
#419 It's our Oktoberfest! ―オクトーバーフェスト!

Minato-Mirai TMC 419th Meeting on October 12th, 2024

Meeting theme: Oktoberfest

Word of the DayWOD】:Figuratively Speaking

Finally, it was cool and sunny beautiful autumn day!

The theme of the first meeting in this October was “Oktoberfest”. Actually, the word is Germany and the original Oktoberfest is held in Munich. Nowadays the festival is held in many countries and it’s in now at Red Bricks in Yokohama. I’d like to visit the festival in the city someday… but one of our members told us that he had worked in Germany and enjoyed the festival many times! Envy you!




In the meeting, some table topics were also related to Oktoberfest, “what is your favorite festival in Autumn?” and so on. This day over half of our members were absent and there were 11 members and 1 guest, and 5 members answered each questions impromptly.


Prepared speech session

TM OG: Glico time

TM OG introduced his recent experience that provoked kind of nostalgy. Glico is one of a play we Japanese often played when we were children. One day he encountered a boy and his mother, and the boy was eager to play Glico with her on the way to his home. It was evening, almost time for dinner, but the mother agreed to play with him. The boy looked happy. 

TM OG thinks that these small memories with family is precious and remains for longtime. He met them near his parents’ home, when he visited there because his grandfather passed away. He also remembered his memories with his grandpa.

郷愁を誘う「グリコ」にまつわる最近の経験を語ったTM OG。日本人なら子どものころ遊んだであろう、相手とじゃんけんをして、勝った手の文字数だけ進んでいくちょっとした遊び。ある日、TM OGは帰宅途中の男の子と母親と会い、その男の子が「グリコ」を母親とやりたがっている声を聞きました。もう日が暮れて、夕食の準備をする時間。でも母親は一緒に遊ぶと言ってくれたようで、男の子はうれしそうでした。

ちょっとした、でも大切な家族との思い出。きっとこういう記憶は、大人になっても残る。TM OGが親子に会ったのは、祖父が亡くなり帰省した実家のそば。親子の姿に、おじいちゃんとの思い出が心によみがえったのでした。

TM MZ: AI is…!

What is AI? Is it useful for human? TM MZ has started his speech about AI. But soon something got strange in the atmosphere. The audience interrupted the speech with questions again and again. Yes, this is the project of the speech that “managing a difficult audience”. The speech time was 15 minutes (doubled than usual) and TM MZ had to finish his speech while managing the audience. 

Most of members joined interrupting the speech by questioning (with fun, definitely). TM MZ must have been hard time, but he didn’t lose his temper and finished the speech calmly. Good job!

続いてのスピーカーはTM MZAIとは何?人間にとって便利なの?といった話を始めたのですが、すぐに何か聴衆の様子がおかしくなりました。割り込んで質問を重ね、スピーチを邪魔するのです。そう、これがTM MZが挑戦した「難しい聴衆に対処する」というプロジェクト。通常の倍の15分というスピーチ時間で、横槍を入れてくる聴衆にその場でうまく対処しながら、スピーチをまとめなければなりません。聴衆はやや調子に乗って(私もですが、楽しみながら)かなり発言が飛び交ったのでTM MZは大変だったと思いますが、怒らず冷静にやり遂げました。お疲れさま!


TM IW: Toastmasters and Me

The third speaker was TM IW. He joined this Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club in 2007. Since he joined this club, he had been giving many speeches related to “Glocalization”, the word combined with globalization and localization. TM IW said that every role in our meeting was necessary for our club, same as business world.

 He emphasized that Toastmasters club is a good training place for our life, where we can challenge and make mistakes. In our real job, we have to avoid failure, but TM IW encouraged us saying, “let’s make mistakes, we can try anything in this club”. Thank you for wonderful message!

3人目はTM IW2007年にみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブに入ったベテランです。入ってからは「グローカリゼーション」に関わるテーマでたくさんのスピーチをしてきたTM IW。グローバルな広い視野を持ちつつ、ローカルな地域での活動をするのがグローカリゼーション。このクラブの例会での1つ1つの役割もまた、ビジネスの世界につながっていると語ります。


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

Our next meeting is on 26th, October! 次回は10月26日開催です!

