


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?







最初はみなとみらいTMCのMzさんによるジョークセッション全体論評担当のGtさん曰く “みなとみらいのファニーガール”の彼女の話はいつも期待をうらぎりません。


すっかりウオームアップした会場の雰囲気の中、いよいよメインイベントの“準備英語スピーチセッション”の始まりです。 双方のクラブから2名ずつ4名の英語スピーカーが熱のこもったスピーチを展開。 みなとみらいTMCのNkさんのテーマは“チャンスは待っているだけでは来ない” 。

おなじくYgさんは”Time of my life”のテーマでどちらも素晴らしい英語スピーチでした。





English speech meeting report

Last Saturday on Dec.14 we had Minatomirai toastmasters club(MMTMC) had the joint meeting with Bashamichi toastmasters club(BTMC) who is one of our neighboring clubs.This joint event was planned and executed under the strong initiatives of leaders. President TM Fj (MMTMC) and President Im(BTMC). 

They opened the meeting together to promote further “collaboration” theme of the meeting. In this MinatomiraiTMC report, we will mainly cover the portions of our members participated.

The venue was the Yokohama Port Memorial Hall which remind us of the history of the port city of Yokohama. About 50 people from both clubs gathered for the event. The WORD OF THE DAY was “Extraordinary”. Yes, the meeting was surely extraordinary promoting strong collaboration of members from two clubs. Following the comical introduction of each club president, the master of ceremony TM. Fj took charge of proceeding the meeting.

The first of the program was “ Joke Session “ by Mz from Minatomirai.looks like the” Takarazuka lady” but she is “Funny Girl”.Her story is always humorous and never disappoint the audience.” Presentation session “ is unique to Bashamichi.TM.Kw introduced very nice story titled “Overcoming the division”.The Bashamichi report will better describe it, but it was a wonderful presentation about how the division can be fixed by something common as the value.

In the ”Prepared speech session” unique arrangement was made to make the best of the joint meeting and collaboration which is, Bashyamichi evaluator gave feedback to Minatomirai speaker and vice versa. It was exciting and even bit competitive atmosphere, but all players enjoyed this unique arrangement and so our audience.

From Minatomira, TM.Nk and TM. Yg delivered great speeches.They deserve praise for a good job representing Minatomirai...TM.Kt and TM. Yg did a good job as the evaluators. We are proud of all of them...The whole program ended with great excitement, and another memorable page was added to our club history. Great clubs can make a great joint meeting. 

Dear. Readers. If you are not yet a member of toastmasters, why don’t you push the door open for the opportunity to join us for the pleasure of communication?
