
#416 Our Summer Memories ―私たちの夏の思い出

 It’s still hot even it is the end of August… have you enjoyed your summer vacation? What are your summer memories? This day we talk about our summer and think of coming autumn. Let’s connect and spark! That’s our theme!



Minato-Mirai TMC 416th Meeting on August 24th,2024
Meeting theme: Summer Memories
Word of the Day

 Today we started from Joke&Tips session. Our president TM OG made us laugh with 3 English jokes.

今日はまず、軽いジョークや小話を紹介するセッションから。われらが会長のTM OGが3つの英語ジョークを紹介し、笑いを誘って場を和ませてくれました。


<Table topics session>

5 questions related to summer memories. Think what are your answers?

What are your summer memories?

What do you expect in coming Autumn?

Which do you prefer Summer or Autumn?

What is your achievement of new year’s resolution?


Do you think time is going fast?


<Prepared speech session>

TM OT : My Mama Always Said

The first speaker was TM OT, who joined our club recently. This was his first speech in this club. He had experienced TMC in the U.S. and his speech was so fluent. He explained what was important to live our life, and what we need to move on.

初めのspeaker TM OT は最近クラブに入会し、この日が私たちのクラブで初めてのスピーチです。アメリカでもトーストマスターズクラブに入っており、経験者ならではの流暢なスピーチを披露してくれました。いろんなことがある人生、生き抜くため、前に進むために大切なもの。じんわりと心にしみました。


TM HS: Second Penguin

Have you heard about the word “first penguin”? Then, how about the second one? TM HS told her experience about kayaking and why the “second” was important. If you can’t be the first one to do something, you can be the second who follow the first one. It’s also crucial role.

「ファーストペンギン」という言葉を聞いたことはありますか?では「2番目のペンギン」は?TM HMは、遊びに行ったカヤックでの経験から、初めの人に続く「2番目」の大切さを語りました。何かを始める人だけでなく、後に続く人もまた大事。分かりやすくなるほどと思わせるスピーチでした。

TM KW: New Chapter

TM KW changed her job recently in the same industry. She had her carrier as an expert of the job, so she had confidence that she could manage easier. But she faced cultural difference. Even in the same industry, the manuals are different. She started her new chapter with her positiveness. Good luck!

最近、同じ業界で転職したTM KW。経験があるからうまくやれるはず!と自信を持っていたけれども、会社が変われば文化も変わる。その違いに直面し、新たに学ぶ姿勢が大切と気づきました。前向きな気持ちで人生の新たな章を切り開いたTM KW、頑張って!


TM KM: Don’t have to be a pole

“You should be a telephone pole”. When TM KW started her job as a staff writer, she was told by an aged writer in her company. But is it really necessary? She introduced her story about mentor. There are various ways to skill up, so we can have different ways even if we do the same jobs. You can find your mentor who understands you.

TM KMは記者になった時、ある年配の記者から「電信柱になれ」と言われました。なぜ?本当に必要?語ったのは、メンターの存在について。同じ仕事をしていても、技術を磨くにはそれぞれの方法があり、違っていてもいい。いつか自分を理解してくれるメンターは現れるはず!

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: 



The next meeting is on 8/24 - You are always welcome!次回は8月24日、見学もお待ちしています!

Invitation to the next meeting of 8/24

We Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club are holding the next meeting on 24th, August 14:00-16:00 at Sakura Living, near Sakuragicho station.


You can also join us online. We welcome you as our guest. Please feel free to contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html


Sakura Living (Sakura Pio City 6th floor)
6th floor of Sakura Pio City Building, Sakuragicho 1-1, Naka Ward, Yokohama-shi

Subway(Blue Line) : About 1 minutes walk from Sakuragicho Station
JR Negishi Line : About 3 minutes walk from Sakuragicho Station


最寄り駅:市営地下鉄 木町駅 より徒歩1分 または JR 木町駅より徒歩3分



#415 What a perfect summer day! ―完璧な、この素晴らしき夏の例会!

It’s so hot these days! The first meeting of August, the theme was “What a perfect summer day”! We should be careful of deadly hot weather, then let’s enjoy wonderful summer!

This day we welcomed a new member! We had induction ceremony first. Also, we had 2 guests from another Toastmasters club. We always welcome guests from anywhere!




Minato-Mirai TMC 415th Meeting on August 10th,2024
Meeting theme: What a perfect summer day
Word of the Day

 The word of the day was “awesome”. Our GRAHCO TM IM of this day gave us memo and taught us the detailed meanings of the word. As if she was our English teacher, especially when she said “repeat after me”!



