


横浜市の桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーションスキル、リーダーシップスキルを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?






本日はゲストなんと10名! 総勢33名の例会はとても盛り上がりました!司会はFwさん、みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブ創立以来のベテランメンバー。いつも明るく場を和ませてくれるFwさんのお陰で和やかに例会スタート。


GRAHCOが選ぶWord of the Dayは”up beat”(陽気)。アニュアルパーティーに向けてSmさんらしい元気が出るワードチョイス。即興で本日のワードをどのようにスピーチに取り込むか、メンバーの個性が出て楽しいです。

Joke/Tips はKtさん、「アロマセラピー」がテーマ。梅雨入りに向けてタイムリーな話題。ローズマリーが集中力アップに効くと聞きみんな驚き。実際にアロマオイルをいくつか持ってきてくれたので会議室がとても良い香りに。 

Table Topicsセッション司会はGtさん。まだ入会1年とちょっとなのにメンバー、オフィサーに対していつも気遣い、ケアがものすごく頼れる存在。お題は「私が外国人観光客として、あなたは日本についてどのようなアドバイスをしますか?」。即興スピーチはもちろん、司会の質問の内容、メンバー選びを毎回楽しみにしています。


Prepared Speaker は4名。Dn さんが10のプロジェクトがあるマニュアル Competent Communication Manualを修了。おめでとうございます♪ 


今回NkさんがチャレンジしたのはReaching Consensus (意見の合意に達する)18分〜20分のプロジェクトでファシリテーターとしてメンバーの意見をヒヤリング。クラブ運営に関わる議題だったため多岐にわたる意見が出ました。短時間でコンセンサスとまでは行かなかったものの、メンバーから普段聞けない意見を聞くことができたのでとても学びの多い、有意義な時間でした。 


General Evaluatorは私、As。GEは最も好きなロール。各スピーチの論評者の論評、そして例会全体の論評を、短時間でポジティブに表現するよう心がけています。どのようにしたらより例会を楽しく学びのある会に出来るか、メンバーに役立つアドバイスができるか考え伝えるのはとても楽しいです。



English speech meeting report

Reporter: Kr(member experience:1year)

June is the end of the Toastmasters Club term, and an 
12th Anniversary Party was held after the regular meeting in June each year. The term of the current officer also expires in June, so I feel that the term is about to finish. Today we had 10 guests! 33 people in total!!
Today’s TMOD is TM Fw, a veteran member since we were founded. The meeting starts peacefully thanks to her. She always makes the atmosphere fun. Today’s word of the Day was "up beat". It was fun to see how to improvise and incorporate today's words into their speech.

Joke and Tips Master was TM Kt, and it was about "Aromatherapy". A timely topic for the rainy season. We were surprised to know that Rosemary works for concentration up. The meeting room has a very good smell as she actually brought some aroma oils.

TableTopics master was TM Gt. Although he joined our club recently, he always care for the officer, we have great reliance on him. The theme is "What advice do you give about Japan for a foreign tourist?" I always look forward to hearing the improvisational speech as well as the question and the answer by the members.

Prepared Speakers were four. TM Dn completed at Competent Communication Manual. congratulations! The speech project is basically 5 to 7 minutes in length and is mainly based on public speaking and presentation know-how, but there are many things that can learn and practice leadership skills.

TM Nk challenged by hearing the opinions of members as facilitators in a project of Reaching Consensus lasting 18 minutes to 20 minutes. There was a variety of opinions as it was an issue related to club management. Although we couldn’t reach the consensus in such a short time, we could hear the opinions that we cannot usually hear from the members, so it was an informative and meaningful time.

General Evaluator was TM As. He tried to express the evaluation for each speaker and for the whole meeting positively in a short time. It seemed that he might enjoy to think about how he can make our meetings more enjoyable, and how he can give helpful advice to members.

All roles and positions have the meaning including speeches, officer duties. By doing all programs step by step definitely improve your communication and leadership skills.
Do you want to work with us? We look forward to your participation♪