
#424 Forget bad things- 悪いことは忘れる

Minato-Mirai TMC 424th Meeting on December 28th, 2024

Meeting theme: Forget bad things

Word of the DayWOD】:tip-top

 Only few days left this year… What were your good memories this leaving year? Or, probably you have some bad ones… but don’t memorize! The theme of our last meeting this year was “forget bad things”! Remember only good things and welcome new year with fresh mind.



We started with Joke and Tips Session by TM OT. He was also prepared speaker this time but he gladly accepted the role.

To understand his joke, we have to explain Toastmasters Timer’s rule. Each speech we have to finish within each decided minutes, and when the time has come Timer shows red signal. When the speaker sees the red signal, speaker has to finish speech within 30 seconds.

この日はジョークやためになる話を披露するセッションからスタート。担当は、この日の準備スピーチもしてくれるTM OTが、ぜひ披露したいジョークがあると引き受けてくれました。


The joke introduced by TM OT is like this: A person was driving, then he was stopped by a police officer, who said, “you didn’t stop at the red light”. But the driver replied, “I’m a Toastmaster member”. Do you understand the meaning? The member said, “we have 30 seconds yet!”.


The next session was Table Topic Session. The theme of the meeting was “forget bad things”, so our wise Table Topic master TM OS chose questions Not about bad things but good memories or wishes, such as “good memory of this year”, or “what you want to see next year?” and “what do you want to accomplish new year?”. We could think about our bright memories and futures. Good questions!

次は即興で質問に答えるテーブルトピックセッション。お題を出したのはTM OS。この日の例会テーマは「悪いことは忘れる」なので、悪いことを思い出させるような質問ではなく、「今年の良い思い出は」「来年は何を見たい?」「新しい年に何を達成したい?」といった、輝く思い出や明るい未来を考えさせる質問を出してくれました。さすが!

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM MZ: Yet

TM MZ was feeling not good few weeks ago, but he had important meeting in his job. He somehow finished his presentation, but the result was not satisfying for him. Why I couldn’t do it? He has become negative. But in a few days, gradually he changed his mind. Not yet he has found his own potential, and this opportunity was to recover his failure for better result. 

We don’t have to be too negative by just one bad evaluation, the important thing is to learn from it.

TM MZはしばらく調子が悪い中、仕事の大事な会議をこなしました。なんとか発表をしたけれど、結果は自分で満足できず。どうしてうまくできなかったのか…悲観的になっていく心。でも数日たち、少しずつ気持ちを切り替えました。今回はまだ、自分の可能性を見つけられなかっただけ。失敗は、もっと良い結果をこれから導くための機会。


TM IW: Are you enjoying your life?

TM IW presented a visual aid, which showed the history of human beings. His project of this speech was using effective visual aid. He explained the loooong history of the universe and the earth, and each life of us was tooooo short compared with the history. Life is full of up and down, he said. But what matters? The up and down of each life was just little thing, so we don’t have time to be negative in our short life.

Following the first speech of TM MZ, this his speech also encouraged us to live positively.

視覚的な効果を活用するのが今回のプロジェクトだったTM IWのスピーチ。彼が見せたのは、宇宙や地球の長~~い歴史を示した図でした。数十年、せいぜい百年ちょっとの私たちの人生、これらの歴史に比べたら、なんと短いことか。人生は山あり谷あり。でも、そのでこぼこなんて小さなこと。短い人生、悲観的になっている時間はない。

1人目のTM MZのスピーチに続き、前向きに生きるよう励ましてくれる内容でした。


TM OT: Bumpy Ride

When he introduced Toastmasters joke TM OT looked like a refined comedian, but this speech he started with showing his feeling that he wanted to be wrapped up in a blanket. He said he was not good at talk with strangers, but he had to attend a networking event, where he was to in a group with other 3 persons who met for the first time and know each other. He tried to memorize what kind of person each his member was. He knew face to face communication was important to do networking, and self-disclosure was the key to success.

軽妙なジョークを披露した時は洗練されたコメディアンのようだったTM OT。スピーチでは一転して「毛布にくるまっていたかった」という気持ちから語り始めました。知らない人と会話するのは苦手、でも、ある人脈作りの集まりに参加しなければいけなかった。そこでは初対面の3人とグループになり、お互いを知っていく必要がありました。それぞれどんな人かを懸命に覚えたTM OT。そして、人と直接会う場が大切であり、自分の心を開いて語るのが成功の秘訣であると語りました。


Then we had evaluation session, and selected best speakers. Thank you for this year, and let’s enjoy next year’s meetings!



Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is the first gathering in 2025, on January 11th from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://yokohama-youth.jp/kkspace/access/


The next time is special. We’re having Inhouse international speech contest. You can join us as a guest as usual, but it is not our regular meeting.

Our next regular meeting is on January 25th from 2pm at Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center, near Nihon-Odori or Kannai station.



Access to Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center (なか区民活動センターへのアクセス): https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/naka/kurashi/kyodo_manabi/kyodo_shien/kuminkatsudo/acsess.html


Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#423 Celebrating Christmas- クリスマスを寿ぐ

 Minato-Mirai TMC 423rd Meeting on December 14th, 2024

Meeting theme: Celebrating Christmas

Word of the DayWOD】:Year-end

 Merry Christmas! We had our December’s first meeting, with the theme “Celebrating Christmas”. Here you see many Santa!


This time started with Joke&Tips Session. TM IS introduced a book. The book is full of illustrations of sweets! It showed Japanese good, delicious things. Looks so yummy!

この日は軽い冗談やためになる情報を紹介するセッションから。TM ISが取り出したのは1冊の本。そこには、お菓子のイラストがたくさん!「日本のいいもの、おいしいもの」を見せるこの本、見ているだけでとっても美味しそう!


As Word of the Day showed it was Year-end (it is recommended to use the chosen word during the meeting), the questions of Table topic were also related to it. Looking back your new year’s resolution, is it completed? What is your resolution of 2025? …Umm, what was my resolution this year…do you remember?

この日のWord of the Day(本日の単語:例会で使うように努める言葉です)はYear-end(年末の~)。それにちなみ、即興で答えるTable Topicsの質問も年末に関連した内容。新年の抱負は達成された?来年の抱負は?…うーん、今年の抱負、何だっけ…?皆さん、自分の、覚えていますか?

<Prepared Speech Session>

TM JO: Do you see?

The title was something mysterious… TM JO started his speech as if he was a detective. He showed us a picture of Trevi Fountain. Many tourists just see the water and throw coins. But from another view, the architecture, statues are so attractive for designers. We see another thing even if we are in the same situation.

「あなたは見ている?」って、なんだか謎に包まれたタイトル… TM JOはあたかも探偵のように話し始めました。彼が見せたのは、イタリアの観光名所「トレビの泉」の写真。多くの旅行者は水面を見て、コインを投げ入れるだけ。でも違った視点で見ると、その奥の建築や像はデザイナーの目を引き付けるものばかりです。そう、同じ場所にいても、何を見るかはあなた次第。

TM NK: India

TM NK reported his business trip to India. The pictures he showed delivered us the alive atmosphere of this cheerful country. He said no one looked down there, people were powerful and diversity. Taking picture together, learning improvised Yoga lesson on the street… He strongly recommended to visit. Yes, I wish to go!

インドに出張した時の様子を報告したTM NK。スライドで見せてくれた写真はどれも、この国の生き生きとした陽気な雰囲気を伝えていました。「誰も下を向いていない、みんな力強く、多様な人たち」とTM NK。一緒に写真を撮ったり、道端で即興のヨガレッスンを受けたりしたそうで、ぜひ訪れるのをお勧めされました。行きたい!


TM OS: What we can learn by Mentoring

The master of Toastmasters, TM OS spoke about mentoring in Toastmasters Club. He said audience in our meeting is important, as well as each role. We cannot hold our meeting without audience, the nodding, laughing and crying of audience is essential to our speech club. Also being contestant is best way to skill up your speech, he emphasized. Yes, we will have our inhouse contest soon…!

トーストマスターズクラブのマスターとも言えるTM OSは、クラブでの「メンタリング」について語りました。例会にはいろんな役割が必要、でも、聴衆という役割も同じように重要。うなずいたり、笑ったり泣いたりする聞き手は、スピーチをするクラブには欠かせません。そして、スピーチを上達させるのにはコンテストに出場するのが一番だ、とも。そう、もうすぐクラブ内でのコンテスト…!


After prepared speech session, we had evaluation speeches as always.

But this day’s main person was him…? He was this day’s GRAHCO(Grammarian and Ah-Counter), and the sash said “I am today’s leading role!”.

その後はいつも通り、それぞれのスピーチへを評価するevaluation speech sessionでした。



Anyway, Congratulations on best speaker TM NK!

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

The next meeting is December 28th from 2pm at Yokohama city Shakai Fukushi Center in Yokohama city Health and Welfare Center Building, near Sakuragicho station.


  Address: 231-8482 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 横浜市健康福祉総合センター (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 Access: https://www.yokohamashakyo.jp/sisyakyo/map/

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html