<Table topics session>

Great questions related summer! 夏にちなんだ質問に4人が即興で答えました!

What is your favorite summer food or drink?

What was your most memorable summer vacation?

If you could spend a perfect summer day… who would it be, and what you do together?

If you could spend a perfect summer day in any location… where would you like to go?


<Prepared speech session>

TM JN Mother-Daughter Adventure

The first prepared speaker for this meeting was TM JE. She introduced her wonderful travel with her mother. She booked gorgeous hotel for mother, but at the night, her mother said…?! TM JN had great skill of acting and was good at using vocal variety, we enjoyed her adventure and love story.

この日最初のspeakerTM JN。母親との素敵な旅行の話です。豪華なホテルを予約し、楽しんでもらおうと迎えた旅先の夜、でも母親が言い出したのは…?迫真に迫る演技や声色を駆使し、一筋縄ではいかない家族の、でも愛のある話にみんな引き込まれました。

TM OSWhat will motivate you

The second prepared speaker was TM OS. Usually, a prepared speech time is 5-7 minutes, but today’s his speech was to 18-22 minutes, because of his project. But he succeeded to capture our interest from beginning to the end about our motivation, with his skillful technique.

次のspeakerTM OS。通常、準備スピーチは57分なのですが、今回のTM OSさんの場合は取り組んでいるプロジェクト上、1822分と長時間。しかしさすがの熟練の技術で終始飽きさせず、私たちの行動の動機付けとなるものについて語ってくれました。

TM MZ07734

…What the title means?! The third speaker TM MZ explained the meaning. Try the numbers with digital font and upside down…? His speech was about pager, the device that many teenagers used when he was also younger. He emphasized that although communication tool was changing, we can deliver our message same.

07734って、何?スピーチタイトルの意味を解き明かしながら、3番目のspeaker TM MZが語ったのは、ポケベルの思い出。彼がティーンエージャーのころ、多くの同世代が使っていたコミュニケーションツールです。使うツールは変わっていくけれど、思いを届けようとする気持ちは同じだと力説してくれました。


Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>
Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: 



#414 It's our festival! ―われらのお祭り!

Minato-Mirai TMC 414th Meeting on July 27th, 2024

Meeting theme: Festival

Word of the DayWOD】: flamboyant

This day’s meeting was held under the theme of “festival” in honor of the Olympics game in Paris.
Some members dressed in Olympic colors and prepared props related to the Olympics, and the venue was filled with Olympic-like enthusiasm, making for a wonderful meeting.


<Table topics session>

    What is your most important summer item?


    What is your favorite summer situation?


    There are songs that represent summer, what is your favorite song in summer?


    The Olympics is held in France, what sports would you like to see?


    If you could create a new Olympic event, what kind of event would you like to create? 



<Prepared speech session>

TM OGKeep Running 100 years

The first speaker of this meeting was TM OG.
He spoke about his own childhood struggles and emotionally expressed the importance of hard work and the importance of the great support of those close to him.
今回の最初のspeakerは、TM OG。自身の子ども時代の葛藤を語り、努力の大切さと身近な人の大きな支えの大事さを感情豊かに表現してくれました。

TM IMFireworks Night

The second prepared speaker was TM IM. With the theme of fireworks, perfect for summer, and practical tips on how to enjoy fireworks and a few jokes, we were captivated by TM IM's world of fireworks.

2番目のspeakerは、TM IM。夏にぴったりの花火をテーマに、花火の楽しみ方の実用的なヒントやジョークも交えながらのスピーチで、花火の世界に魅了されました。

TM OSIt's hard to be patient

The third prepared speaker was TM OS. The subtleties of the heart at work and in family life were spoken emotionally, and we were impressed by his willingness to learn from whatever he encountered. The wonderful vocal variety and body language overwhelmed everyone from start to finish.
番目はTM OS。仕事や家庭生活における心の機微が切々と語られ、どんなことからでも学ぼうとする姿勢に感銘を受けました。素晴らしい声のバリエーションと身振り手振りに終始圧倒されました。

Invitation to our club as a guest/ ゲスト参加のお誘い>

Minato-Mirai Toastmasters Club has a rich variety of members with different nationalities, age groups, professions, hobbies and so on.
We enjoy learning public speech, presentation and leadership together.  
We hold our meetings 14:00-16:00 on 2nd/4th Saturdays every month.
You are always welcome. We’re looking forward to seeing you!! 
Contact us: https://minatomiraitmc.blogspot.com/p/contact.html

