TMODはGtさん。ミーティングテーマは「New era is coming」。
本日のword of the day
word of the dayは”serene(adj)”。意味は落ち着いた、平静な。皇室の持つ静謐なイメージから、Nkさんにチョイスいただきました。本日は新元号という時節柄、皇室に関連する回答が多かったです。
一人目のTkさん。”Improve Your Phone Voice!” という
3人目のKrさん。読まれた洋書の「Penguin Lesson」を抜粋してお話頂きました。海辺で散歩していたら重油まみれのペンギンを発見した主人公のトム。海へ帰そうと試みるが、懐かれてしまい、別れられない。家に放っておくが、後悔の念が消えない主人公のトム。” ファン・サルバトーレ” という名前を付ける事により無事なペンギンに再度出会う事が出来たという心温まるストーリーでした。
English speech meeting report
It is the last English speech meeting report of Heisei! Today's TMOD is Gt. Meeting theme was "The new era is coming". We also had foreign members, so it was a well-organized meeting to comprehend for them.
What will happen in the future? Is it the future like "Blade Runner" or "A Clockwork Orange"? Is it the future like "Pacific Rim" or "Ready Player 1"?
The first person was Tk. The speech title was “Improve Your Phone Voice!”. Tk told us how to respond to a phone call to improve our life from her failure. As you can see in the photo, she demonstrated the speech using the real phone and illustration. It was a well-designed English speech so that all of us were involved by incorporating the conversation into speech, such as “Happy Hello" and “Unhappy Hello” examples.
When I was a sale representative, my boss told me, "If the performance and price are the same, it is natural that customer buys the products from a more energetic salesman." According to the "Mehrabian's Theory", the factors that human beings like are said to be 55% for visual information, 38% for voice tone and speaking speed, and 7% for linguistic information. Only 45% of the whole may be trained in Toastmasters.
Second Ad. She talked about her experiences when she was young and became a leader. The story was about how to change her approach to the subordinates and lead her team to success. It was based on her experience of failing in a leadership style that dictates every move. Ad's leadership style seems to be the same even if she changed onto other surroundings.
Toastmasters Club is a place where we train the leadership. This topic is popular in the field of MBA. And there is a theory that "charisma is not necessary for leadership". Renowned scholar Ikujiro-Nonaka explains leadership in a way of "practical knowledge" that does not rely on "charisma." It is said that the former is Winston Churchill type, the latter is Dwight Eisenhower type.
TM Kr, third person. She excerpted the story from the foreign book "Penguin Lesson". The main character Tom who discovered a penguin covered with thick oil when taking a walk on the beach. He tried to let it back to the sea, but He couldn't break up. Penguin was left to the house, but he couldn’t remove his anxiety. Finally, he could meet the penguin in a safe condition by naming “Fan Salvatore”.It was a so heartwarming story.
I thought "socialization" was the key to the story. Just as a girl raised by a dog could not return to human society, the name is unique to human society, and as soon as it is granted, it becomes a personality. I would like to honour the attitude of Kr who tested the new speech style.
The fourth speaker was TM As. How does "procrastination" happen in the brain? In one part of the brain, it is said that logical thinking was handled, and another part of the brain, emotional thinking is dealt, and when we are procrastinating, it seems that these two parts are in conflict in the brain. The solution seems to "draw goals clearly" and "have time for meditation without thinking".
A few months ago, TM Nk talked about “5 seconds rule to prevent us from procrastination" at joke and tips session, the 282nd English speech regular meeting, it is important to switch to the part which manages logic.
This year's our contest season (Japanese and English speech, website contest, etc.) has finished. We could achieve a significant result without exaggeration! Recently, I have carefully considered the meaning of the Katsuya Nomura's remark "There is winning done by mystery, but there is no defeat without reason". When it comes to the competition, there is always a cause for defeat somewhere.
Did we not prepare well for the game?
Was there any overwhelmed power difference against competitor??
Could we not match for the contest criteria or fail to select the game that we attend???
But at the same time, the proverb "don't give anything for the winner" also comes up. As there is the room to improve for aiming the first place. With regard to the Toastmasters Club contest, the winner is also given the gift by the comment sheet and feedback.