
# 407 Making new friendsー「広がれ、友達の輪」

Minato-Mirai TMC 407th Meeting on April 13, 2024 Meeting theme: Making new friends Word of the Day【WOD】:advocate

Minato-Mirai TMC 407th Meeting on April 13, 2024

Meeting theme: Making new friends

Word of the Day【WOD】:advocate 

<桜から新緑へ/ April showers bring May flowers>

Hello, everyone!! Do you have something new you would like to try!? 

From cherry blossoms to fresh leaves. Our hearts beat with excitement and hope in the spring breeze. With slight nervousness!? No worries!! Let’s open the door!!  


Induction Ceremony/ 新会員の仲間入り

™.JY!! Welcome aboard!! Thank you for joining us!! 

We’re so happy to have you as our member!! 

Let’s learn and have fun together♪♪ 


TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting was ™.OS. 

He introduced the meeting theme, “Making new friends.” 

He looked back at his high school memories. In the 1st grade, his classmates were all boys!! In the 2nd grade, there were girls in his classroom!!! “How can I talk to girls!!!?” Adolescence!! Lol. 

It was fun because he looked like a shy high school boy!!  Everyone, take a deep breath and smile. Let’s talk to others and make new friends!!





<Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ>

① SMさん「Messages as a survivor of the Great Hanshin Earthquake - 阪神大震災を生き抜いて」

The 1st speaker was ™.SM. It was his second time delivering this speech. Based on the feedback from the evaluator and members, he revised the script and improved the delivery. 


Yummy cakes, ice cream and snacks!! He was in a paradise filled with his favorites. He was a kindergarten kid and was sleeping happily. 

On January 17, 1995. the Great Hanshin earthquake happened. He lived in Koube, a center city of Hyogo prefecture. It was a nightmare. He couldn’t understand what happened. 

His family was safe but their house was half crapped and all infrastructure service stopped. 

They spent day and night at the nearest school gym. Thankfully, food and daily necessities were provided but it was hard and uncomfortable to stay there. His family needed to move to reconstruct their living. 

We heard the news of an earthquake in Taiwan. ™.SM would like to share his preparedness and mindset with the members based on his own experience and wounds, if you want to support people in need. 

Donate money.

Never forget. Your concern can be a great help and encouragement to someone.

Cherish your time with your beloved ones. It is not guaranteed to last for good. 

He is a survivor.  His words were full of love, appreciation and were truly authentic. 

一回目のスピーチ。「What I learned from the Great Hanshin earthquakeー阪神大震災の学び」これをブラッシュアップしたスピーチが今回。仲間からもらったフィードバックをもとに、よりよいスピーチに磨きをかけるのが今回のお題。

何が変わっただろうか!? まず、タイトルがよりインパクトのあるものに。そして、冒頭部分の被災した日の描写、地震が起こる直前、お菓子を食べる夢を見ていた様子は夢見がちに、その直後の激震から悪夢のような凄惨な現実へと移行する、コントラストがはっきり際立つようになった。





ゴゴゴゴゴ、ガガガガッ!!!!!!!! 何が起こったのかわからない、天地がひっくりかえるような激震で凄惨な現実に目覚めた。1995年1月17日。阪神淡路大震災が起きたのだった。







IM さん「Your Approach to learn a Foreign Languageー異なる言語の学び方」

Is there any perfect method for learning a foreign language?

“Everyone has his/her own cultural background. The ways of learning can be as unique as you are.” This is her belief based on her own experience. 

She tried to learn French and Cantonese. But French pronunciation was too difficult for her and Cantonese intonation was too complicated and she was discouraged. 

Then she became a teacher of Japanese as a second language in London. 

She said, “Repeat after me. Everyone, together!!” But one adult student, who was in the advanced level and a successful businessman, said. “I don’t want to repeat it with others, who are not good at it.” 

™.IM was surprised but understood the importance of being “student-centered” in the classroom. Nothing fits everyone. Personal/ Tailored guidance is a good option. 

Now we can understand why her evaluation/feedback is always warm and fruitful. She is a true teacher in this club. 









③ OTさん「2034ー十年後の未来」

™. OT led a panel discussion as a moderator. “2034” means the future 10 years ahead. 

The panelists were ™.IW, ™.OG and ™.JN. 

P: Politics (Wars and conflicts in the world)

E: Economy (GDP/ Development) 

S: Society (Population) 

T: Technology (AI and human) 

Based on the circumstances of the current world, they developed their ideas/ thoughts and shared the visions of the future. ™OT shared the information and led the discussion tactfully. 



「政治・経済・社会 ・技術」の4項目から、パネリストに様々な質問を投げかけ、未来予想図を描いてもらいました。



<Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ>

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 



General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator was ™.KM. She gave us insightful and encouraging feedback. She evaluated all evaluators, roletakers and the meeting in general. 


3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  SJさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) SSさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) KRさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support for the onsite and online members!!

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered.


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Left/ 左 )  ベストスピーカー賞:SMさん

☆Best Evaluator (Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:CTさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hi, I’m Yukiko. My lemon tree in the yard. My first lemon-picking!! Three lemons!!!

I have loved watching them through the window.  

I’m thinking about how to have them. A no-bake lemon cheesecake should be nice☆彡

I can find new sprouts on the branches. I’m looking forward to seeing the lemon flowers. 

A new season has started. See you at the next meeting♪♪







