第二のスピーカーはKWさんで、スピーチタイトルは「My message from Kitchen」で、料理にまつわる軽妙なトークとスピード感ある展開に終始、釘付けになりました。また表情が生き活きとされており、まさにNew Hope登場と思いました!
第三のスピーカーはMYさんで、スピーチタイトルは「The Strategy of brain Survival」でした。
スピーチタイトルは「Is this impolite or not?」
Best Prepared speakerはKWさん、Best EvaluatorはADさんでした。
In the prepared speech session, 4 wonderful speakers addressed the captivate speeches.
The first speaker: MZ-san
Speech Title: Learn from my failure
His real experience in his work made me persuasive and attractive!
Evaluator: YG-san : Very insightful and Food for thought.
The second speaker: KW-san
Speech Title: My message from kitchen
Her vivid conversation between her and her husband made me captivated and then I've been magnetic to her developing story!
Evaluator: AD-san :
Very insightful and elaborate evaluation.
The third speaker: MY-san
Speech Title: The Strategy of Brain survival
From his father's Alzheimer dementia, he thought that everything works in the brain.
Evaluator: KR-san : Her evaluation was logical and persuasive at the same time heartwarming comments!
The fourth Speaker: SB-san
Speech Title: Is this impolite or not?
I was very impressed with her sincere and honesty speech in which she had experienced to buy the clothing in Paris.
Evaluator: OT-san: Very Insightful at the same time including his sincerity!
Best Prepared speaker: KW-san
Best Evaluator: AD-san
Congratulations on KW-san and AD-san!
Today's General evaluator was IM-san.
I think her insightful and calm general evaluation would reach out every members' heart.
番外編(Additional Information)
Today's regular meeting was held in Naka-city Hall meeting room where we took the perfect preventive measure against COVID19.
I'd like to express my gratitude to OT-san, ON-san, UC-san,
I think it was a big difference between ZOOM and face-to face meeting!
Face-to-face meeting was more attractive and more dynamic!
4月4日(日)に開催されたDivision E ContestでADさんが英語の部で2位を受賞されました!
AD-san won the second place in Division E contest.
Congratulations on AD-san. You are enormous talent! We are proud of you!
In this contest, I was impressed with YA-san's witty remarks served as Interviewer!
I really appreciate your wonderful speech in Japanese.
I was moved to your sincerity and eagerness!
このWebサイトをご覧になられた方も、一緒に英語のPublic Speakingを始めて見ませんか? 私も、このクラブに入って1年半しか経ちませんが、会員の方、全員が親切で本当に英語のスピーチのモチベーションが続いています。軽い気持ちでOKですので、ぜひ、コンタクト下さい。
April is defined as the starting month in Japan.
Let's try to practice the public speaking in English!
When I joined this wonderful club about one and half year ago, all the member has been very kind and very generosity to me while at the same time boosting up my motivation to deliver the public speech in English!
We are waiting for your contact!