


新任役員で7月13日に横浜市開港記念館で開催されたCOT研修(club officer training)に参加しました。本日の議題はズバリ"Pathwaysを普及させる為にはどうすれば良いか?"。日英クラブに分かれ、各クラブの普及率・開始していない理由・各クラブが行っている施策のシェアをしました。




Club officer training to learn "Leadership"

The Toastmasters Club is a place to learn leadership.

We, new officers, participated in club officer training held on July 13 at the Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall. Today's topic was "How should we do to spread Pathways?" We discussed this matter by each language club, and we shared opinions such as reasons, strategy, ratio and so on.

Our club's members have already started learning steadily, especially among newly joined members. Those who are not good at PC are also tackling on Pathways. Amazing!!

If you have any questions about Pathways, there is a wealth of information available on District 76's website, our club's website as well. It would be a good supportive material.

We are overwhelmed by Toastmasters' volunteer members' contribution!









Next English Speech Meeting

The club meeting will be held at Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center.
Our regular club meeting will have 3 sessions as follows.

- Table Topics (an impromptu speech competition)
- Prepared Speech (presentations in 5~10 minutes)
- Evaluation (Feedback to each prepared speech)

Guests are always welcome. Come and join us. Schedule is subject to change.
If you want to attend, please apply from this contact form.

English Speech Meeting Schedule

Aug 24, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama-shi Shimin Katsudo Shien Center
Sep 14, 14:00-16:00@Naka_Ward_Activity_Center
Sep 28, 14:00-16:00@Seisyounen_kouryuu_katsudou_space
Oct 12, 14:00-16:00@Yokohama Craftspeople Assembly Hall
Oct 26, 14:00-16:00@Naka_Ward_Activity_Center



横浜市中区桜木町周辺で活動しているみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブは英語スピーチを楽しく練習し、話し方、プレゼンテーション、リーダーシップを学ぶことができる場です。 幅広い年齢層、英語レベルのメンバーと一緒に楽しく学びませんか?





ベテランTMであるOsの司会進行の元、旧役員への労いの挨拶と新規役員の宣誓式が粛々と執り行われました。クラブ役員は7名で構成されており、円滑に例会を回す為に欠かす事のできない重要な役割にこれから一年間従事していきます。宣誓は一人一人がトーストマスターズ の象徴でもある“ジャベル“という木槌を持ちながら“I will“と誓います。今季役員に就任された方々の誓いの言葉の響きに決意の固さを伺い知ることができました。

その後、新会長Fuによる就任スピーチがありました。 ご自分の入会エピソードを交え、そこから陰ながらクラブを支えて来た事、入会から8年経て会長としてクラブの中心からクラブを運営することへの思いを女優のように魅力的な表現力をもって語られました。


続いて新会員の入会式です。今回アゼルバイジャン出身のRa, 旅行が趣味のOg, 既にクラブに馴染んでいるOnに入会前から高い意欲を感じさせるYoがみなとみらいトーストマスターズクラブに入会してくださいました。皆さん、クラブの雰囲気が気に入って入会してくださったとのこと。全員で会員誓約を唱え、新しいメンバーの入会を祝いました。


1人目はPathwaysよりアイスブレイクスピーチをするJa。初めてのスピーチとは思えない簡潔かつスムーズな構成で綴られた内容は、情報の伝え方を3つのキーワード 三角(3つのグループ)、丸(場所)、時間の観点から効果的に改善ができるというものでした。そのメソッドを使い自己紹介をされ、そのキーワードの効果を証明するような英語スピーチでした。彼女はまだ入会まもないメンバーなので、ますますの活躍が期待されます。




新しい会期を記念すべく、とても賑やかな例会となりました。新しい役員の就任を含め4人もの新しいメンバーを迎え入れる事ができ、複数のゲストが参加され(うち一名はインドのトーストマスターズのメンバー!)ますますクラブの勢いを感じる1日となりました。この例会報告も今回から総合論評者が担当する事になり、広報担当副会長Krの監修の元, クラブのHPに更新される事になりました。メンバーが主体性を持ってクラブ運営に携わる為の機会の一つになったのではないかと思います。各メンバーの目から見た例会報告はどのようなものになるのか、今後目が離せません!(レポーター:kr)

English speech meeting report

This was the first meeting since the new term has been started. The meeting was full of special events like the new officer’s Inauguration and the new member’s induction ceremony. The meeting was started from “New officer’s Inauguration”. 

TM Os who is one of the very experienced members of our club conducted the ceremony. The club officers consist of 7 positions. Each officer plays an important role in organizing regular meetings smoothly. When they pledged their responsibility, they say “I will” with a gavel. on their hands. The sound of words was filled with determination.

New President Fj delivered her impressive inaugural speech. She started her speech why she decided to join this club and expressed her feeling about how she has kept working for the club as a backstage player for 8years. She finished her speech with her wish which all members enjoy the meeting equally like rainbow colours. In the new member’s induction ceremony, our club welcomed 4 new members! 

Rs is the only member from Azerbaijan, Og is a travel lover, On already has felt comfortable in our club, and Ys is an enthusiastic learner! 
Each of them decided to join this club because of the friendly atmosphere and high skilled English meeting.

Prepared Speech Session

The first speaker was Jm. She delivered her first ice break speech. Her speech was about how to communicate effectively. In her speech, she explained about three key components of information which are “triangle-3 related groups”, “globe-place” and “time”. She made her self-introduction with her method. It would be useful in not only for in business but also in daily life.

The 2nd speaker was Nk. He delivered his memory of rookie’s contest. In his speech, he talked about the episode how As who is an immediate past president of the club encouraged him before the contest. Unfortunately, Nk could not achieve her target at that time. As tapped Nk’s shoulder and sent the message “Optimistic person can find opportunities even in a difficult situation”. From his speech, we can find how important to encourage members and Toastmasters is a good place to find nice members to learn together.

3rd speaker was Kr. He delivered his speech which is based on his experience of Toastmasters. He struggled to speak in English in front of audiences when he joined the club. He found out the difference between learning English for examination and speech delivery. Since then he changed his way of learning and gradually step up his speech skill. His speech proved his improvement throughout his effort!


Thankfully, the 294th regular meeting became an impressive memorial time because we could have new officers’ inauguration, 4 new members’ induction and then we had several guests! (one of them was from an Indian toastmaster club). That would make us feel that the club has gained momentum. We decided to attempt to implement a new task of General Evaluator which writes a meeting report since this meeting. The report will be updated after our VPPR edit. This expects to be a good opportunity for all members to involve in partly actively running the club. We will be able to enjoy reading various reports which are written at various point of view!