
第253回例会10/14(土)英語スピーチ例会Meeting Report

当クラブの例会が、横浜市民活動支援センターで開催されました。 ます、Gさんの入会式が行われ、その後、Tさんが、初めてのTMODにも拘わらず、ユーモアを交えた司会進行で例会を盛り上げていただきました。


 The regular meeting on Oct. 14th was conducted with fun and excitement. First of all, Mr. O's induction ceremony was done. After that, TM T conducted the meeting as Toastmaster of the Day(TMOD) with a relaxing mode despite of his first experience.

Four members challenged a variety of prepared speeches such as informative speech and humorous speech.  The meeting was fabulous.  The best awards were given to women this time.  See you on Oct. 28th.
