


350th meeting outline

No. 350 is good round number. Despite that circumstance, We, Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club held 350th regular meeting on Saturday, 20th November via hybrid of zoom and on-site at Hatoba-kaikan.

ミーティングテーマ:Dream traveling
Word of The Day:glorious
ゲスト参加:2名 include 1 former-member

ベストスピーチ賞 Kwさん
ベスト論評賞 Myさん
ベストテーブルトピック賞 Tmさん

英語スピーチセッション/Prepared Speech Session

In the prepared speech session, 4 amazing speakers addressed the captivate speeches. 

The first speaker:Kt-san
Speech Title:Even though you can’t see it…

She is funny.... Despite in bottom of despair at that time by interview failure,  her cherish value indicated by her friend one day was successfully changed to strong point with persistently pursued. Which is very important, she says. 
TM Kt-san accomplished speech with hot high sense humor in spite of Osaka born always is required high hurdle of comedy. Kt-san is always charming, lovable, and familiar member for us. Every time she raise the corners of the mouth, make me happy, it is infectious. indeed!! Thank you!!

The second speaker: Iw-san
Speech Title: Chronologically Gifted
TM Iw-san, unfolded his thought what is important to lead life after elder phase with variety suggestion in PPT, meanwhile some aspects for trend of high aging society were shown. Especially, He says, the activity of Toastmasters result in substantial good effect for increase quality of life. Average expectation, the number of teeth and so on, quantitative evidence is most reliable than any words. And then, he said a couple of factor including muscle strength of leg parts and biting ability is important matter.  And also humanly warm communication give impact and vital for mental health, he added.


The third speaker:Kw-san
Speech Title:Bloom where you are planted
「先生になる?! とんでもない!!」と思っていた昔の自分を思い出させてくれたのは、同僚との交流。同僚の何気ない一言から大きく飛躍するさまには心奮わずにはいられませんでした。「先生みたい」で結実するシーンは、個人的にはこっそり一番感動する瞬間だと思います。また恩師からカードを送られる回想シーンは本当に大切にされていることがよく表現されていたと思います。手のひら・指の動き、そしてお花を取り入れた点も印象的でした。
"I, to be a teacher....No way!!! " she had thought that once ever. Even though that dream once gone away raised again in her heart by interaction with closed coworker. The scene revealed by intimate coworker's words "like my teacher" was most moved for me (it was  like a pay off  to sacrifice or destiny). And the scene where one card handing from beloved teacher was expressed her significant love. There were some impressive moments that  like a gesture used palm and finger and flower were attracted audience.

県大会までもうすぐ!!頑張ってください。Do your best and Enjoy it!!!

The fourth speaker:Og-san
Speech Title:Why did I choose MMTMC?
He told some episode including when he get interest in speech and when he determine join the club. his natural (isn't it?) gestures have given speech lived up. particularly, break a paper, refrain phrase, can of beer, there were very good and I want to try and apply these. And he have aggressive moment as if in front of lectern (probably, he was sober and saved). the skit contention devil and angel was also big laughing point, but more aggressive performance could be acceptable. moreover, the point I surprised was his gesture that hand placing and moving. really natural hand and palm movement was the best point I mention in his speech and he skillfully lead speech. I don't say t is irony like a pot wheel when an interview.

横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語ベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?


Interested in our club meetings? You are always welcome and it’s free!!!

At Minato-Mirai Toastmasters club, we enjoy practicing public speaking and making presentations in English, while at the same time learning leadership skills based on Toastmasters International guidance.
Our club core values are RESPECT, GROWTH, and FUN.
Please contact us here (click on Contact Us button on left menu) or email us at
  to join our meetings held every 2nd and 4th  Saturdays, from 14:00 to 16:00. 
Looking forward to your participation!


そして休憩後の後半はシューマン交響曲4番の美しい弦の響きに癒されました。やはりオーボエはvery goodです。トーストマスターの縁でクラシック音楽を楽しめるのはとても幸せです。