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We
re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html



The next meeting is on 10/12 - Feel autumn breeze 次回は10月12日、秋の風に誘われてお越しください

★Invitation to the next meeting of 10/12★

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 12th, October from 2pm at Sakura Living in Pio City Building. 

 Address: 横浜市中区桜木町1-1 ぴおシティ6階 青少年交流・活動支援スペース (1-1 Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us:



#418 Autumn coziness ― 秋の心地良さ

Minato-Mirai TMC 418th Meeting on September 28th, 2024

Meeting theme: Autumn
Word of the Day【WOD】:Cosy
We feel more energetic when it gets cooler, it’s Autumn.
Having appetite, Watching movie, going to trip, and getting sleep more and more.
We are Minatomirai Toastmasters club members who enjoy new encounters and share each stories every meeting.


Today we started sharing Joke & Tips session by TM IM.
「How about watching movie in long Autumn night?」
She introduced the movie "Holiday" from Taipei. That was perfect for our feeling.
I really want to be nostalgic, is it because of Autumn or my age?  

本日はTM IMのJoke&Tipsセッションから。

Table Topic session is produced by TM JY (thru online).
We all assumed today’s question must be autumn related, but that was wrong. It was about China’s history.
However, TM JO tried that question. We were impressed by his courage.
Also, TM MK shared his holiday’s morning routine. He cooks Pizza for his lovely wife with delicious coffee.
I felt pathetic for my self by his actions... how wonderful gentleman he is.

Table Topicセッションはオンラインで出席のTM JYがお題を出しました。
テーマの「秋」でくると思いきや、「Chinaの歴史で知ってることは?」という誰も構えられなかったお題に、TM JOが果敢にTRYする姿に、メンバー達は感心。
また、TM MKは休日の朝、妻のためにピザを焼いて、おいしいコーヒーを淹れるルーティンを披露。
TM MKのイメージそのままの素敵な行動に、自分が情けなくなる筆者Nでした。

<Prepared speech session>

①TM JO: The Beginning of a Journey

JO was born in Brazil, on the opposite side of the world from Japan.
The miraculous encounter, it’s that we are talking together here was due to the decisions he made many times.
His unique path, which he has made with an eye to the future, has always shone brightly and will continue to do so forever.
That was a nice ice-breaking speech. And congratulations on winning the BEST SPEAKER award!

ブラジルという日本からいえば地球の間反対に生まれたTM JO。

②TM IS: My true leader

TM IS used to work at the famous IT company.
And it's so enviable that she had seen the revival of the company from inside!
Having witnessed the world's strongest leadership, she chose Toastmasters club as the training ground for her skills.
She's already given a fantastic presentation, but we can't wait to see how much she grows in the future!


③TM OT: 11%
TM OT delivered a lengthy 12-minute speech on the theme of  "Effective Coaching", with no problems.
His humanity was incredible as he candidly shared his bitter experiences from the past.
Because of his struggles, he shines today. This is the “DARUMA” spirit.
There is a background to every guideline. We were moved by his wonderful story for 12 minutes.

「Effective Coaching」というテーマをもって、且つ12分という長尺なスピーチを何事もなくこなしたTM OT。

④TM OS: Words of YAMAMOTO Isoroku
TM OS reinterpreted Yamamoto Isoroku's famous words.  He fired a cannonball that struck our heart as a leadership theory that was relevant to the modern era and to everyone.
The difficult thing about cultivating is to "trust, respect, delegate, and praise".
And "waiting" until they can do may be a big challenge for impatient Japanese people.
It was a great talk that is applicable to both business and child-rearing.

