Minato-Mirai TMC 428th Meeting on February 22nd 2025
Meeting theme: What has surprised you recently?
Word of the Day【WOD】:exult / clarify
The theme of this meeting was "What has surprised you recently?" Surprise often comes from small discoveries hidden in everyday life or from unexpected events that challenge our assumptions. Through this theme, we had the opportunity to share our experiences and gain new perspectives. The surprises shared through speeches, evaluations and Table Topics became moments of exulting, learning and growth.
At the beginning of this meeting, TM HR presented Joke & Tips.
This session had an important role in creating a welcoming atmosphere.
The first joke featured a wise dog that detected a fire, escaped with its owner, but then remembered that “insurance claims require proof” and ran back into the burning house—a witty and unexpected punchline that had everyone laughing.
Another joke about Scottish frugality also brought great laughter. With humor and insight, the session set the stage for an enjoyable meeting. These jokes provided an element of surprise and insight, helping to energize the room and make the meeting even more engaging.
今回のミーティングの冒頭では、TM HRが Joke & Tips を披露してくれました。
<Table topics session>
In this part, when the Table Topic Master asks questions, and we give an impromptu speech.
Table Topics Master is TM SG!
The questions focused on life’s failures, mistakes, and lessons learned from personal experiences.
今回のTable topics MasterはTM SG!
1.What is the most important thing you have learned in your life experience?
2.What is the best advice you have received in your life experience?
3.What is the lesson & learn you have learned from your failures?
4.What is the lesson & learn you have learned from your mistakes?
<Prepared speech session>
TM TB: "Let's go to Jamaica!"
The speech "Let's go to Jamaica!" was a captivating experience that made us feel as if we were actually traveling through Jamaica. With vivid storytelling, the speaker brought to life the reggae music, Blue Mountain coffee, and breathtaking Caribbean beaches. The delivery was so engaging, it felt like watching a live stream from a top content creator. After this speech, it’s safe to say that at least a million new subscribers would have joined his channel!
今回のTM TBのスピーチ "Let's go to Jamaica!" では、まるで実際にジャマイカを旅しているかのような臨場感あふれる語りが印象的でした。レゲエ音楽、ブルーマウンテンのコーヒー、カリブ海の美しいビーチなど、ジャマイカの魅力を生き生きと伝え、まるで人気動画投稿者のライブ配信を見ているような楽しさがありました。このスピーチを聞いた誰もが「ジャマイカに行ってみたい!」と思ったことでしょう!
TM MD: "The reason to do volunteer"
The speech "The reason to do volunteer" provided a thought-provoking perspective on the true significance of volunteering. Beyond social contribution and personal growth, the speaker challenged us to consider what else we gain from volunteering. Emphasizing the importance of balancing our efforts within a manageable scope, the speech highlighted how creating a Win-Win relationship benefits both volunteers and recipients. It was an insightful speech that left the audience reflecting on their own approach to volunteering.
今回のTM MDのスピーチ "The reason to do volunteer" では、ボランティアの意義を深く掘り下げ、私たちに新たな視点を与えてくれました。社会貢献や自己成長だけでなく、何を得られるのかを問いかけ、聴衆に考えさせる内容でした。また、無理のない範囲でボランティア活動し、双方にとってWin-Winの関係を築くことの重要性にも触れ、実践的な視点を提供してくれました。聞き終えた後、自分のボランティアのあり方を見直したくなるスピーチでした
TM HR: "Speaking English Properly"
In the speech "Speaking English Properly", TM HR shared valuable insights from their extensive experience in the airline industry, emphasizing the importance of speaking English correctly. The explanation of how small differences in words, such as "Yes" vs. "Yeah," can create a negative impression was both surprising and enlightening. The practical phrases like "I admired" and "you did a good job" were especially helpful, and the audience truly admired TM HR’s deep knowledge.
今回のTM HRのスピーチ "Speaking English Properly" では、航空会社での豊富な経験をもとに、正しい英語の重要性について深く語られました。文法や言葉の使い方で相手に与える印象について、特に「Yes」と「Yeah」の違いを例に挙げ、納得できる内容でした。ビジネスや交流の場での会話に役立つフレーズも紹介され、実践的であり、聴衆はTM HRの深い知識に感服しました。
TM SN: Keep Running with Gratitude"
In the speech "Keep Running with Gratitude", TM SN highlighted the importance of continuing to strive with gratitude. Using life's challenges as a metaphor for running, they emphasized how maintaining gratitude can help us overcome tough situations. The touching story of realizing the deep care from their brother despite childhood challenges left a lasting impression, as it became a source of motivation to keep moving forward.
今回のTM SNスピーチ "Keep Running with Gratitude" では、感謝の気持ちを持ちながら努力し続けることの重要性が語られました。人生の挑戦を走ることに例え、どんな状況でも感謝を忘れずにいることが力になるというメッセージが心に響きました。特に、兄からの深い思いやりに気づき、努力を続けるモチベーションが生まれたという感動的なエピソードが印象的でした。
<Award Presentation/結果発表>
☆Best Speaker ベストスピーカー賞:TM HR
☆Best Table Topics Speaker ベストテーブルトピック賞:TM TR
☆Best Evaluator ベスト論評賞:TM MS
<Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!!
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html