
Welcome aboard!! 新年度!新たなる航海のはじまり- Minato-Mirai TMC 389th Meeting

Welcome aboard/ はじめに

The beginning of a new term. It’s like a new voyage with the greatest crew members .



Installation Ceremony/ クラブ役員就任式

Installation Ceremony was held. 

New officers, thank you for your service and dedication in advance!! 



・President/ 会長

・VPE, Vice President of Education 教育担当副会長(今年度はチーム組織)

・VPM, Vice President of Membership 会員担当副会長

・VPPR, Vice President of Public Relations 広報担当副会長

・Treasurer 会計

・Secretary 書記

・SAA, Sergent at Arms 会場担当

Our new president TM. IW said, “ Let’s make a lot of failures without fear.”

He encouraged us to make challenges and to develop ourselves. We follow you!! 

みんなが快適に学び過ごせるようにチームワークでクラブをバックアップしていく仲間です。新会長の IW さんは、こんなメッセージを贈ってくれました。





Induction Ceremony/ 新会員の仲間入り

 A new shining star joined our club!! We’re so happy to have you and support you!! 

新しい仲間 MK さんが加わりました!学びの意欲や、笑顔、真摯なコメントで早くもクラブの人気者!これからの活動が実り多いものになりますように!

TMOD/ 司会挨拶

The host of the meeting is called TMOD, Toastmaster of the Day. 

TMOD. KW started to talk about the meeting theme: “It’s a small world.”

When she was little, she dreamed a dream. “I want to make friends with people all over the world!!” Her dream has come true at this club. 

We respect our diversity: ages, gender, nationalities, professions and so on. Even if we have different backgrounds, we have something in common.  We learn public speech. We believe in the power of words. This international club represents our precious small world. 

今回の司会は KW さん。コツコツコツ。ハイヒールで登壇です。





Table Topics Session / 即興スピーチ

Our birthday girl, TM. KM served as Table Topics Master for the first time!! 

We enjoyed her questions very much and they helped us to get to know each other better.  

“Did you make a wish on Japanese star festival day, July 7th? What and Why?”

“Tell us about your most memorable birthday in your life.”

“What are the Pros and Cons of getting older?”  

即興スピーチの司会初挑戦の KM さん。


そして例会当日は KM さんの〇回目の誕生日!(おめでとう!)

「これまでで一番の思い出深い誕生日とは?」「年齢を重ねることのPros& Cons=いいこととそうでないことは?」みんなが興味津々に聞き、話す、楽しいセッションになりました。

Prepared Speech Session/  準備スピーチ

① SB さん「Sri Lankan Cooking Classースリランカ料理教室」

TM SB held a cooking class and party at the Sri Lankan embassy with her NPO associates. 

She enjoyed a lunch box wrapped in banana leaves and coconut milk pudding. “Sri Lankan food is rich in spices and so delicious”, she said. Food connects cultures and souls. 

「アジア婦人友好会」というNPOに所属する SB さん。スリランカ大使館のご好意で大使館にて友好会の皆さんとお料理&お食事会を企画・開催されたそうです。なんというスペシャルな会場!



②ADさん「Changes in the new termー新年度の変更点」

TM.AD is our new Treasurer in this term. 

She gave us a presentation mainly about our new club fee. 

“Bank balance, yen depreciation, exchange rate”...

She explained us with accounting terms and numbers. 

She looked like a professional banker!! 

But at the same time, she was a great public speaker. 

Her vocal variety captivated audience attention and her analysis sounded very convincing. Her proposal must be accepted. Bravo!!

今期、初めてオフィサーに就任された AD さん。会計を担当してくださいます。




③ OG さん「We can do itーぼくたちは成し遂げられる!」

Oggi 1

TM. OG dedicated himself as an officer/ Treasurer & VPE to this club 2022-2023.  

He let us look at the path we had taken and praised us with wonderful visual aides. 

We have loved our regular meetings, contests, events… Some members were acknowledged with their achievements. 

His presentation slides were filled with smiles, love and appreciation to the club members. 

His powerful and gentle words empowered us. 

The audience, especially his colleagues in the immediate past officer team, were greatly moved. We made it and we can do it from now on too. 





Speech Evaluation Session/ 論評スピーチ

Evaluators deliver their speeches to encourage the prepared speakers by appreciating their efforts and good points. They also give them suggestions to improve their speeches and delivery styles. 

In our daily life, it is very important to develop good relations among people by giving good feedback to each other. So, we can learn a lot from this activity. 

Today’s prepared speakers were good at content organization, beautiful visual aids, and sensitive analysis. 

The improvement points were having good eye contact with the audience, applying the target of each project to speech crafting and using bigger letters/fonts in their presentation slides. 

These suggestions meant a lot to the other members as well to improve their future speeches. 








General Evaluation/ 総合論評

General Evaluator. KR gave precise and heartwarming feedback to each role taker and evaluator. The words reflect her gentle personality which embraces the others.   


3 Assistants/ サポート三役

・計時係 (Timer)  SHさん

・集計係 (Vote Counter) KWさん

・文法「えーと」カウンター(Grahco/ Grammarian and Ah-Counter) HSさん

Thank you very much for your preparation and support!! 

Your explanations were clear, concise and wonderfully delivered. 


Award Presentation/ 結果発表

☆Best Speaker (Top/ 上)  ベストスピーカー賞:OGさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ 左) ベストテーブルトピック賞:OTさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ 右) ベスト論評賞:OSさん

Congratulations!! おめでとうございます!!

Invitaion to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のおさそい


Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.

We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  

We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.

You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html









Thanks/ あとがき

Hello!! I’m Yukiko, new Vice President of Public Relations. 

I’ve started to write this club meeting blog. 

“Is it possible to keep posting it regularly? It must be hard!!”

Maybe it’s true. 

At the same time, I think like this. 

This is not just a blog. Our diary. 

I’ll keep writing because I cherish every minute with the members.

It might take time and i might keep you waiting because I’m busy. Lol. 

But I’d love to record our days.

I hope you like it.   

Sincerely yours,  








大好きなこのクラブの「日記」を書こう☆彡そんな思いです。でも日曜日は仕事なので、ぼちぼちゆっくり書きます。1年間よろしくお願いします♪ Yukiko 
