




Individual Education Awards:Imさん
Individual Education Awards:Ydさん
Outstanding Contribution of the Year:Ydさん


■Distinguished Club Program:(注3)
President's Distinguished Clubs




改めまして、みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは、2007年6月13日にToastmasters Internationalから認定されて発足しました「英語の話し方」と「リーダーシップ」を鍛錬するためのクラブです。発足以来、横浜で毎月第2、第4土曜日の午後2時から2時間の例会を開催しています。みなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは、完全に会員だけで自主的に運営しています。




(注1)DTM=The Distinguished Toastmasters。トーストマスターズクラブでの最高位認定の表彰。複数のマニュアルやクラブ立ち上げ等、経験と実績を兼ね備えたトーストマスターに贈られる。
(注3)Distinguished Clubs Program=DCP。新規メンバーの入会や各種マニュアルの完了等、優れた運営実績を残したクラブに贈られる表彰制度。President's Distinguished Clubsを獲得出来るのは約200ある団体のうち獲得出来るのは上位10%程度と言われる。

2019 District 76 Annual Conference Report

The Toastmasters 2019 District 76 Annual Conference was held at Tower Hall Funabori on May 10 to 12, 2019,
We have received the following awards for our recent activities!

■ Website PR Contest: 3rd place

■ Hall of Fame
Individual Education Awards:TM Im
Individual Education Awards:TM Yd

Outstanding Contribution of the Year:TM Yd

TM Im was awarded for her achievement of DTM, and TM Yd was awarded for his multiple contributions to District 76.

■Distinguished Club Program: 
President's Distinguished Clubs

It is an award for distinguished club award 2017 to 2018. Thank you for the immediate President TM Fw and VPE TM Sb! I am truly honoured that our club and members have received such prestigious awards!

Minato Mirai Toastmasters Club was founded as an English club on June 13, 2007, and has been established to learn "how to speak" and "leadership". Since our foundation, we steadily have been holding regular meetings from 2:00 pm on the second and fourth Saturdays every month in Yokohama. We operate the club by members ourselves wholly.

Do you want to grow?

As a guest, if you would like to visit, you can apply from the contact_form on the club official site. If you use Facebook, you can also sign up for the "Join" button on the club's_Facebook_page event (either is fine).