


横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?





例会が毎回異なる会場で行われると、不便と思われるかもしれませんが、毎回同じ会場を確保することは実際には非常に困難です。会場予約やセットアップを担当する会場係(Sargent at Arms)は、会場予約の毎月月初に朝の9時から並ばなければなりません。












いつものように素晴らしい例会でした。すべてのメンバーによる素晴らしい時間管理で時間が余る程でした。グッジョブ! (レポーター:Tr、邦訳:Kr)

English speech meeting report

Today the meeting was held in a different venue than the usual. We usually have ones at Shimin Katsudo Shien Center at Sakuragicho, but this meeting was at Naka Kumin Katsudo Center at Kannai. As a result, some of the courteous members were very kind to remind to all that the venue is going to be different.

It might sound inconvenient that the venue is different, but ensuring the same venue every time is actually extraordinarily difficult. Our past and current Sargent at Arms (SAA), who is responsible for the venue reservation and its setups, have been dedicating to secure the venue consistently, by lining up from 9 AM in front of the venue! Wow!

Wait a minute; it already is Reiwa-era. Why do we have to form a queue in front of the facility as if in Showa-era…? I mean, even Showa-era had telephone, so to avoid the users to form unproductive queue onsite and transportation to get there…

Let’s get back to the topic – the meeting report.

TM Bg was affected unfortunately, by the use of different venue this meeting, as she went to Sakuragicho, to see no one there.She managed to be at Kannai venue to perform the Joke and Tip Session, even though being slightly tardy.For the session, she switched the last minute to talk about a different topic - her most embarrassing moment.

It was when she over heated a pancake at a hotel’s microwave, causing the fire alarms to sound, forcing the people at the hotel to evacuate.Hearing the story, I recalled the day that I let a raw egg explode in a microwave, intended to cook soft-boiled egg, at a hotel that the microwave was placed in front of the hotel reception…Since then never have I cooked egg by microwave.

Prepared Speaker TM As talked about how he uses his diary to deal with his struggle that he faces at this moment of his career. He mentioned how the presence of Emma Watson helps him feel better about the situation. I think I will start incorporating Emma Watson in my life to make myself feel better when I am down. (to be clear, Emma Watson was just the stem of the story and not the main message…)

TM Sm evaluated a speech, in a impromptu manner. Minatomirai TMC has what is called “the Tuesday rule” that requires prepared speaker to send in the script to his evaluator, for a fruitful prepared evaluation. However today, TM Sm made a challenge.
TM Sm seemed to have done the evaluation fairly well. But he later confessed that he was coming up with many ideas of what to say, as he was delivering the evaluation, not being able to get to what he originally intended to say. However, that TM Sm is very intelligent, I believe that his impromptu speech will just continue to improve over time. Let’s learn from his improvements!


The meeting was great as usual. We for the first time in perhaps a year, ended with enough time remaining. What a great time management by all the members. Great job! (by TM Tr, member for less than three years)