





まずはTable topics sessionです。Table topics masterOさんの、「今まで行った国で最も印象に残る国はどこ?」「あなたの地域固有の文化は何ですか?」と言った質問にアドリブで答えて行きます。Imuさんの香港のお話が印象的でした。広東語は難しそうです。。。 




Evaluation sessionでは、General evaluatorKさんが勤め、各スピーチにはAsさん、Tさん、Yさんに論評頂きました。Kさんの「論評はスピーカーだけでなく、論評者にも有益である」とのコメントが印象的でした。


本日のBest speakerは、Imuさん、Asさん、Adさんが受賞されて行きました。




English Speech Meeting Report

It is today's meeting report. I bumped into lots of Pika-chu (the character of the game "Pokemon") at Sakuragi-cho station!

Today's meeting started with President As' s greetings, Fuw 's TMOD, I' s "Joke & Tips" session. Since the regular meeting was cancelled due to the typhoon last time, members also faced their face for the first time in one month.

First, Table Topics speech session was held. Table topics master O asked the question, "Where is the most impressive country where you have been to the past?" "What is unique culture in your area?" Imu's story of Hong Kong was impressive. Cantonese seemed difficult. . .

Then prepared speech session was held. The first Ad's speech was "a list of 50 you want to accomplish in your life", the second person Fuj spoke episodes of her favourite activity travel, the third speaker Ima talked about a similarity between her hobby "serving the tea" and "Toastmasters club". Her comment "Toastmasters is a place where failure is allowed", was a good word.

Today's meeting was an unusual day. Because all speech was spoken in accordance with "Ice Breaker" (first of the project) in Pathways (a new manual of Toastmasters which switched from this year).

At Minato Mirai club, the material is changing steadily, and members are actively challenging. It is good for the club that experience has accumulated.

In the evaluation session, K who is a general evaluator, and As, T, Y commented for each speech as an evaluator. The comment that "Evaluation is useful not only for speakers but also for evaluators" by K was impressive.

Imu, As and Ad won the Best speaker!

Postscript: What I thought today is the importance of "flexibility". There was a slight error in the previous meeting.

Despite such a sudden situation, President As dealt with flexibility and made the atmosphere better. I generally decide what to say in prior to the meeting, but as it lacks flexibility, I really admire the agility of the President.