
#417 Celebrate our achievement ―みんなでみんなの進歩を称えよう

 <Celebration growth/はじめに>

It’s still a hot summer. I am using an electric fan at full power.

Hello, I am SJ, a pinch hitter for the meeting report this time.

The theme for this meeting is “Celebrate Our Achievement”. We support each other’s growth, and today we’re here to cerebrate ourselves. Let’s have fun!

終わらない夏。デカい図体の子どもたちがエアコンをつけて快適に寝ている。クソッタレ。ブレーカーを落としてやった。(* ̄▽ ̄)フフフッ♪これで、奴らは苦しむに違いない。



914日に行われた例会のテーマは「Celebrate our achievement」。トーストマスターズクラブには、教育プログラムがあります。みんながどこまで進捗したかを確かめ、応援しようというクラブ会長の思いやり溢れる取組をテーマにしています。


Induction Ceremony/入会式>

We welcomed a new member today. TM MZ kindly introduced our new member, and everyone is so happy to welcome her. TM OG, our President, gave her the member’s certificate. Welcome, TM IZ!!



<Joke/Tips session / 役に立つオモロい話>

TM MZ introduced how people exchange business cards in Japan in a very funny way, comparing it to how we welcome guests in Toastmasters. We had a good laugh and felt heartwarming, thanks to him.


<Table topics session>

In this part, when the Table Topic Master asks questions, and we give an impromptu speech.

Have you ever been asked a sudden question in your daily life? In Toastmasters, you’ll improve your quick-thinking skills.



<Prepared speech session>

①CTさん: Pay it forward - 恩返しする時、バトンは受け継がれる」

TM CT spoke about the wonderful supports she received from her Mentor since joining Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club. It felt like she’s passing on a secret recipe named encouragement. In Toastmasters, mentoring is an endless cycle of growth and support, where everyone helps each other. The baton of encouragement is passed to the next runner.

What a wonderful system! I am sure here is the place where everyone feels ease and growth.




②NKさん: The wonder of ordinary-日常の普通が生み出す価値の不思議」

TM NK encountered a book, titled "Ordinary”. He discovered the priceless value into ordinary scenery and goods in daily life. He taught us how to enjoy a life using some beautiful slides.

TM NK’s speech helped me mentally organized. Let’s look up the sky and see the cloud moving for a while.




③FRさん: Then and Now - 一歩踏み出す、その先に」 

TM FR has lived in many countries with his family. He shared his exciting adventures, frustrations, and adaptations. As Albert Einstein said, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving”. He showed us the way of managing life and the importance of being curious and brave to step out of our comfort zone.

This speech reminds me of when I visited this club first time. This club opened me wider view and a better life.




④OSさん: My mentor – あなたの傍に。わたしのメンター」

TM OS has been a Toastmaster since 1996. In his first club in Japan, he lost his confidence because of a failure of speech. He decided to quit the club. But his mentor’s smile and encouragement helped him stay. 20 years later, he still hears her voice saying, “I’m always standing by you”.

I felt Toastmasters is the place where we support each other, and unforgettable meetings are waiting.




Award Presentation/ 結果発表>


☆Best Speaker (Center/ 中央ベストスピーカー賞:OSさん

☆Best Table Topics Speaker (Left/ ) ベストテーブルトピック賞:CTさん

☆Best Evaluator ( Right/ ) ベスト論評賞:OTさん

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies, and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation, and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on the 2nd/4th Saturdays of every month.
You are always welcome. We look forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html


<Tea time/アフター>

After the meeting, we relaxed at a nearby open-air café.



Thanks/ あとがき

TM NK’s speech brought me out to the park near my house and found a rice field there.

Rice shortage is reported nowadays. I’ d like to take this occasion as a chance to feel gratitude. Also, we still have bread, noodles, meat, fish, and vegetables. I keep in mind, “Be thankful for what you have”, because Happiness is determined by our heart.





The next meeting is on 9/14 - Let's enjoy! 次の例会は9月14日です!

 Invitation to the next meeting of 9/14

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 14th, September from 2pm at Naka-Kumin Katsudo Center Room 中区民活動センター(区役所別館)

Address: 横浜市中区日本大通35中区役所別館 (35 Nihonōdōri Naka-ku Yokohama)

Access: https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/naka/kurashi/kyodo_manabi/kyodo_shien/kuminkatsudo/acsess.html

 We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html



Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 