TM OSは山本五十六の名言を改めて捉えなおし、現代の、そして誰にでも通ずるリーダーシップ論として我々の胸に突き刺さる大砲を打ち込んでくれました。

Best Evaluator: TM CY
Best Table Topic Master: TM MK
Best Speaker: TM JO

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

★The next meeting is on October 12th! 次回は10月12日です!★

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 



The next meeting is on 9/28, tomorrow - Let's enjoy! 次の例会は9月28日、明日です!

 Invitation to the next meeting of 9/28

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 28th, September from 2pm at Hatoba Kaikan (波止場会館)  

Address: 横浜市中区海岸通1-1 (1-1 kaigandori Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa)

Access: http://www.y-port-kousei.or.jp/kaigisitsu/hatoba/access.html

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html




#417 Celebrate our achievement ―みんなでみんなの進歩を称えよう

 <Celebration growth/はじめに>

It’s still a hot summer. I am using an electric fan at full power.

Hello, I am SJ, a pinch hitter for the meeting report this time.

The theme for this meeting is “Celebrate Our Achievement”. We support each other’s growth, and today we’re here to cerebrate ourselves. Let’s have fun!

終わらない夏。デカい図体の子どもたちがエアコンをつけて快適に寝ている。クソッタレ。ブレーカーを落としてやった。(* ̄▽ ̄)フフフッ♪これで、奴らは苦しむに違いない。



914日に行われた例会のテーマは「Celebrate our achievement」。トーストマスターズクラブには、教育プログラムがあります。みんながどこまで進捗したかを確かめ、応援しようというクラブ会長の思いやり溢れる取組をテーマにしています。


Induction Ceremony/入会式>

We welcomed a new member today. TM MZ kindly introduced our new member, and everyone is so happy to welcome her. TM OG, our President, gave her the member’s certificate. Welcome, TM IZ!!



<Joke/Tips session / 役に立つオモロい話>

TM MZ introduced how people exchange business cards in Japan in a very funny way, comparing it to how we welcome guests in Toastmasters. We had a good laugh and felt heartwarming, thanks to him.


<Table topics session>

In this part, when the Table Topic Master asks questions, and we give an impromptu speech.

Have you ever been asked a sudden question in your daily life? In Toastmasters, you’ll improve your quick-thinking skills.



<Prepared speech session>

①CTさん: Pay it forward - 恩返しする時、バトンは受け継がれる」

TM CT spoke about the wonderful supports she received from her Mentor since joining Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club. It felt like she’s passing on a secret recipe named encouragement. In Toastmasters, mentoring is an endless cycle of growth and support, where everyone helps each other. The baton of encouragement is passed to the next runner.

What a wonderful system! I am sure here is the place where everyone feels ease and growth.




②NKさん: The wonder of ordinary-日常の普通が生み出す価値の不思議」

TM NK encountered a book, titled "Ordinary”. He discovered the priceless value into ordinary scenery and goods in daily life. He taught us how to enjoy a life using some beautiful slides.

TM NK’s speech helped me mentally organized. Let’s look up the sky and see the cloud moving for a while.




③FRさん: Then and Now - 一歩踏み出す、その先に」 

TM FR has lived in many countries with his family. He shared his exciting adventures, frustrations, and adaptations. As Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. He showed us the way of managing life and the importance of being curious and brave to step out of our comfort zone.

This speech reminds me of when I visited this club first time. This club opened me wider view and a better life.




④OSさん: My mentor – あなたの傍に。わたしのメンター」

TM OS has been a Toastmaster since 1996. In his first club in Japan, he lost his confidence because of a failure of speech. He decided to quit the club. But his mentor’s smile and encouragement helped him stay. 20 years later, he still hears her voice saying, “I’m always standing by you”.

I felt Toastmasters is the place where we support each other, and unforgettable meetings are waiting.




Award Presentation/ 結果発表>


☆Best Speaker (Center/ 中央ベストスピーカー賞:OSさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ ) ベストテーブルトピック賞:CTさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ ) ベスト論評賞:OTさん

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies, and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation, and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on the 2nd/4th Saturdays of every month.
You are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html


<Tea time/アフター>

After the meeting, we relaxed at a nearby open-air café.



