Thanks!   