Thanks/ あとがき

TM NK’s speech brought me out to the park near my house and found a rice field there.

Rice shortage is reported nowadays. I’ d like to take this occasion as a chance to feel gratitude. Also, we still have bread, noodles, meat, fish, and vegetables. I keep in mind, “Be thankful for what you have”, because Happiness is determined by our heart.





The next meeting is on 9/14 - Let's enjoy! 次の例会は9月14日です!

 Invitation to the next meeting of 9/14

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 14th, September from 2pm at Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center Room 中区民活動センター(区役所別館)

Address: 横浜市中区日本大通35中区役所別館 (35 Nihonōdōri Naka-ku Yokohama)

Access: https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/naka/kurashi/kyodo_manabi/kyodo_shien/kuminkatsudo/acsess.html

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html



Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 




#416 Our Summer Memories ―私たちの夏の思い出

 It’s still hot even it is the end of August… have you enjoyed your summer vacation? What are your summer memories? This day we talk about our summer and think of coming autumn. Let’s connect and spark! That’s our theme!



Minato-Mirai TMC 416th Meeting on August 24th,2024
Meeting theme: Summer Memories
Word of the Day

 Today we started from Joke&Tips session. Our president TM OG made us laugh with 3 English jokes.

今日はまず、軽いジョークや小話を紹介するセッションから。われらが会長のTM OGが3つの英語ジョークを紹介し、笑いを誘って場を和ませてくれました。


<Table topics session>

5 questions related to summer memories. Think what are your answers?

What are your summer memories?

What do you expect in coming Autumn?

Which do you prefer Summer or Autumn?

What is your achievement of new year’s resolution?


Do you think time is going fast?


<Prepared speech session>

TM OT : My Mama Always Said

The first speaker was TM OT, who joined our club recently. This was his first speech in this club. He had experienced TMC in the U.S. and his speech was so fluent. He explained what was important to live our life, and what we need to move on.

初めのspeaker TM OT は最近クラブに入会し、この日が私たちのクラブで初めてのスピーチです。アメリカでもトーストマスターズクラブに入っており、経験者ならではの流暢なスピーチを披露してくれました。いろんなことがある人生、生き抜くため、前に進むために大切なもの。じんわりと心にしみました。


TM HS: Second Penguin

Have you heard about the word “first penguin”? Then, how about the second one? TM HS told her experience about kayaking and why the “second” was important. If you can’t be the first one to do something, you can be the second who follow the first one. It’s also crucial role.

「ファーストペンギン」という言葉を聞いたことはありますか?では「2番目のペンギン」は?TM HMは、遊びに行ったカヤックでの経験から、初めの人に続く「2番目」の大切さを語りました。何かを始める人だけでなく、後に続く人もまた大事。分かりやすくなるほどと思わせるスピーチでした。

TM KW: New Chapter

TM KW changed her job recently in the same industry. She had her carrier as an expert of the job, so she had confidence that she could manage easier. But she faced cultural difference. Even in the same industry, the manuals are different. She started her new chapter with her positiveness. Good luck!

最近、同じ業界で転職したTM KW。経験があるからうまくやれるはず!と自信を持っていたけれども、会社が変われば文化も変わる。その違いに直面し、新たに学ぶ姿勢が大切と気づきました。前向きな気持ちで人生の新たな章を切り開いたTM KW、頑張って!


TM KM: Don’t have to be a pole

“You should be a telephone pole”. When TM KW started her job as a staff writer, she was told by an aged writer in her company. But is it really necessary? She introduced her story about mentor. There are various ways to skill up, so we can have different ways even if we do the same jobs. You can find your mentor who understands you.

TM KMは記者になった時、ある年配の記者から「電信柱になれ」と言われました。なぜ?本当に必要?語ったのは、メンターの存在について。同じ仕事をしていても、技術を磨くにはそれぞれの方法があり、違っていてもいい。いつか自分を理解してくれるメンターは現れるはず!

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: 
